
“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.” ~Aaron Siskind

“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.”~ Dorothea Lange

“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.” ~Marc Riboud

“Photography helps people to see.” ~Berenice Abbott

“How do we start taking pictures of people, and stop taking pictures of poses?” ~Justin and Mary Marantz

“When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in Black and white, you photograph their souls!” ~Ted Grant

“The camera sees more than the eye, so why not make use of it?” ~Edward Weston

“In the world of photography, you get to share a captured moment with other people.” ~ James Wilson

“If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn’t need to lug around a camera.” ~Lewis Hine

“The more pictures you see, the better you are as a photographer.” ~Robert Mapplethorpe

“I think of photography like therapy.” ~Harry Gruyaert

“A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, touches the heart and leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it. It is, in a word, effective.” ~ Irving Penn

“Photography is my passion. Whenever I get time, I click.” ~ Shaheer Sheikh

“When you photograph a face… you photograph the soul behind it.” ~Jean-Luc Godard

“It is one thing to photograph people. It is another to make others care about them by revealing the core of their humanness.” ~Paul Strand

“The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.”~ Andy Warhol

“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” ~ Ansel Adams

“Photography helps people to see.” ~Berenice Abbott

“What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce. ~Karl Lagerfeld