November 2018

Pinecone Parenting presents:

Smoothing out the Struggles: An Easier Way to Parent

Some practical & useful tips to make parenting more enjoyable for everyone

Class 1: Understanding your Child, Understanding your Choices

(None currently scheduled)

Class 2: Trouble Shooting, Problem Solving; Parenting More Effectively

(None currently scheduled)

Cost: $80 per person

(low income rates available too, please ask)

3569 Commercial Street, Vancouver BC

To register:

This series of two classes is appropriate for all parents--whether you're still pregnant, or the parent of teenagers, you will gain valuable insights into your child's needs and motivations. You will discover what drives your child's behaviour, and how you can work with, rather than against, your child's instincts. You will learn why attachment is the driving force propelling many of your child's tendencies, and how to guide your child while strengthening, rather than undermining, your attachment. You will learn practical tips to smooth out the daily struggles, and to improve your immediate and long term relationship with your child.