Photo Booth Rental San Jose - PhotoWorks Interactive

PhotoWorks Interactive : Advantages Of A Mirror Photo Booth

When you think about mirror photo booth rental in San Jose, you will find it is almost impossible to differentiate from a full-length mirror when it is set up. However, this mirror has a secret. Like something out of a fantasy novel, the mirror comes to life with graphics, prompts, and more to guide you through the process of taking the ultimate selfie.

The mirror photo booth is an absolute fun, so intuitive, and so out-of-this-world cool, the guests will not be capable of taking their hands off of it. While there is nothing wrong with the classic photo booth, the following are a few reasons to upgrade to a mirror photo booth at the party:

Fits with any decor

Every person loves a photo booth. However, at times, you do not wish to spoil the look of the themed event with a huge photo booth. Fortunately, with a mirror photo booth, you do not have to. With a traditional appearance that flawlessly blends with any decor, the mirror photo booth will seem to be right at home at any type of party, from Bar Mitzvahs and Quinces to fundraisers and weddings.

Even more enjoyment

If you have been in a photo booth in recent times, no person has to remind you how much fun they are, particularly with all those props. However, a mirror photo booth rental in San Jose adds an additional layer of whimsy that no guest will be capable of resist.

With a touch screen, graphic and voice prompts, plus the capability of adding an emoji or a signature to the print of the photograph, you will be thankful you have unlimited visits.

Smaller footprint

With the same compact footprint as the open photo booths, the mirror photo booths are an ideal preference for navigating tight venues, staircases, or doorways without much additional space. Upgrade to one of the freestanding backdrops or make use of the great view from the venue with the aim of setting the scene for the selfies.

Physical and digital prints

Every guest at the party loves to have a physical print to look at every day. However, it is 2019, so the professionals are aware of the social media feed that might wish to get in on the action. Apart from a physical print of the photograph, guests can even get a link to get their digital photos for social media sharing.

So, if you are also in search of a photo booth that will blend into the scene as well as stand out amongst the options for photo booth rental in San Jose, make sure you opt for a mirror photo booth. Such sort of photo booths are highly trending and are an ideal combination of an old school and new school that you are in search of in your rental photo booth. Fun, interactive prompts in an easy to use digital interface signifies that no guest at the party will stay away from it and make the most of the party joy.