Science Education

Courses Taught by Professor Pietro

(numbers in parentheses are the number of students per semester)

CHEM 1000 Chemical Structure (850 - 1000)

CHEM 1001 Chemical Dynamics (850 - 1000)

CHEM 2030 Basic Inorganic Chemistry (250 - 300)

CHEM 2011 Thermodynamics (50 - 100)

CHEM 3031 Theoretical Models of Inorganic Chemistry (30-60)

CHEM 4300 Electronic Materials (20 - 25)

CHEM 4090 Topics in Materials Science (10-15)

CHEM 4091 Electrochemistry of Surfaces and Materials (20 - 25)

CHEM 5260 Chemistry of Electronic Materials (graduate level) (10 - 15)

CHEM 1500 Introduction to Chemistry (200 - 300)

ISCI 1210 Integrated Science (Chemistry) (10 - 40)

NATS 1720 History of Science (200 - 300)

NATS 1760 Science and Technological Change (200 - 300)

NATS 1840 Chemistry and the Environment (200 - 300)

NATS 1820 Molecules and the Mind (150 - 200)

NATS 1730 Scientific Change (200 - 300)

Teaching Innovations

Introduced molecular graphics and modern computational chemistry into the York undergraduate curriculum

Designed five courses for the Division of Natural Science, a program with the mission of introducing science to non-science majors

Designed four upper level and graduate courses (CHEM 3031, CHEM 4300, CHEM 4091, CHEM 5260)

Co-developed the Chemistry Department's Materials Chemistry Stream

Co-developed York University's Integrated Science Program and designed its chemistry component. Integrated science is an elite program open only to the top 5% of incoming science majors

Designed the networking and file management systems for the York Molecular Graphics Laboratory

Co-designed an undergraduate biophysics laboratory in photon counting (with Professor Mermut, Department of Physics)

Science Education Articles


Plant Delayed Fluorescence Experiment

Chamber Bottom STL STEP

Chamber Top STL STEP


LED PCB Gerber File Set