Davide Pini

Dipartimento di Fisica "A. Pontremoli", Università degli Studi di Milano

Research activity

Equilibrium thermodynamic and structural properties and phase behavior of liquids and soft matter by liquid-state theory and density-functional theory

Mesophases in a fluid with competing interactions
Mesophases in a fluid with competing interactions
Cluster formation in fluid of ultra-soft particles on a sphere
Exotic phases in a binary mixture of Gaussian particles
Cluster formation in a fluid of ultra-soft particles on a sphere

Exotic phases in a binary mixture of Gaussian particles

Recent publications

  • S. Franzini, L. Reatto, and D. Pini, "Formation of cluster crystals in an ultra-soft potential model on a spherical surface", Soft Matter 14, 8724 (2018).

  • M. Weissenhofer, D. Pini, and G. Kahl, "Ordered structures formed by ultrasoft, aspherical particles", Mol. Phys. 116, 2872 (2018).

  • D. Pini, "Some general features of mesophase formation in hard-core plus tail potentials", Soft Matter 14, 6595 (2018).

  • M. Teruzzi, D. Pini, S. Rossotti, D. E. Galli, and G. Bertaina, "Static density response of one-dimensional soft bosons across the clustering transition", J. Phys.: Conf. Series 1041, 012009 (2018).

  • D. Pini and A. Parola, "Pattern formation and self-assembly driven by competing interactions", Soft Matter 13, 9259 (2017).

  • S. Rossotti, M. Teruzzi, D. Pini, D. E. Galli, and G. Bertaina, "Quantum critical behavior of one-dimensional soft bosons in the continuum", Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 215301 (2017).

  • A. Mkanya, G. Pellicane, D. Pini, and C. Caccamo, "Theory and computer simulation of hard-core Yukawa mixtures: thermodynamical, structural and phase coexistence properties", J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29, 365102 (2017); 29, 439501 (2017).


  • Liquid- and Soft-Matter Physics (Laurea Magistrale in Fisica)

  • Exercises on Fundamentals of Electromagnetism (Laurea Triennale in Matematica)