Sometimes when I pray or read the Bible I like to have some simple piano music on in the background. And sometimes playing feels like prayer. For this session I sat down with no plan other than to try and still myself before God and play whatever came to mind. I hope it helps you in your own prayer and devotional times!

Piano applicants have the option to declare a vocal focus for their summer at Tanglewood. If admitted, fellows with this concentration will spend a significant amount of their summer workload as vocal collaborators. They will participate in weekly vocal studio classes, recitals, work as rehearsal pianists for vocal projects, and more. These fellows will enjoy increased time with vocal piano faculty including Margo Garrett and Javier Arrebola as well as vocal faculty including Head of the Vocal Program Dawn Upshaw and Randall Scarlata.

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The Master of Music in instrumental collaborative piano program is highly selective, created for pianists who possess a natural instinct to collaborate and who wish to immerse themselves in the instrumental and chamber repertoire.

This prestigious degree program focuses on developing individual artistry through exposure to all instrumental studios and faculty. Weekly studio classes and semi-public performance forums provide ample performance opportunities for thoughtfully made assignments that address both individual strengths and repertoire deficiencies.

Practicum provides extensive time within all instrumental studios playing lessons, studio classes, masterclasses and degree recitals. Additionally, two-degree recitals, designed by you to reflect your personal interests are required during the degree.

A comprehensive chronological survey of the instrumental sonata and concerto. Through performance, sight-reading, listening and score study, attention will be given to issues of style and performance.

In this course students will review, analyze and familiarize themselves with the methods and schools of pianism and the vast teaching repertoire of the intermediate student through observation, discussion and demonstration. Special attention will be paid to the psychology of learning and teaching which will culminate in the formation of individual teaching philosophies. Issues of the private studio, class piano and music literacy will also be addressed.

The B.M. in Performance, Instrumental Emphasis, Piano Area is intended for undergraduate students with a serious commitment to pursue the highest level of piano performance. The preparational emphasis is on performance but includes excellence in the classroom. This program combines a conservatory-style sequence of music theory, history, chamber music, and piano literature and pedagogy courses with a full liberal arts education. Dedicated to a comprehensive and versatile educational approach, the piano area is known for the personal attention students receive, supporting the individual musical interests of each student within the program of study. The program is intended to prepare students for entrance to graduate school and for the world of professional music as performers, teachers, and collaborators as well as music administrators, entrepreneurs, technologists, and therapists.

I decided to forego the pads and extra layers of sound this morning and just record the pure, simple piano. The Key of Eb is one of my favorite keys and is where I began. This morning was a sweet time of worship for me. I sang to my Lord spontaneously and prayed as I played throughout this improvisation. It just felt sweet and peaceful to me.

The Instrumental Performance curriculum provides a direct and practical education for students interested in establishing careers in jazz and/or contemporary music. The core of this curriculum includes theory and musicianship, piano, improvisation, technology, and music business. Additional study topics include acoustics, arranging, orchestration, recording, and an array of music history and literature courses. 2351a5e196

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