I am a senior lecturer (Associate Professor) in computer science at the University of Manchester, in the Advanced Processor Technologies group of the Department of Computer Science.
My research interests revolve around systems software (operating systems, virtual machines/hypervisors, etc.), of which I study various aspects including performance, security, and power consumption.
I seek students looking to do a PhD in systems software (operating systems, virtualization systems, etc.). If interested, please contact me with your CV.
[10/2024] “SoK: Software Compartmentalization” is accepted at IEEE S&P'25.
[09/2024] "B-Side: Binary-Level Static System Call Identification" is accepted at Middleware'24
[09/2023] "Loupe: Driving the Development of OS Compatibility Layers" is accepted at ASPLOS'24
[04/2023] "Towards (Really) Safe and Fast Confidential I/O" is accepted at HotOS'23
[03/2023] "Aggregate VM: Why Reduce or Evict VM’s Resources When You Can Borrow Them From Other Nodes?" is accepted at EuroSys'23