What to Know About Body cure Acne? View Top 5 Types and Causes

Acne is one of the most common skin diseases in the world. Up to 9.4% of the world's population has developed it at some point.

This condition can take many forms, from mild cases to severe inflammation and the formation of bumps.

All types of acne involve obstruction or inflammation of the pilosebaceous units, which are the hair follicles we have throughout our body.

In the United States, more than 50 million people have to deal with acne every year. However, only 5.1 million people seek skin treatment.

The incidence of acne in adults, including body aches, has dramatically increased since 2013.

About 15% of those with this skin condition are women. click here : RETINO AC Gel

Top 9 Types Of body acne

1. Acne Mechanica.

body acne is common for people to get acne from regular contact with their sports equipment. The official name for this condition is acne mechanica.

It happens when your gym gear fills with sweat on your skin as you train. Exposure to the heat produced can cause your skin to become very irritated, leading to bumps and blemishes.

The acne areas of acne mechanica depend on the materials used. For example, an athlete who wears protective helmets, such as a cyclist or a soccer player, may develop acne on the forehead, skin, neck, and chin.

Climbers may have acne on their shoulders and backs as a result of carrying heavy backpacks. Dancers and gymnasts can get it on their backs and chests by wearing long artificial fabrics.

The main symptoms of acne mechanica vary from small, colorless bumps on the skin to deep, painful cysts. The good news is that it usually ends after six weeks of treatment. click here : Clinsol Gel 15gm

2. Acne cosmetica

Some hair products might clog your pores and cause acne on your hairline and the back of your neck. Depending on the length of your hair, this problem might extend to your back, shoulders, and chest.

Dermatologists refer to this condition as acne cosmetica. Since many shampoos, conditioners, and styling products contain oils and silicones, they can easily cause bumps and whiteheads.

Discontinuing the use of whatever product is causing the breakouts is usually the best remedy for this type of body acne. ‌

3. Blackheads

Open bumps on the skin that fill with excess oil and dead skin. They look as if dirt has been deposited in the bump, but the dark spots are caused by an irregular light reflection off the clogged follicle.

4. Whiteheads:

Bumps that remain closed by oil and dead skin.

5. Papules:

Small red or pink bumps that become inflamed.

6. Pustules:

Pimples containing pus. They look like whiteheads surrounded by red rings. They can cause scarring if picked or scratched.

7. Fungal acne (pityrosporum folliculitis):

This type occurs when an excess of yeast develops in the hair follicles. They can become itchy and inflamed.

8. Nodules:

Solid pimples that are deep in your skin. They are large and painful.

9. Cysts:

Pus-filled pimples. These can cause scars.

What Causes body acne?

Some studies link the presence of acne with choosing a particular lifestyle. The severity of the condition may vary depending on:

  • Age

  • Eating habits

  • Stress levels

  • Sleep patterns

  • Weight

  • Drug and alcohol use

  • Genetic predisposition

  • Normal menstrual cycle

Most people with acne do so in their teens, but people between the ages of 21 and 25 who have oily skin are more likely to develop acne. Acne mainly affects people in general.

However, it often serves as a starting point for insecurity, anxiety, and depression.

Top 9 Causes Of Acne

Other causes of body acne.

Poor hygiene and excessive sweating may cause your skin to act out as well. ‌While sweating can clear up your pores, the presence of dirt, oil, and dead cells blocking them may cause you to develop body acne. Cleaning your skin regularly‌ is the best way to remedy this.

Sun exposure can also be the culprit for body acne. When you get sunburnt, your skin dries out. As a result, your body overcompensates by producing more oil, which can clog your pores and cause acne in the affected areas.

1. What causes acne?

body acne is largely a hormonal condition that’s driven by androgen hormones, which typically become active during the teenage and young adult years. Sensitivity to these hormones — combined with surface bacteria on the skin and fatty acids within oil glands — can result in acne.

Certain things can cause acne and/or make it worse:

  • Fluctuating hormone levels around the time of a woman’s period.
    Picking at acne sores.

  • Clothing and headgear, like hats and sports helmets.

  • Air pollution and certain weather conditions, especially high humidity.

  • Using oily or greasy personal care products (like heavy lotions, creams, or hair pomades and waxes) or working in an area where you routinely come in contact with grease (such as working at a restaurant where there are greasy food surfaces and frying oil).

  • Stress, which increases the hormone cortisol, can also cause acne to flare.

  • Some medications.

  • Genetics.

2. Does chocolate cause body acne?

Some studies have linked particular foods and diets to acne. Skim milk, whey protein, and diets high in sugar may contribute to acne flares. Chocolate has not been directly linked to acne.

3. Why do so many teenagers get body acne?

One of the causes of acne is a surge in hormones called androgens (specifical testosterone), which both women and men produce. Those hormones tend to be at their peak during the teen years.

4. Do certain foods cause body acne?

For the most part, hormonal changes in the body drive acne. There is some evidence that skimmed milk, whey protein, and diets high in sugar may cause acne breakouts, although this remains controversial.

