
PhoneMaker 2.3.6 : 31/05/20

- Removed online features. They will not come back in this version.

- Some bugfixes

- New way to check permission

- Removed dark theme

PhoneMaker 2.3.4 : 04/06/19

- Blocked Number-Only company names

- Avoided “divide by 0” error when producting smartphone.

- Enabled screen rounding (but doesn’t work in phone images for the moment).

- Add missing locked icon to the Dual sensor in PhoneDesigner

- Adaptation of the welcome dialog box to small screen sizes.

- Bugfixes and improvements

PhoneMaker 2.3.3 : 24/05/19

- Correction of classification problems, improvement of the classification to avoid errors.

- Improved game creation to avoid errors.

- Fixed "divide per 0" error in the production screen.

- Correction of uncentered icons

- The wrong phone was displayed in Smartphone Screen.

- Improved PunchHole

PhoneMaker 2.3.2 :

· Added research global progress

· Added categories with new links in About screen.

· Fix tutorials colors

· Fixed tutorial crash

· Removed leaderboard dialog

· Removed correctly root hiding

· Decoded OwnerName

· The leaderboard now displays loading statut.

PhoneMaker 2.3 : 14/05/19

Compatible with older !

- New Modern and Consistent UI

o New Dark Mode

- New Owner name, with new welcoming dialog to choose your settings.

- New Phone components:

o Punch Hole

o Flash

- New display of the money with K, M, B, T, Q (e.g. : 5.2 M $)

- Leaderboard improvements:

o Companies displayed 50 by 50

o You can now see the owner name and the number of smartphones for each company

- Research improvements:

o All the components are now in one page

o You can see your progress for each research categories

o New research components: Flash, Punch-Hole

o Adjustments to certain prices

- New performance mode that should reduce crash or lags (avaible in settings)

- Minor changes :

o Removed root hiding.

o Bankrupt if you reach - 2,000,000 $

o Blocked some company names that causes leaderboard bugs

o More details for each smartphone in your smartphone list

o The smartphone list is now sorted by most recent smartphone

o Updated tutorial

- A lot of bugs fixes and improvements …

PhoneMaker 2.2.4: 11/04/19

- Fix crash

PhoneMaker 2.2.3:07/04/19

- Important bugfixes to avoid app crash

- Anti-cheat: you will not appear in the ranking if your device is routed or if you use an emulator (thanks to HackProtect by Cian)

- Ranking: Display of the first 50 companies, with a button to display everything.

- Deleted some useless database tags.

- The increase in the production price is now displayed correctly. (Thanks to @ken)

- Improvements & minor bugfixes

- Updated credits

PhoneMaker 2.2.2 : 15/03/19

- Added online configuration

- Added an updater

- Added a dynamic message on the main menu

- Improved launch loading

- Leaderboard will now work correctly (Encoded company name)

- Improvements and bugfixes.


PhoneMaker 2.2.1 : 13/03/19

- At the end of the tutorial: latestphone is shown but no phone are created

- Display version code in about

- Add list verification leaderboard

PhoneMaker 2.2 : 13/03/19

Not compatible with older ones

- Online ranking: See how you are ranking compared to other companies!

o Online company name (create, remove, update money)

o An internet connection is now required to create a company (to avoid duplicated names)

- New Sale system: every statistic is now saved for each sale

o You can now change the price at each sale

o You can now sell any of your already created smartphone (not just the last one)

o Increasing production cost after some days.

- New Production Screen

o New Statistics and projections

o Quick choose the number of units to produce by choosing the percent of your money that

you want to spend in the production

- Company and phone name characters limit

- Updated main menu interface

- New company creation screen

- UI changes, improvements and bugfixes.

- Updated credits

PhoneMaker 2.1 : 20/02/19

Due to the change of a lot of database name, this version is not compatible with the older one.

New maketing system :

- Marketing is now per smartphone: Buy one for the smartphone, it will stay, even if you sell it multiple times.

- You can buy another marketing boost (better than the previous one) to replace the first one.

- The buttons for marketing campaigns that you can't pay for are now disabled.

- New dialog for confirmation.

- The marketing boost is now displayed on Smartphone Information’s

Research changes:

- Reduced the font size of the title.

- Correction of some false costs. The value is now displayed directly from the variable.

- New dialog when you have not enough money

UI Changes:

- Re-activated FontArt on Game Menu

- New interface for selling stats on My Smartphone screen.

- New confirmation when the user want to stop the sell of a smartphone.

- Selling Smartphone UI changes (thanks to the CircularProgress Extension by Carlos Pedroza)

- New notch for PhoneDesigner :

- The notch new include front camera and front speaker

- The notch height can be changed.

Others :

- New PhoneDesigner property : Front camera margin.

- Updated credits.

- A lot of smartphone statistics values was wrong, and some duplicates.

PhoneMaker 2.0 : 13/02/19

After 6 months

Warning: This version is not compatible with older ones.

New features:


- PhoneDesigner – Create your own unique smartphone design!

- You can now put the smartphone back on sale, by replenish the stock when the sale is over.

- A tutorial (using the introduction extension) on the first launch (which can be reactivated via the parameters)

Interface :

- New clean & material UI

- Congratulation dialogs (Research, Stop selling)

- New Selling smartphone interface (There is no more “More Details” button)

- Marketing is now a dialog.

- New back button (FAB)

- Removed side menu

- Added icons to buttons.

Changes :

- Removed conception time! No need to wait anymore!

- Improved sale algorithm

- Replaced all images icons by font icons à Reduced app size


- All previous bugs should be fixed

- Performance optimizations

PhoneMaker 1.x :

1.3 : 24/07/2018


- New font (Poppins)

- Updated all logo with the new font

- Global interface improvement

Smartphone creation:

- All new name input dialog on creating smartphone

- New “Next” button on Creating smartphone SETUP (FAB button)

Smartphone management:

- Added marketing button on selling smartphone

- If you don’t have any smartphone already created, the “My Smartphone” will show you a button to create one.

Others :

- Updated app credits (About screen)

- The game is now compatible with Android 4.4


- The “More detail” crash should be fixed 😊

- The progress bar of the creating smartphone is reset each time the Game Menu screen is opened.

- Press the back button on Create Game screen was closing the app


- Marketing is now available: Boost your sales by buying advertising campaigns

- Your fans instantly buy your new smartphone the day it is released

- There is now a space every 3 digits on each money text, for better readability (Thanks Kanishka Developer)

- Smartphone production cost lowered: a sale was never profitable (the price can now be higher, and the impact on sale are lower). The price a now closer to the reality

- Improved the smartphone selling algorithm: they now sell faster, and to the end

- The research page is here! (but not yet functional!)

- Choose the background of the game menu in Settings!

- Option to go directly in the game menu when the game is launched

- Interface change in Game menu !

- Added loading dialog for each screen change (it takes some second on slow phones)

- Bugfixes:

- If you open settings from the Game Menu, you will return to the game menu when you exit settings.

- The smartphone was not sold at the defined price, it is now the case

- Lots of other mistakes

1.1 :

- Wrong variable displayed for "Day sold"

- A all new "My smartphone" page ! You can now see all details and characteristics about all the smartphones that you have created !

- 4 new processors

- Deleting cards in the sidebar

- Removed admob

- Fixed toast notification of time change (pause & time speed) : the text was white on white background

- Smartphone sales algorithm enhancement

- Bugfixes


- Adaptation of the interface for smaller screens

- Added loading windows for actions that can take seconds on slower phones

- Reduced application size (now 9.3 mb)


- Initial release.