

Since 2020, I am teaching using a flipped classroom pedagogy. The video material is posted on my YouTube channel: 



3d year students in mathematics and/or finance, Australian National University, since 2016.

3d year students in mathematics, Australian National University, 2019-2021.

2nd year, mostly for students in mathematics, Australian National University, 2012-2015. 

1st year, Semester 2, for students interested in doing advanced mathematics, Australian National University, 2012, 2013. 

4th year honours/PhD, Australian National University, 2011. 

1st year, mostly for students in computer science, Australian National University, 2011. 

Master (mathématiques pures) semestre 3, Université Lille 1, 2009-2010. 

Master (mathématiques) semestre 1, Université Lille 1, 2008-2009. 

Licence (sciences de la vie, de la terre et de l'environnement) semestre 1, Université Lille 1, 2007-2010. 

Licence (informatique) semestre 3, Université Lille 1, 2007-2009. 

4th year honours: special topics in Analysis and Geometry, Australian National University 2006. 

Licence (sciences de la vie et de la terre) semestre 1, Université de Franche-Comte 2004. 

Licence (math, physique, informatique) semestre 1, Université de Franche-Comte 2004. 

Mostly for students in engineering. University of Missouri-Columbia (winter semester 2004).

Mostly for students in business/economics. University of Missouri-Columbia (winter semester 2003).

Mostly for students in education. University of Missouri-Columbia (fall semester 2002).

Licence (sciences et sciences pour l'ingenieur) semestre 3. Université de Franche-Comte (UFR STGI) 2001.

Voici aussi les notes, très légerement modifiées, que j'ai utilisées pour le cours . L'original est du à Brigitte Duffaud (Besancon).

Licence (sciences et sciences pour l'ingenieur) semestre 2. Université de Franche-Comte (UFR STGI) 2001.