Physicsfest art gallery

Each masterpiece hides a fun physics demo, please click and explore! Many of these experiments you may be able to explore at home.

Last supper by Leonardo da Vinci

Experiment: finding balance

Eruption of Mount Vesuvius by Pierre-Jacques Volaire

Experiment: volcano (from NOBCChE artists)

The Persistence of Memory by S. Dalí

Experiment: oobleck

Starry night by Vincent Van Gough

Experiment: spectroscopy

Simultaneous Windows by R. Delaunay

Experiment: polarization art

Group X, No. 1, Altarpiece by Hilma Af Klint

Experiment: liquid fiber optics

Galatea of the Spheres by Salvador Dali

Experiment: soap bubbles

Pollock "No. 5"

Experiment: cloud chamber

Scream by Edvard Munch (with a peep)

Experiment: Microwave

Monkey self-portrait

Experiment: projectile motion

Mechanical Elements by Fernand Léger

Experiment: Unusual engines

The room of antiquities

This year marks the tenth anniversary of LaserFest, our first outreach event. To commemorate this, below are some video shot in 2010 as a part of LaserFest program.