Eating a balanced, nutritious diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in vitamin C and beta carotene, helps reduce inflammation. There is also some evidence that eating fish can help. Click here: Treva 5 mg

5. Can acne cause scars?

Acne does sometimes result in scarring. It happens when acne penetrates the skin and damages the deeper layers. Inflammation makes the acne pores swell and breakdown occurs in the wall of the pore. Scarring can, of course, be a source of anxiety, which is normal. But before it can be treated, your healthcare provider will determine what type of acne caused the scars.

There are several available treatment options. Chemical peels, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, micro-needling, and surgery can all be used to treat acne scars.

How to Treat and Prevent body acne?

You can use many methods to clear up mild body acne without the need for dermatological treatment. Once you've identified the primary cause for your breakouts, you can opt for any of these acne-clearing techniques.

Stop using cosmetic products that clog your pores

Take a look at the hair and body products you're regularly using. Cut down on those that contain:

  • Oils

  • Waxes

  • Silicones

Instead, choose grooming products that state on the label that they are non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic.

Do your laundry more often

Cosmetic products, sweat, and dead skin cells might remain on clothes and other fabrics if you don't wash them regularly. Make sure to keep the following items clean:

  • Pillowcases

  • Bedsheets

  • Caps and hats

  • Headbands and visors

  • Sportswear

  • Sports gear

‌Avoid acne mechanica.

Having bump-free skin while continuing to play sports is doable. All you have to do is pay more attention to certain details. Make sure to:

  • Use padding to avoid the friction caused by sports gear.

  • Use clothes with dry-fit technology.

  • Choose loose-fitting sportswear when possible.

  • Avoid sharing your protective gear.

  • Put on clean clothes more often.

  • Wipe down communal workout equipment.

Beware of the sun

Make sure to apply plenty of sunscreen throughout the day if you're planning on being outside. Look for an oil-free option that has the following characteristics:

  • Non-comedogenic

  • Broad-spectrum with SPF 30+

Keep your skin fresh and clean

Shower regularly, especially if you've been wearing heavy products or you've been sweating a lot. Use a mild cleanser that's not too drying, but make sure it has non-comedogenic ingredients. Be gentle with your skin while washing, and pat it dries with a clean towel. If you can't freshen up right after a workout, make sure to at least change into clean dry clothes.

When to See a Dermatologist

Sometimes your body acne won't go away on its own. If your skin is still bumpy even after following the measures above for weeks, it's time to seek medical advice. Your dermatologist might ask you to buy over-the-counter products with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. These topical treatments require no prescription and are highly effective at treating body acne.


People with darker skin types are more likely than are people with lighter skin to experience these acne complications:

  • Scars. Pitted skin (scars) and thick scars (keloids) can remain long-term after acne has healed.

  • Skin changes. After acne has cleared, the affected skin may be darker (hyperpigmented) or lighter (hypopigmented) than before the condition occurred.

Risk factors of body acne

1. Age.

People of all ages can get acne, but it's most common in teenagers.

2. Hormonal changes.

Such changes are common during puberty or pregnancy.

3. Family history.

Genetics plays a role in acne. If both of your parents had acne, you're likely to develop it too.

4. Greasy or oily substances.

You may develop acne where your skin comes into contact with oil or oily lotions and creams.

5. Friction or pressure on your skin.

This can be caused by items such as telephones, cellphones, helmets, tight collars, and backpacks.


Can body acne be cured?

Over-the-counter treatments for body acne include glycolic acid and salicylic acid. Both are exfoliating agents that help unclog pores. If OTC treatments fail to bring relief, a dermatologist can prescribe oral or topical medications, such as Accutane (isotretinoin), Retin A, or oral antibiotics.

Is body acne harder to treat?

Body acne is much harder to combat than facial acne. Boden tends to be more inflammatory (think: big red bumps or cysts instead of just blackheads), making it challenging for drugstore creams to clear everything up on their own—especially with severe breakouts.

What does acne tell you about your body?

According to face mapping, acne and facial blemishes develop in specific zones because of internal issues, which may include high blood pressure, dehydration, and digestive wellbeing, or even as a complaint from another organ in the body, such as the 'angry' liver.

What is your body lacking when you have acne?

Acne can be caused by changes in hormone levels, bacteria, oils, and more. If you have acne, a vitamin D deficiency may be part of what's causing symptoms or making them worse.

Why won't my body acne go away?

Sometimes your body acne won't go away on its own. If your skin is still bumpy even after following the measures above for weeks, it's time to seek medical advice. Your dermatologist might ask you to buy over-the-counter products with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.

How long does body acne last?

Most pimples take 1-2 weeks to go away on their own. Some can take up to 6 weeks. Although they can't be cured overnight, they can be treated with many different methods that have been proven to work such as prescription acne treatment like tretinoin and topical antibiotics.

Why is my body acne getting worse?

Certain things, like not showering after working out or getting too stressed out, can trigger body acne. If you have no relief with over-the-counter products such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid wash, consider seeing a dermatologist.

