(2024)  [forthcoming] 'Ciudadanías afrocaribeñas: cuerpo, lenguaje y política'. Latin American Studies Association (LASA) 2024: Reacción y resistencia: Imaginar futuros posibles en las Américas. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá (Colombia), June 12-15. (With M. Escalona, N. Pagán-Butler and M. Martin).

(2024)  [forthcoming] 'El español afropuertorriqueño de Loíza: ¿criollo descriollizado o vernáculo afrohispánico?'. Panel: “Los desafíos de las lenguas criollas como estandartes de identidad y resistencia en el Gran Caribe”. Segundo Encuentro Internacional de Investigadores en Estudios Afrolatinoamericanos. Universidad de Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), June 4-7.

(2024)  [forthcoming] 'Bilingualism and language contact in Afro-Hispanic Puerto Rico'. 4th International Conference on Bilingualism in The Hispanic and Lusophone World (BHL). Colegio de Lingüística y Literatura Hispánica, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Mexico), January 10-12. 


(2023)  [forthcoming] Puerto Rican cultural diversity in its diaspora: musical, artistic, and linguistic pride in the American context. Languaging Diversity International Conference: “Languaging identities in changing times: Challenges and opportunities”. University of Turin (Italy), December 14-16.

(2023)  [forthcoming] From adverbs of manner to emphatic intensifiers: the syntactic and semantic evolution of “bien / bem + adjective” in two Latin American Romance varieties. VII Encuentro sobre dialectos del español (VII Spanish Dialets Meeting) (SpaDiSyn). Facultad de Filología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), November 27-28.


(2023) Una frontera híbrida y borrosa: el bilingüismo y el biculturalismo de la resiliente diáspora boricua en los Estados Unidos. 6th Annual International Conference on Border Studies: Transborderism: Reimagining Social Space. University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg (Texas) and Autonomous University of Matamoros, Tamaulipas (Mexico), November 8-10. 


(2023)  Aspects of Afro-Hispanic Speech in the Colombian Media: A Raciolinguistic Perspective. The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest (LASSO). Linguistics as a global phenomenon: places and spaces. University of Denver (Colorado), October 5-7.


(2023)  Fenómenos de contacto en el Ixil de Nebaj y Cotzal: préstamos ocasionales y cambios de código. VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Centroamericana de Lingúística. Universidad de Costa Rica-Sede del Atlántico, Turrialba (Costa Rica), August 23-25.


(2023)  Aspects of Afro-Hispanic Speech in the Colombian Media: A Raciolinguistic Perspective. Latinx: the Sociopolitics of Language (LSA summer institute). University of Massachussets, Amherst (Massachussets), July 1.

(2023) ‘On the Intonation of Afro-Puerto Rican Spanish Declaratives: Implications for a Theory of Afro-Hispanic Creole Genesis’. 9 th International Conference on Experimental Phonetics. Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución, Universidade de Vigo (Spain), June 21-23.

(2023) ‘El español de Loíza y la identidad afropuertorriqueña: lengua, cimarronaje y negritud’. 54 th Annual Conference of the Association of Caribbean Historians (ACH): “The Global Caribbean”. San Juan/Carolina (Puerto Rico), June 11-15

(2023) ‘The pragmatic use of bilingual discourse markers in Puerto Rican Spanish oral interaction’. Discourse Markers: Theories and Methods. Paris (France), May 24-26.

(2023) Variation of intensifiers in Romance varieties: a Caribbean-Latin American study’. 1st International Conference “Adverbs and Adverbials: Issues in semantic and functional ambiguity”. The University of Cyprus, Nicosia (Cyprus), May 18-19.

(2023) ‘Spanish-English contact in Puerto Rico: geographic, political, and sociolinguistic variation toward oral interaction in Spanglish’. Soziolinguistische Perspektiven: Kontakt–Variation–Wandel. Universität Bern, May 12-13.

(2023) ‘Spanish-English Multilingualism in Puerto Rico: How important are Discourse Markers? Canadian Centre for Studies and Research on Bilingualism and Language Planning (CCERBAL) 2023 conference ‘Bilingualism and Multilingualism: Transversal competencies, mobility, and well-being’. University of Ottawa (Canada), May 4-6.

(2023) ‘Analysis and Implications of Afro-Puerto Rican Spanish Declarative Intonation’. 2023 Conference on Spanish in the US/Spanish in Contact with other Languages. Southern Methodist University, Dallas (Texas). April 6-8. (With R. Rao and S. Sessarego).

