I know there is a lot to piano tuning that goes way beyond setting each key to its theoretical frequency. Namely the "untuned" extremes of the keyboard or particular aspects of each brand. I also found software where you actually mention the brand and what type of tuning you wish.

Some of the best examples of reputable and powerful professional tuning software are Tunelab, Verituner, and Cybertuner. However just because the software is high quality doesn't mean anyone can operate them effectively. Perhaps everyone can operate a web browser, but not everyone can be effective in Emacs (extreme analogy). It is not a matter of simply following the instructions, they all assume a level of knowledge of piano tuning.

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To the sub-questions: the reliability of the software is directly related to the knowledge and skill with which it is used; yes, download the software from your favorite app store (though not all packages are available on all platforms); the standard microphones of modern mobile devices are sufficient; the age, brand, and peculiarities of the piano all factor into the knowledge needed to effectively use the software

I am a professionnal piano technician who started out as an aural tuner and then switched to EDT devices and softwares. The simple answer to the original question is yes: professionnal piano tuning softwares do work and can achieve a professionnal concert quality tuning.

But first, you have to understand the acoustic properties of a piano wire that makes it very different to any other souding bodies. One of the main characteristics of a vibrating piano wire is called INHARMONICITY that makes all the partials to be shifted on the sharp side compared to the theoratical values. The first result of this is that all the octaves will have to be somewhat stretched in order sound in tune. This is why a regular chromatic tuning device will be of no use for tuning pianos.

A good professional piano tuning software however will be able to measure the harmonicity ratio (that differ from one piano to another) throughout the entire keyboard and then calculate a tuning that will FIT this particular piano. The one I currently use and favor is the Reyburn Cybertuner.

Short answer: Yes. Software can work, but only the right software. Your generic guitar tuner app won't do it properly because it simply tunes to the theoretical frequencies of flat equal temperament with no "stretch", which is really important for a piano to actually sound in tune (particularly in the treble and bass). As a piano tuner I also don't trust apps that claim to "sweeten" a tuning by putting in some stretch.

There are 6 software packages out there that do a good job and that professional piano tuners use. They are: Cybertuner, Verituner, TuneLab, OnlyPure, PianoMeter and Pianoscope. They all have pros and cons, but I won't do a review of the various packages because I am affiliated with one of them, but I will say this: Piano tuning software is expensive because it is very specialized software developed for a small group of people (piano tuners). While each of these apps cost in the hundreds of dollars, two of them (PianoMeter and TuneLab) have limited options that are more affordable for someone like the OP who just needs to tune one piano. In PianoMeter that comes in the form of a "plus" version that costs about $25 and has the basic functionality to tune a piano but doesn't have the bells and whistles that a professional might use. TuneLab has more of a "shareware" approach with full functionality that pauses note switching every 12 note changes with a prompt to purchase a license. There is also a free app out there called "Entropy" but in my experience it's a pain to use and isn't well-maintained (last updated in 2017).

Also, just a note, getting the right software solves half the problem. The other half is developing the right tuning lever technique that will allow you to tune quickly, accurately, and have the tuning be stable. It will take more time at first, but you'll get better with practice. My first piano took me 4-5 hours (that was without software back in the day). Now I can be done in 1-1.5 hours, depending on the piano.

I asked my piano tuner that very question last time he worked on my piano. There are professional tuners who rely quite a bit on such tuning tools though I don't know if there are the kinds you can just download for your phone (yet). Them using the tools doesn't mean that they don't also use their skills to know the limitations of their tools, such as adjusting the amount of stretching based on how it sounds on the specific piano and what the customer likes.

Many professionals use tuning software (though I think the BEST professionals still do it by ear). But the skill goes beyond knowing what pitch to aim for. You need the mechanical technique of turning the pin so that the note STAYS in tune, and you don't cause damage. And damage is easy to do. A tuning pin can have its ability to stay in tune destroyed.

