I had a prepaid sprint mnvo that I found out recently that they're now using Tmobile towers and the phone I had wasn't compatible but that's the only thing. Luckily I could use one of my old Tmobile phones.

i have had to do two sim card changes since the merger..the first one was to the R15 sim card...then about a month ago switched to a different sim card..by chance do you happen to know which sim card you have in your phone?

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I still have the same ongoing issues. I use my phone for personal and work related tasks and this T-Mobile service is a joke. What am I paying for? A headache? Stress? Terrible Service? All of the above.

I recently switched from Verizon to T-Mobile with the Magenta Max 55+ Plan. I ported my Verizon number and kept my Apple iPhone 14 Pro. So far, I am very pleased with the service. I live in the outskirts of Tampa, FL where many Verizon towers were overloaded and I had trouble getting a usable signal for data, No so with T-Mobile and I am saving $30/month! I believe that many of the problems people are experiencing with the T-Mobile service are related to equipment. I would recommend purchasing a new unlocked phone, as I did when I was with Verizon, from Apple. I can take my phone to any carrier because the iPhone 14 Pro supports all the latest and legacy frequencies out there. Apple has very good trade in plans and zero cost financing. Other manufacturers may have similar plans and when you purchase from the manufacturer you are not locked into a specific carrier.

My problem is that all the texting and data permission and limits have gone away since T-Mobile took over. In the last week I have lost $1000 to a Nigerian romance scammer that has been preying on my elderly mother for the last 3 years. Forst lost $500 via an Apple gift card she gave away, then I had to suspend her number. It then resumed and then lost another $500 and yesterday suspended the number again. With Sprint, I could remotely turn off texting and data so the scammers couldn't get through. Scam Shield blocker app is a joke and having to pay for something to stop criminal activity seems ridiculous to me.

Same issue here. What's even more crazy in my case is when I called about it the first time the agent tells me that my plan was grandfathered in with sprint because I was a customer for over 20 years but that grandfathered plan, which I was extremely happy with, transferred over to Tmobile as an "inferior" plan. To get to an equal experience I have to pay more money to bump to a higher service plan. This was the main stipulation from the government to allow this merger to happen. Tmobile is not allowed to jack up service prices for a set time frame. This must be how a class action lawsuit gets started.

Same issue, when we moved from Sprint to T-Mobile my signal at home dropped two one bar and my text messages get stuck More than 70% of the time. When I spent an hour with support they told me to hard reset my phone back to factory defaults and reinstall everything using T-Mobile apps. This is unacceptable why do I need to delete all of my history text and voicemails for an issue that is clearly on their end.

I have had Sprint and the service and apps are different from T-Mobile. Sprint is not the same as T-Mobile. The services should not have merged for many obvious reasons. One being two contrasting providers using different apps, plans and services. My connectivity has gotten worse they merged. I know can only use VPN. I have to go to T-Mobile and figure out a solution with them. I don't want to have change plans that cost between $108 to $180.

I have used Samsung Galaxy phones since they first came out. I always lived them. I have the 7s currently and used to love it until the newest update a few weeks ago. Now my phone performs horribly...freezes up, drops calls, gives me messages about apps not working that I dont even have, deleted all of my email folders and no longer has the option to add folders...the list goes on and on. I spoke with Samsung call center last night and was told they were being inundated with similar calls, however, there is no fix. So I am paying a LOT of money for a phone that no longer works properly. Samsung did this, it is their mistake, and I think they need to do something to compensate people or give them some type of option to make it right. They said the calls are coming in on the Galaxy 8 as well. This is absurd and Samsung needs to figure something out. When I finally get my issue solved and get another phone, it WILL NOT be a Samsung!!

I was able to review your previous messages and it sounds like you're having issues with the software after an update. I apologize for my oversight. I definitely understand where you are coming from. I pay a lot for my phones and expect them to work as well.

We have limited access to troubleshooting software related issues as the phone is manufactured by Samsung. Patches for the software do have to be released by Samsung as we do not have the ability to do so.

It sounds like Samsung is aware already, but I understand the frustration involved with it still being an issue. I can certainly send additional feedback, as we never want this experience for our customers.

From time to time, a software update can cause a malfunction in the phone programming causing it to act up. In instances like this, we recommend backing up and doing a full factory data reset. This will repair any malfunctions. Alternatively, you can try running the software repair client:

Yes! Too many to post. Ringtones vanished, contacts are now listed three and four times each, typing is randomly duplicated and more. Why do they bother with "upgrades" when it only causes more problems? I attempt to type a text or email and phone will take 3-4 words and duplicate them on the screen up to 10 times. I spend more time deleting than typing! I'm sure it will be the usual...an app I installed...lol. seems to be the standard reply, regardless of actual cause. Cannot WAIT to go back to my Sprint account! I still have it and was so much more user friendly than Verizon. Regret switching. Have to pay for phone in "no contract" program. What's the difference? I cannot pay off the phone in less than 2 years anyway...lol. Hindsight, right?

The device payment program is a standard across all carriers, however some offer a lease option where you pay a similar amount but will never own your device. With our device payment agreement you can pay off your device at any point in the 24 month period to become upgrade eligible once more.

Hey, this isn't just a Samsung issue. You (Verizon) just pushed a manditory update to my LG droid, and it rendered the entire phone a total piece of poopo. THe screens are now so glaring I cant look at them, EVERYTHING changed for the worse.. my battery now goes dead in 8 hours when yesterday and forever it never went deeper than 65% in a day, NOTHING works like it used to and it took me an honest 2 hours to just learn how to use it...marginally. This is REALLY MESSED UP. YOU PEOPLE DO THIS TO YOUR CUSTOMERS AND SAY "SORRY", REALLY?

I have had major issues with battery life since the update. I have a Galaxy 6S, and I used to be able to go a day and a half or so with moderate to heavy usage on my phone...now I take it off the charger at 100%, and within 10 minutes it has dropped to 85, and I haven't even used it but to check the time. I am not happy and I am truly irritated that my phone has to be charged at least 2-3 times daily now instead of 1 time every 2 days. Even if I put the power saving mode on, it claims it will give me an extra few hours, and that quickly turns into minutes....

That definitely doesn't sound like great battery life at all. We want to make sure you can count on your phone to get you through the day like you need it to. How long on average does the phone last for you? How long have you had this phone?

Yes, I was able to speak with them, but they had no answers. Is Verizon communicating with Samsung at all about these issues? Some how this needs to be remedied and I am losing my patience after 17 plus years with Verizon. So far there have been no remedies for any of it...just additional problems and we are paying Verizon, not Samsung for the phones.

Hi Carlisle50 I see from another post that you did not do the factory reset which maybe a good thing because that is a last resort kinda of thing to do. Did you try to clear the cache partition from the recovery mode that will clear out all the old files that are left in the phone.Their could be files left in there from marshmallow which could be conflicting with nougat. The clearing of the cache will not do anything to your phone settings. Hope you get your phone back soon. If you do do the factory reset make sure you have a backup from smart switch or Kies so at least you don't lose everything on your phone 152ee80cbc

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