Rutgers University

Department of Psychiatry

RWJMS Research Building

683 Hoes Lane West, Room 158

Piscataway, NJ 08854

Office phone: (732) 235-5949



Ph.D.      1993          Indiana University, Bloomington, IN (Neuroscience and Psychology)

B.A.        1988          University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (Psychology)


2020 - present Professor, Brain Heath Institute and Psychiatry,

Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

2013 - 2019 Professor of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry

                   University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

2008 - 2013   Associate Professor (with tenure) of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry

                    University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

2008               Visiting Scientist, Rudolf Magnus Neuroscience Institute, University of Utrecht

 The Netherlands

2008         Professor, Departments of Pharmacology and Psychiatry

                   Boston University School of Medicine

2003 - 2008    Associate Professor, Departments of Pharmacology and Psychiatry

                        Boston University School of Medicine

1997 - 2003    Assistant Professor, Departments of Pharmacology and Psychiatry

                Boston University School of Medicine

1995 - 1997      Research Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Comparative Anatomy, 

                           Pharmacology and Physiology, Washington State University

1993 - 1995      Postdoctoral Fellow, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program, Washington State

                       University, Dr. Peter W. Kalivas, advisor

1989 - 1993     Graduate Studies, Department of Psychology/Program in Neural Science, 

                       Indiana University, Dr. George V. Rebec, advisor

1988 - 1989    Statistical Consultant/Laboratory Technician, Forestry Department,

                       University of Kentucky, Dr. David Wagner, supervisor

1987 - 1988     Laboratory Technician, Psychology Department, University of Kentucky

                          Dr. Michael Bardo, supervisor

1985 - 1987     Assistant Director, Standardbred Development Fund Kentucky Harness Racing



2018       Distinguished Mentor Award, Biomedical Postdoctoral Program, University of Pennsylvania

School of Medicine

2015       Distinguished Alumnus Award, Indiana University Program in Neuroscience (awarded on the

occasion of the 50th anniversary of the program).

2013       Daniel H. Efron Research Award, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology ($1,500


2008       Jacob P. Waletzky Memorial Award for Innovative Research in Drug Addiction and Alcoholism,

Society for Neuroscience ($25,000 award)

2006       Joseph Cochin Young Investigator Award, College on Problems of Drug Dependence ($1,500


2001       Hall of Fame, Western Hills High School, Frankfort, KY.

1997       Travel Award, 1997 College on Problems in Drug Dependence meeting in Nashville, TN

               ($750 travel award)

1995       NIDA Director’s Travel Award for the 1995 College on Problems in Drug Dependence meeting in 

Scottsdale, AZ ($750 travel award)

1992       J. Stewart and Dagmar K. Riley Dissertation Year Fellowship ($10,000 fellowship awarded to the

outstanding student in the Indiana University Graduate School)

1991       Omnitech Travel Fellowship ($150 for the Society for Neuroscience meeting in New Orleans)

1991       Research Commendation, Indiana University Psychology Department

1988       Graduate with Distinction, University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences

1988       Graduate with Honors, University of Kentucky Department of Psychology

1988       University of Kentucky Oswald Research and Creativity Scholarship ($150)

1988       University of Kentucky Phi Beta Kappa Scholarly Research Award ($750)

1988       Griffin Award (outstanding presentation - $100), Kentucky Academy of Sciences

1987       Sigma Xi (Scientific Research Honor Society)

1987       Omicron Delta Kappa (Leadership Honor Society)

1986       Psi Chi (Psychology Honor Society)


Chris Pierce's research has been supported by over $33,000,000 in extramural funding since 1993 (primarily from the NIH/NIDA).

Funding in recent years includes:

T32 DA55569          R.C. Pierce (PI)                                              7/01/23-6/30/28

NIH/NIDA  “Rutgers Training in Addiction Research Program

R01 DA33641          R.C. Pierce (PI)                                              4/01/12-3/31/27

NIH/NIDA  “Transgenerational Inheritance of a Cocaine Resistance Phenotype”

R21 DA52993          M.T. Rich (PI)                                              1/08/22-9/7/23

NIH/NIDA  “Mechanisms of nucleus accumbes cell-type specific deep brain stimulation in cocaine reinstatement

F32 DA46760          R.C. Pierce (PI)                                              4/01/19-3/31/21

NIH/NIDA  “Cocaine-induced axon migration in the nucleus accumbens”

R21 DA47555          R.C. Pierce (PI)                                              7/01/19-6/30/21

NIH/NIDA  “Chromatin accessibility and transcriptional profiles associated with incubation of cocaine craving”

R01 DA15214          R.C. Pierce (PI)                                              2/10/03-1/31/19

NIH/NIDA  “mPFC, N. Accumbens and Reinstatement of Cocaine Seeking”

R01 DK96139          M. Hayes (PI)                                                  12/01/12-11/30/17

NIH/NIDDK “Neuroendocrinology of energy balance control”

R01 DA37897          H.D. Schmidt (PI)                                           3/01/15-12/31/18

NIH/NIDA “The role of central GLP-1 receptors in animal models of cocaine addiction”

T32 DA28874          R.C. Pierce and A.R. Childress (co-PIs)        7/01/10-6/30/18

NIH/NIDA  “Translational Addiction Research Fellowship”

K01 DA39308          M. Wimmer (PI)                                              5/01/16-4/30/21

NIH/NIDA  “Mechanisms Underlying Learning Deficits Caused by Paternal Cocaine Taking”

R21 DA39393          H.D. Schmidt (PI)                                           4/01/16-3/31/18

NIH/NIDA  “Trans-generational effects of nicotine self-administration”

K99/R00 DA33372  L.A. Briand (PI)                                               2/01/13-1/31/18 

NIH/NIDA  “AMPA Receptor Trafficking, Synaptic Plasticity and Cocaine Reinstatement”

R21 DA40837          R.C. Pierce (PI)                                              7/01/2016-6/30/18

NIH/NIDA “Cocaine-induced histone post-translational modifications”

K02 DA18678 R.C. Pierce (PI)                                         4/01/06-03/31/16

NIH/NIDA  “Psychostimulant-induced craving and toxicity”

K01 DA31747 P. Ortinski (PI)                                            4/01/12-3/31/17

NIH/NIDA "Control of Cocaine Seeking by D1-dependent Modulation of NMDA Signaling"

K01 DA30445 Schmidt (PI)                                               9/15/10-5/31/15

NIH/NIDA "Epigenetics and Incubation of Craving"


Associate Editor: Addiction Neuroscience (2021-present)

Senior Editor: Brain Research (2020-present)

Editorial Boards:

European Journal of Pharmacology (2008 – present)

Neuropsychopharmacology (2009 – present)

PLOS Biology (2019 – present)

Advisory Editor:

Psychopharmacology (2009 – 2013)