A peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC), also called a PICC line, is a long, thin tube that's inserted through a vein in your arm and passed through to the larger veins near your heart. Very rarely, the PICC line may be placed in your leg.

A PICC line gives your doctor access to the large central veins near the heart. It's generally used to give medications or liquid nutrition. A PICC line can help avoid the pain of frequent needle sticks and reduce the risk of irritation to the smaller veins in your arms.

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A PICC line is one type of catheter used to access the large veins in your chest (central venous catheter). Examples of other types of central venous catheters include implantable ports and central lines.

The veins in your arms are called peripheral veins. That simply means they're not in the center part of your body. A catheter inserted into a peripheral vein and guided to a central vein is called a peripherally inserted central catheter. It's also called a PICC line. PICC line placement involves inserting a PICC line into a large blood vessel that leads to your heart.

Your doctor might recommend a PICC line if your treatment plan requires frequent needle sticks for medicine or blood draws. A PICC line is usually intended to be temporary and might be an option if your treatment is expected to last up to several weeks.

Some complications can be treated so that your PICC line can remain in place. Other complications might require removing the PICC line. Depending on your situation, your doctor might recommend placing another PICC line or using a different type of central venous catheter.

The procedure to insert the PICC line takes about an hour and can be done as an outpatient procedure, meaning it won't require a hospital stay. It's usually done in a procedure room that's equipped with imaging technology, such as X-ray machines, to help guide the procedure. PICC line insertion can be done by a nurse, doctor or other trained medical provider.

The doctor or nurse may use an ultrasound machine to assess the veins in your arm and make sure they're healthy enough to use for the PICC line. You might have a cuff tightened around your arm so that your veins stand out for inspection.

To place the PICC line, a needle is inserted through your skin and into the vein in your arm. Ultrasound or an X-ray might be used to confirm the placement. A small incision is made in the vein so that a thin, hollow tube (catheter) can be inserted.

When the catheter reaches the right location, you might have an X-ray to verify the catheter is in place. If the procedure is being done in your hospital room, the doctor or nurse may use a heart-monitoring device to determine that the catheter has reached the correct location. You might have an X-ray later.

The other end of the catheter will stick out of your arm. A cap is placed over the end of the catheter to keep it free of germs. It may be taped down so it won't get in the way of your daily activities.

PICC line removal reduces your risk of complications, such as infection. But if there's a chance you may need a PICC line again, your doctor may recommend keeping it in place. That's because repeatedly placing the PICC line increases the risk of damage to your veins.

A peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC line) is a type of central line. A central line (also called a central venous catheter) is like an intravenous (IV) line. But it is much longer than a regular IV and goes all the way up to a vein near the heart or just inside the heart. The other end of the PICC line stays outside of the body, usually where the arm bends. It may divide into more than one line. The end of each line is covered with a cap.

Health care providers place PICC lines in an operating room, intensive care unit, or interventional radiology suite. The patient is sedated (given medicine to relax) or gets general anesthesia (to go to sleep) so they won't feel pain.

Most of the time, there are no problems with a PICC line. If problems do happen, it is usually because the line gets infected or stops working. Very rarely, a PICC line can cause a blood clot. Health care providers review the risks with families before placing the PICC line.

At home, a child's PICC line needs special care to prevent infection and keep it working well. It's normal to feel a little bit nervous caring for the PICC line at first, but soon you'll feel more comfortable. You'll get supplies to use at home, and a visiting nurse may come to help you when you first get home.

Tell your child's teachers, school nurse, counselor, and physical education teacher about the PICC line. They can make sure your child avoids any activities that may damage the line, and help support your child during treatment.

This article explains how to configure options that are related to the pick line overview for mobile device menu items that are used to process picking work. The pick line overview lets warehouse workers view and select from a list of all the work lines that are related to their current task. This capability can help workers optimize their picking sequence. The feature provides options that replace the standard Skip button that lets workers cycle through the lines one at a time, in a fixed order. (However, the option to use that button is still available.)

Before you can use this feature, it must be turned on for your system. Admins can use the feature management settings to check the status of the feature and turn it on if it's required. In the Feature management workspace, the feature is listed in the following way:

For more information about how to create menu items and use the various settings that are available on the Mobile device menu items page, see Set up mobile devices for warehouse work.

Pick line grouping enables multiple work lines that have the same item and location to be combined into a single pick that is presented to the user on the mobile device. Therefore, warehouse workers can receive the most efficient instructions, but required work line separation (for different containers, orders, and so on) can still be maintained in the system.

To use this feature, it must be turned on for your system. As of Supply Chain Management version 10.0.32, it's turned on by default. As of Supply Chain Management version 10.0.36, the feature is mandatory and can't be turned off. If you're running a version older than 10.0.36, then admins can turn this functionality on or off by searching for the Pick line grouping feature in the Feature management workspace.

Before you release the orders to the warehouse, you must make sure that the pick locations have enough inventory for all the items on all the orders. Review the Location directive setting to determine which picking locations are used for sales order picking. If you're using the Contoso demo data environment for warehouse 51, confirm that there is available inventory.

A PICC line is a long, thin, hollow, flexible tube. A nurse or doctor will put it into one of the large veins of the arm, above the bend of the elbow. Then they will thread it along the vein until the tip is in a large vein just above the heart.

Sometimes the PICC line is made up of 2 or 3 fine tubes. These are joined as 1 tube inside the body and divide into 2 or 3 lines outside the body. This allows you to have different treatments at the same time. Each line is usually sealed with a special cap or bung. There may be a clamp to keep the line closed when it is not being used.

If you have a PICC line, you will not need to have needles put in every time you have treatment. This can be helpful if doctors and nurses find it difficult to get needles into your veins. It is also helpful if you do not like needles.

A doctor or specialist nurse will put in your PICC line at the hospital. It can either be done in an outpatient department or on a ward. They will talk with you about which arm would be better to use. They can also answer any questions you may have about the line.

Then they will clean the skin with antiseptic solution in the area where the line will be put in. They will numb the area with an anaesthetic cream or injection. When the skin is completely numb, the doctor or nurse will put a needle into the vein.

Sometimes, the PICC line seems to go in easily but the x-ray shows it is not in the right place. If this happens, your nurse or doctor may be able to move it. If that does not work, the PICC line will be taken out and replaced.

When the PICC line is not being used, there is a slight risk of it becoming blocked. To stop this from happening, a small amount of fluid is flushed into the line using a syringe. This is usually done once a week.

The caps or bungs at the end of the line need to be changed each week to reduce the risk of infection. The dressing also needs to be changed every week. If it gets wet or starts to peel off, it should be changed sooner.

It is difficult to change the dressing with one hand, so the nurses at the hospital may do it for you or arrange for a district nurse to visit you at home. They can also teach a family member, partner or friend how to change the dressing.

The inside of the line can sometimes become partly or completely blocked. If this happens, it can be difficult to give treatment or to take blood tests through it. Your doctor or nurse may flush the line with a solution to try to clear the blockage, or it may need to be removed.

It is important not to get any air into your PICC line. Not all PICC lines have clamps. Some lines have caps at the end that stop air from getting into the line. If your PICC line has a clamp, it should always be closed when the line is not being used. The line must not be left unclamped when the caps are not in place.

It is not very common to get a cut or split in the line. If this happens, try to tie or clamp your line just above the break. This is to seal it between the split and where the line comes out of your body. Contact your hospital straight away. The line may need to be removed if it cannot be repaired. 152ee80cbc

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