(2023) ‘El Code-Switching is hitting la Aldea: The role of Discourse Markers in Afro-Hispanic Puerto Rico’. 2023 Conference on Spanish in the US/Spanish in Contact with other Languages. Southern Methodist University, Dallas (Texas), April 6-8.

(2023) ‘Racialized speech and media (mis)representation of Afro-Colombian Spanish’. 11th Annual CALICHE Conference, Graduate Student Conference for Applied Linguistics & Intercultural Communication in Higher Education. Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures and the College of Arts and Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock (Texas), March 31-April 1. (With S. Syamken)

(2023) ‘El español de Loíza y la identidad afropuertorriqueña: tendiendo puentes entre lengua, cimarronaje y (anti)negritud’. 1st Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Puerto Rico: “Tendiendo puentes, tejiendo solidaridades”. Universidad Carlos Albizu San Juan (Puerto Rico), March 17-18.

(2023) ‘Racialized speech and media (mis)representation of Afro-Colombian Spanish’. Conference Language and Power. The University of Münster (Germany), March 22-24. (With S. Syamken)

(2023) ‘Diáspora, diversidad y política lingüística: el Espanglish como ícono de la híbrida y vibrante identidad puertorriqueña’. XXXII Congreso Internacional de Literatura y Estudios Hispánicos. Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), March 9-11.

(2023) ‘Aproximación al estudio del español chino hablado en Cuba entre migraciones y refranes’. 15 th Annual Graduate Portuguese and Hispanic Symposium (GRAPHSY). Georgetown University, Washington (DC), February 17. (With M. Escalona)

(2023) 'Bien / Bem bonita' o 'muy / muito bonita'? Flavors of intensity and emphasis in Spanish and Portuguese’. XXV Biennial Graduate Colloquium of the Department of Spanish & Portuguese. ‘Community Building through Iberian, Latin American and Latinx Literatures, Cultures, and Linguistics’. The University if Texas at Austin (Texas), February 10-11.

(2023) ‘Racialized speech and media (mis)representation of Afro-Colombian Spanish’. XXV Biennial Graduate Colloquium of the Department of Spanish & Portuguese. ‘Community Building through Iberian, Latin American and Latinx Literatures, Cultures, and Linguistics’. The University if Texas at Austin (Texas), February 10-11. (With S. Syamken)


(2022) ‘Aspects of Afro-Puerto Rican Intonation’. 3 rd Angus McIntosh Centre (AMC) for Historical Linguistics symposium: “Change in syntax and phonology: the same or different?” The University of Edinburgh (Scotland), December 5-7.

(2022) ‘Yo soy orgulloso con la aldea, yo soy un aldeano orgulloso, yo les digo “vengan a mi aldea”: Subject Pronoun Expression in Afro-Puerto Rican Spanish’. The Symposium on Spanish Subjects (SSS). Centre College, Danville (Kentucky), November 18.

(2022) ‘La alternancia “muy” y “bien” en dialectos latinoamericanos’. VI Spanish Dialects Syntax meeting (SpaDiSyn) – Encuentro de sintaxis de los Dialectos del Español. Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares (Spain), October 24-25 (With R. Jiménez-Baralt, M. González-Rivera, and S. Sessarego).

(2022) ‘Racialized speech and media representation in Afro-Colombian Spanish’. 50 th New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV). Stanford University, San José (California), October 13-15.

(2022) ‘La voz de la diáspora boricua “allá afuera”: el Nuyorican Poets Café y el Spanglish en la híbrida identidad puertorriqueña’. ALFALito, Proyecto 16. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (Illinois), September 30.

(2022) ‘Diáspora, diversidad y política lingüística: el Spanglish como ícono de la vibrante identidad puertorriqueña’. 10th Congreso Internacional de Investigaciones Sociales de América Latina (CEISAL). University of Helsinki (Finland), June 13-15. (With M. Escalona)

(2022) ‘Some Remarks on the Origin Of Chocó Spanish’. Conference of the Historical Sociolinguistics Network (HiSoN). University of Murcia (Spain), June 1-3. (With R. Jiménez-Baralt)

(2022) ‘The Diachronic Evolution of Intensifiers: Evidence from Spanish and Portuguese’. Conference of the Historical Sociolinguistics Network (HiSoN). University of Murcia (Spain), June 1-3.