If the question was that if you can effectively tune a piano with a cheap software, the answer is no. The inharmonicity of the piano strings makes it so that a tuning software has to calculate the right amount of stretch for the octaves if you want them to sound in tune. The other thing is that you will also have to learn the know how and use the pitch raise mode, if there is any, because if the piano is too flat (which is the case most of the time), the pitch will drop back by an amount of 15-35% if you tune on target pitch.

Preferably work on a android phone. Not a tone generating software but something that samples the inharmonicity of each individual piano and determines a suitable stretch My favourite is the tunic onlypure software however I do not have the cash.

This guide will show you how to tune your piano using just a couple of tools and a free program called Entropy. Even if you've never thought about tuning your piano yourself before, you can achieve a satisfying result with a little effort and patience.

The most important skills you will need are being able to properly use a tuning hammer, and being able to hear beating and identify when two strings are in tune. Both of these will come with practice.

I recommend using a laptop with a decent quality external microphone. Internal microphones on laptops or phones may be sufficient to get the job done, but these microphones may have difficulty recording the low frequencies produced by the bass notes, which could affect the accuracy of the tuning.

To prepare yourself to tune the entire keyboard, it is helpful to spend some time tuning unisons (single notes). Since most keys on the piano have either 2 or 3 strings, the strings for each key need to be tuned to precisely the same pitch. Even with an electronic tuning aid, you will use your ear to tell when the strings of one key are in tune with each other. For now, don't worry about whether the key is tuned to the correct pitch relative to the rest of the keyboard.

The reason for using software to help tune a piano is that the non-ideal nature of the strings needs to be accounted for. If you were to tune a piano to ideal pitches (equal temperament), it would actually sound terrible, because the strings produce overtones that are not at integer multiples of the fundamental frequency. Standalone electronic piano tuners and piano tuning software have ways of calculating how the pitch of each note should deviate from the equal temperament to make the harmonics line up better with each other. There are several programs that can do this; Entropy is not the only choice. Entropy's approach is unique because it quantifies the entropy of the piano based on how well the combined harmonics of all the notes line up, and then determines a tuning that minimizes that entropy. For this calculation, the frequency spectrum of each note on the piano needs to be recorded.

Click the "Calculate" button on the left. Then click "Start calculation." Entropy will calculate a tuning based on the data you recorded. You will notice that the bass notes are tuned flatter than ideal, and the highest notes are tuned sharper than ideal.

When you are done tuning, you can play various intervals on different parts of the piano, such as octaves, fifths, fourths, and thirds. They will not be completely free of beating (especially the thirds), but the beating should be relatively constant as you move up and down the piano in small steps.

If you notice any notes that sound off during this process, you can adjust them by ear, tuning one string first, and then the other two strings to the first. Some notes could have returned to being out of tune due to your hammer technique, or there could be imperfections in the tuning produced by Entropy.

As mentioned earlier, piano strings tend to go back to how they were if proper hammer technique is not used. This is something that will take practice. It is a good idea to check your tuning after a day or two to see if any of the strings have gone flat again, to get feedback on how well you are using the tuning hammer, and to correct any needed notes.

it is possible to tune your own piano using instructions like these but always be aware that if you have an old piano or one that you got for free like a hand-me-down, a lot of the times the wires are going to be old and have been resting out of tune for awhile. pianos hold an enormous amount of tension and when the piano has been resting at a certain tension for a long time, it is impossible for it to be tuned in just one session. the wires need to be stretched over and over again to over multiple tuning sessions. otherwise, as soon as you are done the piano will fall out of tune almost immediately. if you want to tune your piano to A-440 (which is the standard) you really want someone who knows what they are doing. often times piano tuners can come and give you an appraisal on just how damaged or far gone your piano has gotten and how much it would cost to fix for a very cheap price (20-30 bucks). thankfully most tuning technicians are just friendly musicians and aren't looking to try and up-sale you. e24fc04721

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