Instructor: Tankut Can

Email: tankut.can at gmail

Time/Location: MTuTh 6 - 7:40pm, NAC 4/130

Office Hours: TuTh 5 - 6pm, Marshak 414

Mailbox: Physics Dept. Main Office, Marshak 419

Textbook: Cutnell and Johnson, Physics 9th ed. (older editions okay too)

Homework: assigned weekly, due on Thursday (unless otherwise noted), and returned the following week.

Exams: there will be two exams and a final. The midterm exams will be cumulative, with emphasis on newer material. The final exam will cover chapters 1 - 15 of C&J.

Laboratory Instructor/Time: Moyosore Odunsi, W 6 - 7:50pm, Marshak 409N

Recitation Instructor/Time: Eskil Anderson, Tu 8 - 9:40pm, Shepard S-202


  • 10% Homework

  • 20% Lab reports

  • 20% Exam 1 (covers chapters 1 - 5)

  • 20% Exam 2 (focuses on chapters 6 - 10, also reviews 1 - 5)

  • 30% Final Exam (chapters 1 - 15)

External Links

Body Physics - a nice open access online textbook which explains the physics of the human body, using concepts from this class.

When somebody loses weight, where does the fat go?