Privacy policy

Privacy Policy 

Effective date : 2023 Year. 3 Month. 14Date

Picker Studio ("We") serves Virtual Sports Club applications (hereinafter referred to as "services" or "apps").

This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal data and the options associated with that data when you use our services. Privacy policies for apps are managed as privacy policies.

We use your data to deliver and improve our services. By using the service, you agree to collect and use information under this policy. Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, the terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meaning as our Terms and Conditions.

 Information collecting and usage

We collect different types of information for different purposes to provide and improve services to you.

Types of data collected 

Personal information

While using our services, we may request that you provide us with specific personally identifiable information ( "personal data") that can be used to contact or identify you. Personal identification may include, but is not limited to, the following:

Identification data and usage data

Usage data

We can also collect information (the "usage data") that your device sends whenever you run our services or when you access them through a mobile device. This usage data can include information such as your computer's Internet protocol address (e.g., IP address), OS type, app version, our service page visited, visit time and date, time spent on that page, and unique information. Device identifier and other diagnostic data.

When accessing services with mobile devices, the usage data can include information such as the type of mobile device you use, the unique ID of the mobile device, the IP address of the mobile device, the mobile operating system, and the mobile Internet type.

The used browser, the unique device identifier, and other diagnostic data.

Tracking and Identification Data

We and third parties use identification data and similar tracking techniques to track the activities of our services and third-party services and to hold specific information. Identification data is string data that can contain anonymous unique identifiers. Identification data will be sent to our servers and third-party servers stored on your device. Tracking technology is also a beacon, tag, and script for collecting and tracking information and improving and analyzing services.

You can deny all ID ADs or instruct the device to indicate when identifier data is sent.

However, if you do not accept the identification data, you may not be able to use some of the service.

Example of identification data we use:

Google Android AD ID. We use AD ID to operate our third-party service.

IDFA. IDFAis used to operate our third-party services.

App ID. App ID users do not operate our services. An example of an app ID is "".

Data Usage

Apps use collected data for various purposes.

1.Service and maintenance

2.To notify of service changes

3.To enable you to participate in the interactive functions of our services when you choose.

4.To provide customer management and support

5.To analyze or provide valuable information to improve services.

6.To monitor service usage to detect, prevent, and solve technical problems

Data transmission

Your information, including personal data, may be transferred to computers outside your jurisdiction and other states, provinces, countries, or other governmental jurisdictions. If you live outside of Korea and choose to provide us with information, we will send data including personal data to Korea and process it there.

Your consent to this Privacy Policy and the submission of such information shall be regarded as your consent to the transfer.

The app will take all reasonable actions to ensure that your data is handled safely in accordance with this Privacy Policy, and your personal data will not be sent to your organization or country unless you have adequate control, including your security. Data and other personal information.

Releasing data

Legal requirements

Apps can release your personal data in good faith that they need to: To protect the app's rights or property to comply with legal obligations

To protect against legal responsibility in order to protect the personal safety of service users or the public in order to prevent or investigate possible fraud in connection with the service in defense

Data security

Your data security is important to us, but it is not 100% safe to transfer or store electronically over the Internet. We are committed to using commercially acceptable means to protect your personal data, but we cannot guarantee absolute security.

Service provider

We may hire third-party companies and individuals to help promote our services, provide services on our behalf, perform service-related services, or analyze how our services are used. These third parties have access to your personal data solely for the purpose of performing work on our behalf and are obliged not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.


We may use third-party service providers to monitor and analyze service use.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service from Google that tracks and reports on website traffic. Google uses collected data to track and monitor service usage. This data will be shared with other Google services. Google can personalize ads in its own ad network using collected data.

For more information on Google's privacy policy, visit Google's Privacy and Terms and Conditions web page.


We may use third-party service providers to advertise service use.

Unity Ads

Unity Ads is a web advertising service from Unity that tracks and reports on website traffic. Unity uses collected data to track and monitor service usage. This data will be shared with other Unity services. Unity can personalize advertisements in its own ad network using the collected data.

For more information on Unity's privacy policy, visit Unity's Privacy and Terms and Conditions web page.

Links to another site

Our services may include links to other sites that we do not operate. Clicking on the link of the third party takes you to that site. We recommend that you review the privacy policies for all sites you visit. We do not control and are not responsible for the content, privacy policies or practices of third-party sites or services.

This Privacy Policy explains how Picker Studios (referred to as "us") collects and uses information through its mobile applications and website.

Information collection:

We Collect Limited Information with Our Applications.

When you download and use our mobile applications for children, we don’t require you to provide any information and we don’t collect any information about you or your device, except we collect:

(i) non-personal information about the duration the mobile application is used and how it is used, such as the screens viewed and actions taken within the mobile applications, which is used solely to enhance and improve our applications; and

(ii) email addresses of parents who wish to receive our newsletter, with those email addresses used solely to send the newsletter.

When you use our mobile applications designed for adults and elect to utilize the social features of those applications, you may elect to provide us with your email address and other information only as permitted by you.  We don’t store, share or disclose any of that information, other than email addresses which are used only to send you our newsletter as described below, and any other information is used solely to provide the features within those applications.

We Comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act

Our website and mobile applications comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”). We don’t knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13 in violation of COPPA, and if in the event that a user identifies himself or herself as a child under the age of 13 through a support request, we will not collect, store or use, and will delete in a secure manner, any personal information of such user.

Changes to this privacy policy

We can update our privacy policy from time to time. You will be notified of the changes by posting a new privacy policy on this page.

Prior to the change being applied, we will notify you via email and/or a prominent notice of the service and update the "valid date" at the top of this privacy policy.

We recommend that you regularly review this privacy policy for changes. Changes made to this privacy policy are valid when posted on this page.


If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact:

E-mail :