release a stable product and the STEP UP your documentation. I don't want single examples, I want full code solutions for common Line-Of-Business problems, and IN DEPTH explanations of every method, procedure, and event IN TEXT FORM.

Right now, the ONLY thing that keeps me with PHP Runner is the fact that the code that it gernerates is MINE. But i'll tell you something, there are a LOT of low-code and even no-code SAAS platforms out there and some of them are getting REALLY sophisticated.

Phprunner 10.8 Full

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David I have to step in here and just say that I have been able to work with PHP Runner to produce solid programs that just work and with which I have no issues. I treat it with respect and try and work with it rather than forcing it to do things that involve too much bespoke UI. I am very careful with my hosting provision and have found that PHP runner works outstandingly well with MS Azure and CPanel (my personal experience) which gives me a huge choice in where I host and importantly full control over the related databases. Like you said another of the very big positives is full control over the final code. Also I would draw readers attention to the lack of progressive pricing (by progressive I mean paying for compute and or users and or applications) which is actually extremely rare in low code.

Go get that low code alternative if you think there's something better out there... I certainly never found it.

A lot of the big players require you to totally relinquish server and database control.. NO WAY

@ Dalkeith 

While I do love the software and have produced several functional tools with the platform, I still believe the official documentation is lacking. I recently purchased two ActiveX components for an old MSAccess project that I inheritted. I was amazed by the number of examples. This page: lists just the examples for the IMAP email control, and if you are using powershell, they list the examples WITH CODE for that too and the same goes on for Java, C++, Delphi, Ruby, Pearl, C#, Go, and even friggin DataFlex. And this is all just for the IMAP portion of the control. My point is, (i believe) PHP Runner code has to move closer to that direction if it wants to remain popular and thrive. I apologize if my last post came off as hostile, I truly do admire the work done here (especially considering I'm understanding it's mostly 1 gentleman doing the work), but I get frustrated knowing I could be using it too it's full potential but can't find adequate documentation to be able to.

@ David Kain: you kind of compare apples with oranges. The example that you posted is for a company that produces mainly compiled libraries for different programming languages. Of course those needed to be documented and with examples otherwise what's the point? On the other hand PhpRunner is (at its base) a RAD tool designed to help you create very fast and with little knowlegde of PHP a CRUD web interface for your database. Sure, it does other things but this is the main objective so it doesn't need to be as documented as libraries of compiled code for programmers to import in their projects. If you know little to none php code what good those examples of code will do to you? And if you are a PHP guru then you don't need PHPRunner...

I think that some examples are lacking but my main complain is the way help is designed with those links after links....I would like something developed from

When I started my latest project a year ago, all the old Linux, PHP and software I used was going out of date in the next few years. So I started building on the latest of everything - Centos, PHP, mysql. It's indeed very possible these are something to do we me deving on a server that is set install the latest of all Linux stable updates for these.

Solved this one by checking my Mysql Database - make sure all the tables use the same character set.

My tables were a mix of utf8mb3 and latin 1. There were also one or two federated tables in there.

Hi Duke,

All my tables are set to utf8mb4 with the exception of one table, the PHPR usergroup table, that was utf8mb3.

So I changed it to utf8mb4 and still get the same problem, I then modified the sql backup dump to change all utf8mb4 to utf8mb3 and it still didn't work.

"Database - SQL error": This part of the message suggests that an error has occurred while executing a SQL (Structured Query Language) command in a database. SQL is used to communicate with and manipulate databases.

"character with byte sequence 0xcb 0x82 in encoding 'UTF8'": This indicates that there is a character in the database that is represented in UTF-8 encoding with the byte sequence 0xCB 0x82. UTF-8 is a widely used encoding standard that can represent a very large number of unique characters from multiple languages and symbol sets.

"has no equivalent in encoding 'WIN1252'": Windows-1252 (often referred to as WIN1252) is another character encoding standard, more limited than UTF-8, commonly used in Windows systems, particularly in Western languages. This part of the error message is saying that the UTF-8 character represented by 0xCB 0x82 does not have a direct equivalent in the WIN1252 encoding.

