Physical Networks


Welcome to PhysNet24, NetSci24 Satellite

Québec City Convention Center, Quebec City, Canada 

Monday, June 17th 2024 from 09:00 to 13:00

Submit a contributed talk

We encourage applications on topics related to physical networks, including 3D and 2D spatial networks, morphology and function, contact networks, brain networks, packings, etc.

Apply by sending a one-page abstract to by 31.04.24 07.05.24 (extended)

Physical Networks: an emerging topic in Network Science

Physical networks aim to understand complex systems subjected to physical constraints, such as volume exclusion or repulsive forces, that shape their topologic and geometric organization. Systems as different as neurons, porous and colloidal networks or disordered metamaterials, to name a few, are all complex systems made of links and nodes that are physical objects that cannot overlap with each other. The interdisciplinar exploration of such a large variety of systems under the unifying framework of network science has just begun.

Meet the Speakers

Adilson E. Motter

Department of Physics 

and Astronomy

Northwestern University

Filippo Radicchi

 Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, Indiana University 

Fabrizio De Vico Fallani

 National Institute for Research 

in Digital Science and Technology (INRIA) 

Paris Brain Institute (ICM)

Dániel Barabási

Department of Molecular 

and Cellular Biology

Harvard University

Jasper Van der Kolk

Departament de Física 

de la Matèria Condensada

Universitat de Barcelona

Anastasia Salova

 Engineering Sciences & Applied Mathematics 

Northwestern University

Benjamin Piazza

 Department of Physics 

Network Science Institute 

Northeastern University

Szabolcs Horvát 

 Computer Science Department 

Reykjavik University 

Program at a glance

Session I (09:00 - 11:00)

"Physical Networks of Complex Nodes and Edges"

"Shortest-path percolation on random networks"

  "How many connections can you read?"

Session II (11:00 - 12:30): 

  "Complex Computations From Developmental Priors"

  "Statistical properties of geometric random graphs and the clustering phase transition"

  "Conserved Neuronal Morphology and Connectivity Scalings Across Species"

  "Combining topological and physical constraints captures the structure of neural connectomes"

 "Characterizing spatial networks through proximity graphs"

Call for contributions

We welcome contributions spanning multiple disciplines (e.g. mathematics, physics, material science, computer science, biophysics, etc). Following the success of our first PhysNet23 Satellite, we aim at creating an interdisciplinary venue focusing on short talks and discussions to focus on key challenges, innovative ideas, applications and recent advances related to on physical networks or related topics. 


There are registration options for the  Satellite only or for the full NetSci24 conference. Traveling funds for the Satellite's applicants are available upon reasonable request. Please contact the organizers for more information. 


Network Geometry
Network & Soft materials
Statistical topology
Rheology & Jamming
Critical phenomena
Random packings
Polymer Physics


Centre des congrès de Québec 

 Boulevard René-Lévesque Est, 

Québec, QC, Canada


Márton Pósfai 


Department of Network and Data Science, CEU

Ivan Bonamassa (

Department of Network and Data Science, CEU