Piles are swollen and inflamed Tissue collections, they are often occurs in the Anal region. The size of the Piles may be vary by the Grades and also appeared internal or external part of Anus. Internal Piles are located in opening of the Anus the size varies between 2 to 4 centimeters (cm). And the External Piles are located in outer edge of the Anus. This Piles are also called as Hemorrhoids, this Hemorrhoids are mostly refers to the Collection of the inflamed or swollen tissue in the Anal Canal, it contains Hemorrhoids contains Blood Vessels, Support tissues, muscles and Elastic muscles. It can be cleared up in short period by consulting the best Herbal Treatment For Piles in Chennai.

This Piles are caused bu due to increased pressure in the Lower Rectum, they are caused due to :

  1. Pregnancy

  2. Lifting heavy weights

  3. Chronic Diarrhea

  4. Chronic Constipation

  5. Straining when passing a Stool.

The 4 Grades of Piles are:

Grade 1

Small Inflammations inside the lining of the Anus, they are not Visible.

Grade 2

Size of the Piles was larger than than the Grade 1, it remains inside the lining of the Anus.

Grade 3

It was also called as Prolapsed Hemorrhoids, they appear outer part of the Anus.

Grade 4

These Grade Piles are large in size and remains outside of the Anus.

The Symptoms of Piles are not mortal diseases, they are resolve normally in few days by following Docter advice.

  • Excessive Anal Bleeding leads to Anemia.

  • After passing stool, the pain will become.

  • The red area of Anus was very Itchy and Sore.

  • The Thrombosed external Hemorrhoid blood causes Piles.

  • The inability or Fecal incontinence to control bowel movements.

This Piles was treated by using the Natural treatments, (Like Siddha and Ayurveda). The remedies for piles are maintaining body weight, diet and life style. The Treatment for piles in Chennai includes natural method of treatment, by this way of treatment there was no side effects will applicable. Exercises is one of the main therapy for Piles. Mostly Docter's will advice was to maintain body weight and diet, and avoid straining while passing stools. Then we want to increase the water consumption to avoid Piles it was the best treatment to avoid Caffeine.

Over-The-Counter (ODC) Medications:

The medications for Piles are painkillers, ointments, pads and creams such medications are treated to cure redness and soothe of the Piles.


This Corticosteroids will reduce the inflammation and pain of the Piles.


This Laxatives are mainly prescribed by Docter's for the patients who are straining to pass stools, when this laxatives are used by the Piles patient, the easy movement of stools without straining will be applicable.

For the best treatment for Piles we want to use and visit best Piles treatment medicines in Chennai. The RJM Herbal Care Clinic provides you the best Permanent Treatment for Piles in Chennai, we gives the best treatment for Piles and also for all other diseases by natural treatments like Siddha and Ayurveda.