What are the symptoms of acne?

Acne can be found almost anywhere on your body, but you’ll most commonly notice breakouts on your:

  • face and neck

  • back

  • shoulders

  • chest

Pimples can give your skin a rough, uneven texture.

With acne, you might also experience:

  • skin discoloration, including dark patches or spots (hyperpigmentation) and redness

  • swelling and inflammation

  • pain and tenderness when touched or not

Acne breakouts can also cause scarring or discoloration on your skin.

Popping pimples can raise your chances of scarring, so avoid squeezing — no matter how tempting it feels to get rid of the pimple immediately.

Can you keep taking acne medication during pregnancy?

Many acne treatments, including Accutane, can have severe consequences for a developing fetus.

If you plan to become pregnant or believe you could be pregnant, ask the doctor or clinician who prescribed your medication if you can continue taking it.

Your care team can also offer more guidance on other options to treat acne during pregnancy.

What’s the outlook for someone with acne?

No one should judge or stigmatize you for having acne, but having acne can feel distressing and isolating, all the same.

No matter how uncomfortable it is to have this skin condition, it could help to remember that you’re not alone. Pretty much everyone will get a pimple at some point in life, and many people deal with different forms of acne well into adulthood.

The good news: Plenty of effective treatment options exist. With treatment, your acne may begin clearing up within a matter of weeks.

Getting acne treatment sooner rather than later can also help prevent scarring. If you’ve already noticed some acne scars, a dermatologist can offer more guidance on treatments to help minimize the appearance of scarring.

Even with treatment, flare-ups can still happen. Persistent acne may require additional or long-term treatment. It’s always best to work with a dermatologist to find the most effective treatment for regular or severe acne breakouts.

How to Defeat Body Acne


What you wear has an impact on your acne. Opt for natural and breathable fabrics, like cotton.

Stay away from nylon and wool. Keep your clothing loose-fitting so that dirt and oils aren’t trapped against your skin, causing your pores to get clogged.

If you are going out and will be getting sweaty, bring an extra set of clothes so you keep your skin clear. While working out, wear loose and sweat-wicking fabric, making sure to change clothes as soon as you are done exercising.


Always shower after a workout or any other sweat-producing activity. You want to clean off the extra oils and bacteria that hang out on your body after you’ve perspired.

If you can’t shower immediately after sweating, use a cleansing wipe or salicylic acid for spot treatment on your acne. And again, change your clothes.

Even if you’re not engaged in strenuous activity that causes sweating, you should still shower daily to remove the dead skin cells and oils that lead to acne. click here : ACNESOL Gel


While it may seem like scrubbing and using strong soaps would help acne, these things actually irritate your skin and lead to more breakouts.

Use gentle cleansers and don’t over scrub your skin.

Stay away from loofahs, back scrubbers, antibacterial soaps and harsh exfoliating scrubs.


Gentle exfoliation can help clean out your pores and eliminate dead skin cells, which acne-sufferers tend to produce more of.

You can use chemical exfoliating cleansers that have pore-clearing ingredients, like alpha and beta hydroxy acids, including salicylic acid, glycolic acid or lactic acid.

If you use a physical exfoliant, stick with one that has super fine particles that won’t cause small abrasions on your skin.


It may seem contradictory, but completely stripping your skin of oils and moisture causes your body to overproduce oils and so cause greater problems with acne. Make sure to keep your skin moisturized.

Use a lighter moisturizer that is labeled non-comedogenic (won’t clog pores), oil-free or non-acnegenic. Save thicker, greasy creams for your hands, feet and legs.


Dead skin cells and oils build up on fabrics that touch your skin. It’s important to keep your clothing, pillow cases, and bedsheets clean so you aren’t rubbing dirt on your pores which will lead to further breakouts.


Some people think that sun exposure helps clear up acne. This isn’t true. UV rays can darken acne and prolong breakouts. Use a broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher sunscreen whenever you are outside, reapply every 2 hours or more frequently if you’re swimming or sweating, and stay in the shade as much as you can. You can find non-comedogenic sunscreen that will not worsen your acne.


It’s so tempting to pop those whiteheads and blackheads, and it may even feel like you are helping clean out your pores. However, picking and popping make acne worse. It opens your skin up to more bacteria and dirt and frequently causes scarring.


Don’t wear backpacks or purses or bags with shoulder straps. Just like tight clothing, straps that rub against your skin rub dirt and oil into your pores. Carry your bags and purses in your hand, or use a backpack with wheels that you can pull behind you.


Make an appointment with Vanguard Dermatology today. The board-certified dermatologists at Vanguard are experienced in a variety of skin care treatments, including acne care, skin cancer screenings and procedures, and cosmetic dermatology.

The bottom line

Acne can be tough, but plenty of effective treatments can help ease breakouts and heal your skin.

If you continue to experience painful or persistent breakouts, a dermatologist can offer support with creating a treatment plan that works for your skin and reduces scarring. click here : Tretiva 30