Terms and conditions

Updated June2024

At PHOENIX RISING:MK (PRMK) we aim to provide the highest level of service possible to our Group Members. Running our programme requires detailed planning and preparation, high quality resources and appropriately experienced and qualified staff. We would therefore respectfully ask that you undertake to agree to the following:

1. Engagement and participation in activities

Group members have chosen to come to our service and the sessions they / you would like to attend. To enable informed choices, we provide two free 'taster sessions'. We expect and assume that you agree to be involved in activities as fully as possible. Please speak to a member of staff if you have any reason for not being involved.

2. Dignity and respect

At Phoenix Rising: MK (PR:MK) we aim to treat everyone with dignity and respect and encourage all who attend the service to do the same. We have a Code of Conduct which we will provide to all new group members and re-issue where we need to update it. We have an active Equal Opportunities Policy in line with the Equalities Act 2010.

3.1 Absence policy

When a group member is absent, we will still need to invoice unless you are not receiving funding from your local authority for the specific days of absence. If this is the case, please let us know. We need to do this as we still must have the same number of staff in place and bear other daily on-costs regardless of whether a group member or members are absent. Given that there are times when we may have several group members absent in one week, loss of the funding would seriously impact on our finances and our ability to continue to provide a service. Where absence is for a protracted amount of time, and in excess of one month we would be happy to make reasonable special arrangements or exceptions.

3.2 Absence due to illness

Please inform us as soon as practically possible if you cannot attend due to illness. When reporting illness, please let us know what the illness is so that we can take any health safeguarding precautions necessary. Absence due to illness will still be charged in line with section 3.1 above.

3.3 Part Day absence or attendance

Should a group member need to leave any session earlier or arrive later than schedule, normal day rates will be charged. Please note our sessions run from 10.00 – 15.30 daily. Group members can arrive from 09.00 Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate half day attendance as a regular arrangement and half days will still be charged at full day rate.

4. Our payment terms policy

We ask that all invoices are paid within 10 working days from the date shown on the invoice. If you are having any difficulties with payment, please do let us know and if we can help. We automatically send out reminders at or shortly after the 10-day period has elapsed without settlement. Please note that we reserve the right to suspend or cease attendance of group members whose invoices remain unpaid after 30 days. This means they may lose their place with us. We also reserve the right to charge interest on payments outstanding beyond 30 days.

5. Differentiated funding rates

Some group members may receive higher levels of funding depending on the session they are attending and the level of support they need. For example, they may receive 1:1 support funding in swimming or community-based sessions but the standard rate for other sessions. Where this is in place, if that individual group member decides to stop attending the higher rate session, we require the 4 weeks’ notice as stated in paragraph 10.

6. Closure due to circumstances beyond our control 

(i.e. Severe weather; epidemics; /pandemics or other unforeseen crises, (‘force majeure’) In these such circumstances, where clients continue to be funded by the local authority, we will continue to charge for day services as normal based on previous attendance patterns. We will continue to provide whatever kind of service we can such as online virtual sessions, bringing art projects to your home, setting remote projects etc. This is what we did during the Covid lockdown in 2020.

7. Holidays

In order that we can plan and prepare for changes in group size, staffing levels required etc. please provide a minimum of four weeks’ notice about absence due to holidays. PRMK closes for the statutory holidays, at Easter and Christmas plus the period from the last weekday before Christmas Eve and normally through to the first or second working day after January 1st . We do not follow school or college academic term times and are open throughout all Spring and Summer months. Holidays will be charged in line with the policy outlined in section 3.1 above.

8. Collection from meeting points

Please ensure that where group members are being collected by yourself or someone acting on your behalf, they are picked up punctually. Late collection entails our staff waiting with the group member/s which will incur additional staffing time and costs to us.

9. Introductory 'taster sessions'

When a group member joins our service for the first time, we are pleased to offer two free 'taster sessions' in order that they can feel assured in making the right choice and that we can accurately assess their support needs.

10. Induction

All new group members will receive an induction and a copy of our group member guidebook which outlines everything they and their carers / supporters need to know.

11. Notice period

Notice period is four weeks. If an individual group member decides to leave our service, we ask that we receive at least four weeks’ notice. If the group member leaves within or before the end of this four-week period, we would still require payment for the full four weeks.

12. Changing sessions

If a group member wishes to change the sessions they attend, we may need to conduct a review first to ensure it meets their needs.

13. Communication

Clear and accurate two-way communication is very important. Our main form of communication is via email from info@phoenixmk.com. We would appreciate acknowledgement of our emails so that we can be assured you have seen them. Please let us know as soon as possible if the email you originally gave us changes.

For any management related issues, please use these numbers:

Messages can also be left on any of these numbers.

We also post important messages on the ‘Information Hub’ on the home page of our website so please check this regularly. 

We will always endeavour to contact you about any important items or issues using the telephone numbers and/ or email addresses you have provided. If these should change, please let us know as soon as possible. 

Should you have any queries regarding any of the above, we would be pleased to discuss these with you.