PKMN comic lore

Establishing lore that isn't explicitly stated in the comics but are found in comments. CTRL+F to search for specific terms.

Updated 10-7-2024 0137.0233.0474 PORYGON/PORYGON2/PORYGON-Z.

#0000 HUMANS: Humans are a species of Pokemon. Humans can evolve into different Pokemon upon death based on evolution conditions much like Eevee. Some are required to die in a forest, some are required to die on a mountain, some are required to have invested enough time into a certain skill, etc. Humans that don't meet evolution criteria can become wandering spirits that can influence the birth of other Pokemon such as Sandygast. 

#0019.0020 RATTATA/RATICATE: Despite some having human-level intelligence, Rattata is a staple for many meat-eating Pokemon. They have a short lifespan. 

#0029.0030.0031 NIDORANF/NIDORINA/NIDOQUEEN: NidoranF can only evolve once it is pregnant. The evolution is to help protect the egg.  They grow sad when their children leave the nest. They're the primary caretakers of orphans and foster kids. Support groups exist solely of the Nidoqueen line who lost their egg and are unable to produce another due to a Nidoqueen's and Nidorina's natural infertility. Recent advancements in technology might allow a Nidoqueen a second chance at another egg in fertility trials. NidoranF is taught by others early on to recognize what a Moon Stone looks like to avoid it at all costs. A darker snout tip and sparkly horn on a Nidoqueen is more attractive to a Nidoking. A Nidoqueen is one of the only creatures that can calm its mate down during a rampage. 

#0032.0033.0034 NIDORANM/NIDORINO/NIDOKING: Nidoking are known for having a short temper and a penchant for fighting.

#0095.0208 ONIX/STEELIX: They are silicon-based life forms. Its internals are akin to the metamorphic process (of which most of the Earth's crust is made of); producing heat and pressure to crush the rocks it eats. They excrete diamonds as waste. 

#0096.0097 DROWZEE/HYPNO: Both Drowzee and Hypno are naturally malicious.

#0132 DITTO: Like amoeba, they have little intelligence.

#0133.0134.0135.0136.0196.0197.0470.0471.0700. EEVEE/VAPOREON/JOLTEON/FLAREON/ESPEON/UMBREON/LEAFEON/GLACEON/SYLVEON: Sylveon evolve by loving someone outside of their family beyond infatuation and have taken a great risk for the lover (based on the individual so each Sylveon may have a different story as to how they evolved). Eevees do not need evolution stones to evolve. If an Eevee spends a lot of time around water, they'll naturally evolve into a Vaporeon. If it spends a lot of time around electrically charged Pokemon or fields (example: Amp Plains), they'll turn into Jolteon (and if an Eevee gets hit by lightning, they turn into a special form of Jolteon). Etc. That being said, evolution stones still exist naturally and can evolve them. Espeon and Umbreon are based on friendship still. | Glaceon's saliva is made of liquid nitrogen.

#0137.0233.0474 PORYGON/PORYGON2/PORYGON-Z: In all three versions of Porygon, the song it plays when prompted is Daisy Bell.

#0148.0149.0150 DRATINI/DRAGONAIR/DRAGONITE: The line lives around a millennia. They live long in each evolution stage if they choose to evolve naturally. In stable environments, many choose to remain as Dratini. No reason for migration. Migration occurs only in the harshest of climates. Dragonair has the ability to temporarily change the weather. It can help them move out of harsh climates more safely. I'm guessing that Dragonite is not a preferred form for the Dragonite line. Dragonite are rare in the wild. They may fly to an island where only other Dragonite are. The lifestyle of Dragonair and Dragonite seem very different. It might mean they aren't compatible after evolving. I'd wager most stay as Dratini or Dragonair.

#0150 MEWTWO: Some Mewtwo clones are naturally malicious. Their presence in the comics confirms that humans once existed in the comic's universe. 

#0175.0176.0468 TOGEPI/TOGETIC/TOGEKISS: A small percentage of Togepi, around 5%, have been found to exhibit signs of psychopathy. None of the Togepi found in this percentage have been shown to be able to evolve. 

#0245 SUICUNE: All bodily fluid from Suicune has a purifying effect. 

#0280.0281.0282 RALTS/KIRLIA/GARDEVOIR: In some cultures, male Kirlia is expected to go through a "coming of age" ritual. If they fail to pass, they're stuck evolving as a Gardevoir. They must find a Dawn Stone in order to evolve. Dawn Stones used to be found around Victory Road or Mount Silver, so it must have been a feat. 

#0285.0286 SHROOMISH/BRELOOM: Shroomish and Breloom can be found in different variants of poisonous and nonpoisonous. The non-poisonous variants will always have the Poison Heal ability; dangerous mushroom variants will always have the Effect Spore ability. Technician is not affected by the variant of mushroom, though non-dangerous variants are more likely to inherit it. It's a recessive ability in the Breloom line.

#0316.0317 GULPIN/SWALOT: Gulpin evolves based on how much it consumes.

#0568.0569 TRUBBISH/GARBODOR: Trubbish evolves based on how much it consumes.  Trubbish defecates to Autotomize.

#0605.0606 ELGYEM/BEHEEYEM: Beheeyem are naturally malicious. Many are in positions of research. 

#0610.0611.0612 AXEW/FRAXURE/HAXORUS: Their evolution is based on intelligence. The more knowledge they get, the more likely they will evolve. Their culture revolves around intelligence. One is not likely to find a mate if they do not know much. They pride themselves on their memory. They will not write down the history of their people; instead, they prefer to spread it through oral stories. 

#0624.0625.0982 PAWNIARD/BISHARP/KINGAMBIT: In order for a Bisharp to evolve, it must slay a Dragon-type Pokemon.

#0659.0660 BUNNELBY/DIGGERSBY: Bunnelsby is considered by many to be barbarian (doesn't have human-level intelligence).

#0677.0678 ESPURR/MEOWSTICM/MEOWSTICF: Female Meowstic are naturally malicious.

#0679.0680.0681 HONEDGE/DOUBLADE/AEGISLASH: They are essentially vampires. Every cut they make via direct contact, they absorb the blood drawn for energy. They also drain your soul energy when you wield them.

#0686.0687 INKAY/MALAMAR: Malamar are naturally malicious. Malamar are considered the most dangerous Pokemon on the planet and probably had their population genocided to extinction long ago.

#0744.0745 ROCKRUFF/LYCANROC: Their evolution is based on how much of their high-impact life experiences happen during a certain time of day. A large percentage of Midnight Lycanroc have at least one criminal conviction.

#0786 TAPU LELE: Tapu Lele are naturally malicious. 

#0800 NECROZMA: Necrozma is naturally malicious but is barbaric (doesn't have human-level intelligence). It's like a tiger. 

#0824.0825.0826 BLIPBUG/DOTTLER/ORBEETLE: Around 30% of the Orbeetle population is naturally malicious.

#0856.0857.0858 HATENNA/HATTREM/HATTERENE: Hatterene is naturally malicious. Like Malamar, they are likely to have been genocided to near extinction.

#0859.0860.0861 IMPIDIMP/MORGREM/GRIMMSNARL: Considered the fools/donkeys of the universe.

#0870 FALINKS/FAILINKS: When Falinks faints, it revives as Failinks. Failinks is unable to withstand one attack, but the caveat is that it gains the ability Wonder Guard, so only a super-effective move can take it down with its new Ghost/Fighting typing. 

#0957.0958.0959 TINKATINK/TINKATUFF/TINKATON: They're considered by many to be barbarian (doesn't have human-level intelligence).