Applications in the Classroom

As an educator, how do I navigate the existence of a tool like photomath?

Cheating Prevention

  • Explain the purpose of understanding

Learning avoidance and cheating often comes from a lack of motivation to learn the subject matter. If students understand why they are learning a topic, they are more likely to be engaged in learning that topic and use the app to further their understanding.

  • Change structure of tests and assignment

Take advantage of the limitations of the app; Photomath cannot solve all mathematical questions. Consider adding open-ended and context based problems to assignments.

  • Promote positive uses of the App

There are many positive aspects of Photomath, as listed on the pros & cons page. To prevent misuse of the app, model in class the use of appropriate and beneficial use of the app.

In- Class use of Photomath

The Photomath website lists a few ways that Photomath can be used in the classroom. I have summarized a few of their examples below:

  1. Learning a new concept

Put multiple questions of a single concept around the classroom. Have students scan the questions around the room, analyse and compare the steps of the various questions, and come up with the common rule all questions follow.

  1. Mastering a Concept

Photomath will often give multiple ways to solve a question. For example, you can "solve a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula, factoring, or the least squares method. Have students work in small groups and discuss which approach makes the most sense for a given problem. Students can explain their reasoning to their small group as a think-pair-share or simply present their reasoning to the class at large".

  1. Practicing a mastered concept

Have students mark their own homework or assignments using photomath. This self-assessment allows students to identify their own misteps, and learn from their mistakes.