Meet Sahana Systems Private Limited

Meet Sahana Systems Private Limited

What is it about a business that makes a significant impact & captures the retention of its customers for a lifetime?

The answer to this is forthright, "The Brand Name". Whenever you talk about a business, it is initiated with the brand name, as that's the recognition element. Formerly known as Oceans Technologies, we have evolved our brand with a neoteric, crisp, refreshing identity as Sahana Systems Private Limited.

In the 9 years of our inception in Ahmedabad, we have attained a remarkable reputation as an Information Technology Company in the IT domain of the economy with an ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 27001 Accreditation. Our contented clientele extends from domestic markets to overseas organizations in diverse fraternities such as hospitality, e-commerce, finance, etc. Sahana Systems is a growing family of highly diligent, professional & experienced employee strength who are always on their best behavior to deliver more than what is expected in the best possible way. We strive to deliver strong commitment and maximum customer satisfaction in every credible way with our potent & proficient task force.

sahana system

Message from Miral Vankawala, Operations Head at Sahana Systems:

"Digitalization has become a new way of life, newer technologies are being introduced every day. To battle out the competition in the market today, we offer all-round, cutting edge IT services & digital marketing solutions so that you rule the market & stay the number one."

SSPL software solutions entail a cutting-edge & leading competence in Artificial Intelligence Development, Machine-Learning applications, Web & App Development, Application Migration, Data Analytics, and Tender Management. Apart from these, we are also into the critical facets of marketing like Digital Marketing, Graphics Design, UI/UX design & SEO. Say goodbye to the obsolete technology & stand out from the crowd with the trending market technologies ranging from PHP, Python, WordPress to Joomla, Drupal, Shopify, and much more. Our core competence lies in:

  • Python development - Sahana systems is renowned to build python-driven applications with our top-of-the-line Python developers who have in-depth knowledge & extensive experience in the same.

  • Android & iOS development - The enthusiastic & skilled developers at SSPL meticulously design & develop Android & iOS Apps with their expertise to keep in track with the latest technology.

  • Shopify - Sahana Systems offers Shopify edits & customizations with an extraordinary customized Shopify theme & much more to give your business the professional appearance it needs with our pool of talented employees.

  • WordPress - Our WordPress site development service builds an exceptional user experience with a glut of easy & SEO optimized themes available.

  • SEO - Sahana Systems team of SEO specialists help you to build your global presence digitally while also shielding your business against every possible Web security issue. Get Google attention & traffic that your business needs.

We have served almost 2000+ happy clients with 25+ in-house technologies & 500+ successful apps delivered. It is our assurance to boost your brand presence in the market with advanced technology to reach your business expectations.

Attain a diversified growth with SSPL!