Our Champions



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Pinecrest Kennels Perm. Reg’d. has bred & owner-handled, well over 50 Pomeranian dogs to their many multiple championships - Canadian/American/International & various European - with many more pointed, & have won multiple Best in Show, Best Puppy in Show, Reserve Best in Show, Best Puppy in Toy Group, Toy Group Winners/Placings, & Best of Breeds.       



                          HOME-BRED POMERANIAN CHAMPIONS


Legend - BPIG = Best Puppy in Group, MBPIG = Multiple BPIG, BPIS = Best Puppy in Show, BISS = Best in Specialty Show,  BPISS = Best Puppy in Specialty Show


               (photo below name - date indicates year dog achieved first Championship)



BPIG AM/CAN CH.Pinecrest's Mannequin (orange sable M) - 2007

CH. Pinecrest’s Bambino (orange F) - 2003

BPIS BPIG CH.Pinecrests The Great Pumbaa (black & tan M) - 1999


BPIG CH. Pinecrest’s Kahlua N’Kreme (orange F) - 2000


MBPIG CH.Pinecrests Its Crystal Clear ROM (light orangeF) - 2000

   Crystal at 10 yrs old 

   Crystal at 6 months old 

CH. Pinecrest’s The Great Martini (orange sable M) - 2003

CH. Pinecrest’s Ostentacious ROM (red M) - 2001

Osten at 7 years old        Osten at 1 year old

CH. Pinecrest’s Bacardi (cream sable M) -2002

CH. Pinecrest’s Charismatic (red F) - 2002

BPIG CH. Pinecrest’s Razzamatazz (orange F) - 2001

CH. Pinecrest’s Super Sonic (orange M) - 2001

MBPIG CH.Pinecrest’s Maverick Sensation (orange M)-2003 (owned by Sue Betts) 


CH. Pinecrest’s Shimmer ROMX(red F) -2005


 BPIS RBIS MBPIG CAN. BELGIUM & LUX. CH. Pinecrest’s Cecilia (orange F) - 2004 (owned by Ingrid Gunn)

BPIG CH.Pinecrest’s Smoke and Fury (orange sable M) - 2005

MBPIG CH. Pinecrest Joke's On You (orange M) - 2005

BPIG CH. Pinecrest’s Angelique (cream sable F) - 2005

BPISS BPIG CH. Pinecrest Mister Twister (orange M) -2003

MBPIG CH. Pinecrest’s The Titan (orange M) - 2005

 BPIG CAN/AM Russian, Kazakhstan, Usbekistan, Belarus, Poland CH.Pinecrest's My Boy Troy (orange M) - 2006 (owned by Alexandra Likoded)



INT’L CH. Pinecrest’s Perfect Pavarotti (orange M) - 2004 (owned by Walda Green)


CH. Pinecrest's Lady Godiva (orange F) - 2006


MULTI CH. Pinecrest's Powerball (orange M) - 2006 (owned by Maria Jose Guerrero Quintanilla)


GILBRALTAR INTL CH.Pinecrest's Arwen Undomiel (red female) -  2006 (owned by Maria Jose Guerrero Quintanilla)




BPIG. CH.Pinecrest's Glisten (orange F) - 2007


BPIS MBPIG CH.Pinecrest's Little Miss Sunshine (Orange Sable F) - 2007

CH.Pinecrest's A New Leaf (orange F) - 2007



CH.Pinecrest's 'Ti Loup (orange M) - 2007


CAN.&INTL.CH.Pinecrest's Private Eye (orange F) - 2007 


MBPIG MBPIS BOSS CH. Pinecrest Oh! My Darling (cream F) - 2008 (owned by Fiona Zhu)


MBIS CH. Pinecrest Son Uva Preacher Man (orange sable M) - 2008 (owned by Hong Hua Chen)


 CH. CAN, RUSSIA, MACEDONIA, MOLDOVA, BULGARIA, MONTENEGRO, Pinecrest's Summer Lovin' (orange M) - 2008 (owned by Marina Guseva)



ITALIAN CH.Pinecrest Captain Curia Picta - 2010 (owned by Elena Iotti) 




INT'L/AM CH.Pinecrest's Island Boy (orange sable M) - 2007 (owned by Erika & Bill Paviglianti)

BPIS MBPIG CAN.CH.Pinecrest Looks Like a Man (orange sable M) - 2010  

MBPIG CH.Pinecrest Burn Notice (orange sable M) - 2011


 BISS, BPISS CH. Pinecrest Chriscendo Sequin (orange F) - 2011


MBPIG CH.Pinecrest I Get Back Up Again (orange M) - 2011


 BPIS, MBPIG CH.Turkey, Georgia, Canada, CH Pinecrest's Cassandra (orange F) - 2012


MBPIG, CH.Pinecrest Man From Winterhaven (orange sable M) - 2012

MBPIG, CH.Pinecrest Back From The Brink (orange sable M) - 2013

MBPIG CH Pinecrest Cosmic Space (orange M) - 2014


CH Pinecrest Celestial Being (black & tan female -  2014)

CH Pinecrest Macho Man - (orange male) - 2006

CH Pinecrest Model Tyrant - (sable female) 2006

CH.Pinecrest No Shrinking Violet (orange sable female)- 2016

CH.Pinecrest Zip Your Lip (orange sable male) - 2016

CH.Pinecrest Tantilizing Tilley (orange female) - 2016

CH.Pinecrest Impossible To Ignore (orange sable female) - 2018


CH. Luxy’s Purple Primrose Paula (red F)  - 1997

BPIG CH. Luxy’s Little Roxy (red F) - 1998

CH. Chinadoll’s Ms. Briana 4 Luarts (orange F) - 1999

CH. Luxy’s Golden Bug (orange M) - 2000