(2022) ‘The pragmatic use of bilingual discourse markers in the oral interaction of Puerto Rican Spanish’. 10th International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics (EPICS X). Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, (Spain), May 23-25.

(2022) ‘Current Issues in Puerto Rican Linguistics’. LASA 2022: Polarización socioambiental y rivalidad entre grandes potencias. San Francisco (California), May 5-8. (With S. Sessarego, M. González, W. Valentín, A. Medina, and R. Jiménez)

(2022) ‘Adverbial Elatives in Caribbean Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese: A Case of Grammaticalization’. Second Heterotopic Junction Graduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture (HJC-2). Hong Kong Baptist University (Hong Kong), April 30.

(2022) ‘El Code-Switching is Hitting la Aldea: Evidence from Loíza, Puerto Rico’. Second Heterotopic Junction Graduate Conference on Language, Literature, and Culture (HJC-2). Hong Kong Baptist University (Hong Kong), April 30. (With M. Escalona)

(2022) ‘Racialized Speech and Media Misrepresentation in Afro-Colombian Spanish: A Linguistic Look at the character Soldado Micolta’. 3rd International Symposium on Language Attitudes toward Portuguese, Spanish and Related Languages (LAPSRL). Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi (Texas), April 21-23.

(2022) ‘Bien/Bem bonita: Grammaticalization of the Spanish and Portuguese intensifiers bien/bem’. 10 th International Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics’ (WSS 10). Georgia Tech University, Atlanta (Georgia), April 7-9.

(2022) ‘Afro-Hispanic Linguistics: Methodologies and Challenges’. GURT 2022 Dialect Contact. Georgetown University (DC), March 10-13 (With L. Padilla, R. Romero, and H. Smith).

(2022) ‘Asere, tienes a un chino por detrás”: La presencia china en el refranero cubano’. LASA/ASIA 2022. Rethinking Trans-Pacific Ties: Asia and Latina America. (virtual) February 15-19.

(2022) ‘Bien/Bem bonita o muy/muito bonita’? Flavors of intensity and emphasis in Spanish and Portuguese’. Texas Linguistics Society (TLS) 2022. The University of Texas at Austin (Texas), February 11-12.

(2022) ‘The thin line between Creole and Romance Morphology: Evidence from an Afro-Hispanic vernacular’. The 2022 Winter Meeting of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. (virtual) January 14-15.

2020 - 2021

(2021) ‘Casting light on Afro-Puerto Rican Spanish: Evidence of Its (Non-) Creole Morphosyntax’. South Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA) Annual Conference: The Politics of Protest. Houston, October 7-9.

(2021) ‘On the non-creole morphosyntax of Afro-Puerto Rican Spanish’. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium (HLS). Wake Forest University (North Carolina), October 7-9.

(2021) ‘Afro-Hispanic Linguistics: Methodologies and challenges’. LASSO (Linguistic Association of the Southwest) 50th Annual Meeting: Interconnectedness in linguistics: Building bridges between language research and language activism. (Online) September 23- 25. (With L. Padilla,  A. Riccelli, R. Romero, and H. Smith).

(2021) ‘Afro-Puerto Rican Spanish and the Spanish Creole Debate: A sociohistorical and linguistic account’. The 2021 Summer Conference of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. Paris (France), June 28-30.

(2021) ‘So… like, tú sabes’: An approach to bilingual discourse markers in Puerto Rican Spanish oral interaction’. Forging Linguistic Identities: Language in the Nation, the Region & the World. Towson University (Maryland), March 25-26.

(2021) ‘El español afropuertorriqueño en el debate sobre los criollos del español’. 24th Ohio State University Congress on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics (OSUCHiLL). Columbus (Ohio), March 12-13.

(2021) ‘Bilingual Discourse Markers as a Symbol of Puerto Rican Identity’. 24 th Biennial Spanish & Portuguese Graduate Student Colloquium. The University of Texas at Austin (Texas), February 25-26.

(2020) ‘El origen del español afro-puertorriqueño: ¿un caso de descriollización?’. Retorno al Español del Caribe (REALEC). Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, Santiago de los Caballeros (The Dominican Republic), November 3-6.

52nd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest (LASSO) – University of Denver (Denver, Colorado), 2023

Spanish in the US/ Spanish in Contact with other Languages – Southern Methodist University (Dallas, Texas) 2023

Soziolinguistische Perspektiven: Kontakt-Variation-Wandel – Universität Bern (Bern, Switzerland, 2023)