Pierre M. Picard

Professor in Micro-Economics at the University of Luxembourg & Head of the Doctoral School of Economics, Finance and Management

Professor Pierre M. Picard graduated as a civil engineer at the University of Louvain. After working some years in the telecom industry, he obtained a M.B.A. at the Katholiek Universiteit van Leuven (1994) and completed a Ph.D. in Management Science and Economics at the University of Louvain (1998). Since then he teached Micro-economics Industrial Organization, Spatial Economics and Managerial Economics at the Economics Department of the University of Manchester. He has also been invited lecturer at the University of Louvain, University of Namur and University of Liège. He is now professor at the University of Luxembourg and teaching Industrial Organization, Regional Economics and Public Economics.

Pierre M. Picard is interested in topics linking the fields of public economics, industrial organization, spatial and regional economics and economic geography. His research includes theoretical works about the following issues: privatization, information technologies, spatial interactions and city formation, firms agglomeration, international trade, fiscal federalism, etc. He has articles published or forthcoming in recognized international journals like Journal of Public Economics, Economic Theory, European Economic Review, Journal of the European Association, Journal of Development Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Journal of Urban Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, World Bank Economic Review, the Economic Journal, the Canadian Journal of Economics, the International Economic Review, Journal of International Economics.