The Schedule

Day 1

Thursday, July 16

All times shown in Central European Summer Time

Log-in: 12:45 - 12:55

Wellcome and comments on organization

Session 1

Illuminating the Tree of Life

The exploration of the archaeal domain of life as a window into key transitions in life´s evolution

Anja Spang (NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Netherlands)

Resolving recalcitrant fungal relationships - are our best models good enough?

László Nagy (Biological Research Centre, Hungary)

Functional phylogenomics: orthology inference, and gene and genome evolution in the plant order Caryophyllales

Ya Yang (University of Minnesota, USA)

Break 14:00 - 14:15

Session 2

Comparative genomics

Genomic adaptations to aquatic and aerial life in mayflies and the origin of insect wings

Isabel Almudí (Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo, Spain)

Syntenic transitions in metazoan genomes and their regulatory impact

Oleg Simakov (University of Vienna, Austria)

14:55 - 15:15

Comparative genomics of nectar feeding in bats and birds

Luis Eguiarte (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico)

Special Session

Introducing PCI: a free recommendation process of scientific preprints based on peer-reviews

Jean-François Flot

Day 2

Friday, July 17

All times shown in Central European Summer Time

Log-in: 12:45 - 13:00

Comments on organization

Session 3

Methodological advances in phylogenomics

When the uncertain meets the incomplete: robust measures of phylogenetic incongruence for datasets with missing data

Xiaofan Zhou (South China Agricultural University, China)

The Multilocus Multispecies Coalescent: A Flexible New Model of Gene Family Evolution

Céline Scornavacca (Institute of Evolutionary Sciences of Montpellier, France)

OrthoFinder: Building a Fully Phylogenetic Orthology Analysis

David Emms (Steve Kelly Lab - University of Oxford, UK)

Break 14:00 - 14:15

Session 4

PhD symposium

Errors in orthology inference: a bug or a feature?

Paschalis Natsidis (Max Telford lab - University College London, UK)

14:35 - 14:55

Making sense of alien genomes - Synteny and regulation in cephalopods

Hannah Schmidbaur (Oleg Simakov lab - University of Vienna, Austria)

Combining fossils and phylogenomics to understand the origins of sand dollars

Nicolás Mongiardino Koch (Derek Briggs lab - Yale University, USA)

Phylogenomic analyses of 2,786 genes in 158 Lineages support a root of the eukaryotic tree of life between opisthokonts and all other lineages

Mario Cerón-Romero (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA)

Special Session

Easy-to-implement guidelines to create environments with better gender equality and diversity

Elena Gómez-Díaz (Instituto de Parasitología y Biomedecina, Spain)

Closing remarks