Food Recipes & Activities

Here is a little video explaining the Canadian food guide!

This video is perfect for students in grades 4 to 6 (It's in French). This video explains Canada's Food Guide. The key word is variety! If you want, I can share my favorite meal and you could do the same by filling out the form below! It's a game, don't feel you have to!

Here's a little game for k to grade 3 students!

Looking at the photo on the right, I would like you to take inspiration from it and draw and color one of your meals. Try to separate the fruits and vegetables in one section of the plate, the proteins in one section and the whole grains in the other. See the exemple of my son below!

This is my son Mathieu!

He drew fish, rice, vegetables (carrots, broccoli, pepper) and a glass of milk. He wrote around the plate everything he ate!

If you wish, you can also make a collage from magazines where you cut out the pictures(picture of fruits and vegetables, proteins like eggs, legumes or meat and whole grains etc). If you wish, you send me a photo of your project! Have fun!

Biscuits Zébrés

Les biscuits zébrés de la nutritionniste Geneviève O'Gleman sont parfaits en collation ou en dessert. Ils contiennent beaucoup de fibres et de protéines!

(Bonne Bouffe en Famille, Éditions La semaine, 2010.)

Étape 1: Regarde la vidéo de la recette

Biscuits Zébrés

Voici la recette!

Étape 2: Trouve une activité pendant que les biscuits sont au four! Comme faire la vaisselle.

Étape 3: Déguste ta recette!

Si tu le désires, tu peux m'envoyer tes photos de recettes à :