
Workshop descriptions & downloadable resources!

You can tailor resources specific to your geographical location and university.

Core Principles in Mentoring (Excerpt from CIMER)

Specific resources for mentees (left) and mentors (right). The mentor resource may be more applicable for faculty mentors.

For Mentors- Core Principles in Mentoring Relationships.docx
For Mentees- Core Principles in Mentoring Relationships.docx

Downloadable Spreadsheets

Specific resources for class planning (left), grades (center left), scholarships/grants (center right), and time management (right).

Class Planning Worksheet.xlsx
Grades Worksheet.xlsx
Scholarship and Grants Worksheet.xlsx
Time Management Schedule Worksheet.xlsx

Peer Mentoring

Starting a Peer Mentorship Program

Ideas for Starting a Peer Mentorship Program.docx
Pion Program Peer Recruitment Conversation Template.docx
Pion Program Peer Recruitment Email Template.docx
Peer Mentorship Pairings Worksheet.xlsx

Monthly Pion Mentorship Meetings

Pion Mentoring First Meet.pptx
Pion Mentoring Second Meet.pptx
Pion Mentoring Third Meet.pptx

Faculty Mentoring

Starting a Faculty Mentorship Program

Ideas for Starting a Faculty Mentorship Program.docx
Pion Program Faculty Recruitment Conversation Template.docx
Pion Program Faculty Recruitment Email Template.docx
Faculty Mentorship Pairings Worksheet.xlsx

Professional Mentoring

The Society of Physics Students and Sigma Pi Sigma provide opportunities for members, SPS alumni, and professionals to engage with local chapters and members through unique interaction experiences. These connections help to form our national community and provide avenues for sharing experiences, advice, and support. These interactions can be speaking engagements virtually and in-person, professional development opportunities, mentorship, and other interactions. This is an excellent resource for chapters looking to engage with local and regional alumni and the broader community.