This type of error typically occurs during data transfer or data conversion processes where text data is moved from a UTF-8 encoded system to a system or database that uses WIN1252 encoding. Since WIN1252 cannot represent certain characters that UTF-8 can, this leads to an error when such a character is encountered.

Ensuring that the systems or databases involved are using compatible character encodings.

Converting data to a common encoding standard before transfer or processing.

Removing or replacing characters that are not supported by the target encoding (if data integrity is not compromised).

If this error is occurring in a specific software or database management system, consulting their documentation for handling character encoding issues would be beneficial.


What character 0xcb 0x82 so I can try and find it?


The byte sequence 0xCB 0x82 in UTF-8 encoding represents the character . This character is known as "MODIFIER LETTER LEFT ARROWHEAD" and is part of the Unicode character set. It is less commonly used in general text, often appearing in specialized contexts like certain linguistic, mathematical, or technical materials.

If you're encountering an issue with this character in your database or data transfer processes, it's likely due to the target encoding (like WIN1252) not supporting this specific character. When searching for this character in your data, look for instances where it might be used, perhaps in technical or specialized text fields. Remember that regular text editors or database tools might not display this character correctly, especially if they don't support full UTF-8 encoding, so you might need to use a tool that can handle UTF-8 encoding properly.

The modifier letter left arrowhead is used primarily in specific contexts, such as in certain linguistic, mathematical, or phonetic texts. It is not a standard punctuation mark or symbol like the common less-than sign. This distinction is important in encoding and character set contexts, as each character, even if visually similar, has a unique representation in different encoding systems like UTF-8.

When you're dealing with text encoding issues, these subtle differences become significant, especially when transferring data between systems that support different sets of characters. In systems that do not recognize or support , this character could lead to errors, like the one you encountered.


If I was searching in a text editor what would I search for? If you give me the exact charceter would i find in text edit for windows?


If you're using a text editor in Windows that supports UTF-8 encoding (such as Notepad++), you can search for the exact character. The character corresponding to the byte sequence 0xCB 0x82 is  (MODIFIER LETTER LEFT ARROWHEAD). It is important to note that this character is different from the common less-than sign (

Copy the Character: You can copy the character  directly from this response.

Open the Text Editor: Open your text file with a text editor that supports UTF-8 encoding.

Paste in Search Box: Paste the copied character into the search box of the text editor.

Search: Initiate the search to find occurrences of this character in your text.

Remember, the appearance of  in your text editor depends on the font being used and whether it supports this specific character. If the text editor or the font doesn't support this character, it might appear as a blank space, a box, or some other placeholder symbol. Not all text editors in Windows, especially the more basic ones, might support such characters correctly.

PHPRuuner cannot display results and freeze in the query tab. Also it does not show my primary database in the lookup wizard lookup field selection. My database is a MS SQL in a remote server. Thanks.

When I started out with PHPRUNNER 2.0 decades ago, no one knew on how

especially the PHP oriented tool would finally develop in the markets, but now

now we see, despite the fact that PHP is ranking (AFAIK) on 19 of the list of

popular scripting languages, the multi-works version is strongly knocking at the

door of global enterprises by means that the former "one developer - one project"

path became history by this BETA by now.

In other words, while most single developers want to upgrade their "old" projects 

and are hammering on compatability probs, my focus here is only on NEW projects

under now "no more antique IE engine" oriented terms.

The BETA paved the way for GROUPS of developers who, by its number on per

project basis, would gain more credibility on support/survival/maintenance and 

warranty request by larger companies on longterm arrangements.

Sure, the biggest hurdle, here, to guarantue the record locking once one developer

is touching the project, is unknown and maybe even of NO interest to single developers

at all, but when it comes to a LOW CODE generator under participation of several

programmers (multi-works), even NEW projects can be completed in record time. 152ee80cbc

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