Michele Bernasconi, Prof. PhD
Brief Curriculum Vitae
1987-1992 Studies of Biology at the ETH Zurich
1993-1997 PhD from the ETH Zurich
1998-1999 Postdoc at the Children’s Hospital in Tokyo
2000-2002 Postdoc at the Burnham Institute in San Diego
2002-2020 Group Leader at the "Experimental Infectious Diseases and Cancer Research", University Children’s Hospital Zurich
2015 Venia Legendi for Experimental Pediatric Oncology at the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich
Since 2018
- Head of Research Lab at the Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, University Hospital of Bern
- Research Manager Laboratory of the "Children’s Research Center" of the University Children’s Hospital Zürich2023 Associate Professor University of Bern
Research interests
Rhabdomyosarcoma targeted drug delivery
CAR T cells for rhabdomyosarcoma therapy
Epstein-Barr virus associated malignancies