Annual Memberships
All memberships expire Dec 31 of the year they are purchased
*Hamilton Rec Centre Passes Do Not Apply Here
Schedule is available on CourtReserve
Standard Membership $250 + HST = $282.50 (Annual Membership)
Full access to all of our programming including indoor play * No additional court fees with 7 day advanced booking
Must sign up on CourtReserve prior to playing
Includes player insurance
Must be 18 and older
Voting Rights at the club
Learn 2 Play sessions hosted by our club volunteers
*NOTE: We have a membership cap of 500.
You may join the waiting list but we do not guarantee a spot will become available.
If we are full and a spot becomes available, the first person on the waiting list will be offered a chance to purchase a membership. They will have 5 days to pay and then the membership will be offered to the next person in line.
Your credit card will only be charged if you accept the membership offer.
**NOTE: We do not prorate our memberships.
***Special Events may have additional fees
****Indoor courts vary year to year based on availability
Accessibility Access Pass $50 + HST = $28.25 (Annual Access Pass)
Meant for persons with a physical disability
Access to select programming including indoor play * No additional court fees with 7 day advanced booking
Must sign up on CourtReserve prior to playing
Includes player insurance
Must be 18 and older
Learn 2 Play sessions hosted by our club volunteers
**NOTE: We do not prorate our memberships.
***Special Events may have additional fees
****Indoor courts vary year to year based on availability
Public Access Pass $25 + HST = $28.25 (Annual Access Pass)
Some access to prime time programming but only on the old courts
Access to Friends & Family on Saturdays and Sundays * Court Fees apply for indoor play with 5 day advanced booking
Access to be a guest during non-prime time events * Court Fees apply
Must sign up on CourtReserve prior to playing
Includes player insurance
No Voting Rights at the club
Not eligible for our club run Learn 2 Play sessions
*NOTE: We do not prorate our memberships.
**Special Events may have additional fees
***Indoor courts vary year to year based on availability
Occasional Access Pass $5.00 + HST = $5.65 (Annual Access Pass)
Access to Friends & Family on Saturdays and Sundays * Court Fees apply for indoor play with 5 day advanced booking
Access to be a guest during non-prime time events * Court Fees apply
Must sign up on CourtReserve prior to playing
Includes player insurance
Must be 18 and older to attend guest sessions
No Voting Rights at the club
Not eligible for our club run Learn 2 Play sessions
*NOTE: We do not prorate our memberships.
**Special Events may have additional fees
***Indoor courts vary year to year based on availability
PLEASE NOTE that this membership is NOT the same as Hamilton Parks and Recreation.
Please contact the City of Hamilton for rec pass/drop info.
Standard Membership Info
How it works:
Once you are a member, you will use CourtReserve to sign up for playing spots. We have many different types of play including:
Bring Your Own Group
Friday Night Lights (social pickleball)
Friends & Family (bring them for a small fee if they're not members)
Court Rotation (runs like the rec centres)
Beginner Lessons (when we have volunteers available to run them)
Other Club Events
Throughout the year, we have functions such as mini-tournaments and social pickleball events such as Canada Day.
We have a member WhatsApp Community (messaging app) that you can join that will enable you to connect with others both socially and to play, ask questions, be informed of weather cancellations, announcements, upcoming events, and more!
Refund Policy
Applies to Standard Membership, Accessibility Access Pass and Public Access Pass.
You have the right to cancel your PHA Membership or Access Pass within 14 days of paying for your membership through CourtReserve.
Any money owing on your account will be deducted from your refund.
After this period, partial or full reimbursements will only be available to Members who the PHA Board of Directors deem have exceptional mitigating circumstances forcing them to cancel their Membership or Access Pass.
Occasional Access Refund Policy
This membership type is non-refundable.
Summer Season
We operate the six new and six old courts at Hill Park every day from 8AM – 10PM. Our summer season usually runs from around May-October, depending on the weather. Our courts are currently only open to members (and their guests), except for the occasional special event open to the public.
Winter Season
We rent various facilities at various times to give our members the ability to play with us all year long.