September 2023

In mid-September we welcomed to the group Athanasios Mavromagoulos. Thanasis received his PhD from the University of Glasgow, where he worked in the group of Prof. Mark Murrie.  

September 2023

In mid-September we welcomed to the group Lukas Woodcock. Lukas received his PhD from the University of Denver where he worked in the group of Profs. Sandra and Gareth Eaton.  

August 2023

In mid-August we welcomed to the Department of Chemistry Lukas Woodcock. Lukas received his PhD from the University of Denver where he worked in the group of Profs. Sandra and Gareth Eaton and worked at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin as a PostDoc

June 2023

Together with professor Kasper S. Pedersen (DTU), we organised the 29th and 30th of June "Copenhagen Molecular Quantum Information Discussions",  a two day conference within molecular quantum information technologies.

June 2023

Julie, Asger and Christian went to do XMCD measurements of single molecules deposited on surfaces at the ID12 beamline at the ESRF in Grenoble, France. The measurements were performed in collaboration with the group of Dr. Andrei Rogalev. Here Julie and Asger are seen preparing samples for the measurements.

April 2023

Christian and Julie participated in the sixth IGSS (Inorganic Graduate Student Seminar) held at the University of Copenhagen. Julie presented her poster on the synthesis and EPR characterisation of heterodinuclear lanthanide complexes, and won a poster prize for her work.

March 2023

Julie, Christian, Steen and Stergios participated in the 55th RSC EPR conference held in Leeds, UK. During the conference they presented their work and discussed their results with experts within the field of EPR. Before the conference commenced Christian and Steen had time for a beer at the airport in Copenhagen.

January 2023

Today our paper "Dipolar-Coupled Entangled Molecular 4f Qubits" was accepted for publication in Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS). We are proud to have our work featured in this esteemed journal. You can find the paper here.

August 2022

Christian and Julie went for the 44th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry in Rimini, Italy. During the conference they presented their research to chemists around the globe, as well as enjoied time with the participants from the Petersen group at DTU, here they are photographed at the conference dinner.

June 2022

Christian, Julie, Steen, Yiwei, Anton and Jiahe went to ESRF in Grenoble France to study chiral single molecule magnets using hard X-ray magnetochiral dichroism in collaboration with the group of Andrei Rogalev. Here Anton is photographed while filling liquid He on the measurement setup.

May 2022

We welcome Master student Yiwei to our group. Yiwei will through her project study lanthanide complexes with aliphatic chain substituents and see how these chains influence the static and dynamic electronic properties of lanthanide complexes.

May 2022

Julie, Christian, Steen and Stergios participated in the 55th RSC EPR conference held in Sct Andrews, Scotland. At the conference they shared their research through poster and oral contributions.

April 2022

Julie, Christian and Steen participated in the ECMols conference in Dortmund. Here Steen and Julie are trying one of the local restaurants.

October 2021

It is a great pleasure to announce that financial support from the Novo Nordisk Foundation for a Research Infrastructure - Large equipment and facilities grant, will allow establishing a pulse EPR facility at the Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen. Pulse EPR is an experimental technique not available in Denmark until now. The facility will be open to academic and industrial users in Denmark, as well as to international users. 

October 2021

Friday 15th Steen, Julie, Anton and Christian participated in the 4th Inorganic Graduate Student Seminar in Odense. At the conference Steen, Julie and Christian got a chance to present their recent work to other BSc, MSc and PhD students in inorganic chemistry.

September 2021

This month saw both Christian and Steen resuming new positions in the group. Christian started as PostDoc while Steen started on his PhD. They will work close together on synthesising lanthanide based qauntum gates and quantum bits with the end goal of studying them on surfaces and in devices.

August 2021

We welcome Julie to the group as our new PhD student. Julie graduated last month as a MSc with a specialisation in Inorganic Chemistry at The University of Copenhagen. Julie has a background as a synthetic chemist and will during her PhD synthesise and study heterodinuclear lanthanide complexes as contrast agents for MRI.

April 2021

We welcome Jiahe as our new project student in the group. In her project Jiahe will explore the reactivity of aldehyde functionalised Ln(trensal) derivatives and study their electronic structure and magnetic properties. 

April 2021

During his PhD Christian worked on synthesising heterodinuclear lanthanide complexes. Such complexes are inherently difficult to synthesise owing to the very similar chemistry of the lanthanides. Today we publish the first of a series of results on a new family of heterodinuclear lanthanide cryptate complexes. You can read the paper here.

March 2021

We are pleased to announce that our paper in collaboration with the group of Prof. Euan Brechin at The University of Edinburgh has been printed in Chemical Science and have been promoted by the Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen. You can find the paper here.

July 2020

Today our paper "Hard X-ray magnetochircal dichroism in a paramagnetic molecular 4f complex" was accepted as an Edge article in Chemical Science. We are proud to have our work featured in this esteemed journal. You can find the paper here.