We are an international  research group including members from different countries studying highly able/gifted adults in order they could be recognized, accepted and valorized.


Susana Graciela Pérez Barrera (PhD)



Master and PhD (PUCRS) with postdoctoral in Education (UFSM), Brazil, with emphasis on High Ability/Giftedness. She was a Fulbright visiting scholar at the Renzulli Center for creativity gifted education and talent development, University of Connecticut, president of the Brazilian Council for Giftedness for 4 terms and president, vice-president, and technical advisor of the Association of Support for High Ability/Giftedness of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, consultant to the Ministries of Education of Brazil, Uruguay and Colombia, Brazilian local and provincial education departments, and to the Mawhiba Foundation (Saudi Arabia). She is currently a professor and thesis supervisor of Master and Doctorate in Education, Coordinator of the Education Doctoral Program, Coordinator of the Specialization in Inclusive Education for students with High Ability/Giftedness, leader of the Research Group in High Ability/Giftedness in the School of Educational Sciences of Universidad de la Empresa, in Montevideo, Uruguay and of the Phoenix International Research Group, author of books, chapters, and national and international articles, and lecturer at national and international events. Researcher at the Educação Inclusiva/Educação Especial: Políticas, Práticas e Processos de Desenvolvimento Humano (UFPR) - Gifted research line, and Mentalidade Cultural e Diversidade da Inteligência (UNICAP) Brazilian research groups. Member of the National System of Researchers of Uruguay (SNI). Chief-editor of Revista Sudamericana de Educación, Universidad y Sociedad and Revista Avances de Investigación and peer reviewer of international journals. Representative of Uruguay at the European Council for High Ability and delegate to the World Council for gifted and Talented Children. 
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1449-469X Email: sperezbarrera@ude.edu.uy  

Andrée Therrien (Psychologist)



Psychologist currently in private practice and specializes in giftedness and ADHD. She was a school psychologist for many years. She is Canada's delegate for the Asia-Pacific Gifted Federation (APFG) as well as to the European Council for High Ability (ECHA) where she holds the position of National Correspondents Coordinator. She is a speaker in gifted training all over the world and is involved in some international committees. She participates in gifted research in collaboration with other countries.  She created the T2i: identification protocol for gifted and talented students in public schools: STEM profile. 


Aikaterini Gari (PhD)

Professor of Social Psychology at the Department of Psychology, School of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She has been appointed Director of the “Center of Cross-Cultural Psychology” (2003-2013) of the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology and Director of the “Laboratory for Creativity Development” (2017-) of the Department of Psychology, School of Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She has also been appointed Correspondence Member for Greece (2002-) of the “European Council for High Ability” (ECHA) and Program Director for Greece (2007-) of the “European Value Study” (EVS). She has been elected member of the Executive Council (2014-2018) of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP) and co-cordinator of the “Cross-Cultural Psychology Branch” of the “Hellenic Psychological Society” (2011-2013,    2013-2015 and 2015-2017). She has also elected chair of the executive committee board of the “Hellenic Association for the Promotion of Education for the Creative, Gifted, Talented Children and Adolescents” (2003-2012, 2014-). Her main research interests include attitudes, values and social axioms, community well-being, socio - psychological dimensions of contemporary families, social psychology of educational system, socio-psychological characteristics of children and adolescents with high abilities, gifted  identification, school community members attitudes towards the gifted, teachers’ attitudes towards the gifted with learning difficulties. She has been member of the International Organizing Committee of the 8th Conference of the European Council for High Ability (ECHA), Rhodes, Greece, 9-13 October, 2002 and she co-chaired the 18th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, at the isle of Spetses, 11-15 July 2006.  She has published more than 60 papers in peer reviewed international and Greek journals, books, and  congress proceedings.


Anabel Jensen (PhD)

With over 30 years of pioneering work in emotional intelligence education, Dr. Anabel Jensen has founded three schools for gifted children and is the President of Six Seconds, a network devoted to helping communities develop positive change. In addition to her leadership at Six Seconds, she is Chair and Professor in Education at Notre Dame de Namur University. Her background includes the teaching and supervising of instruction from preschool to the university level. Anabel received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley.

Email: anabel@6seconds.org 

 Anies Al-Hroub  (PhD)

Tenured Associate Professor of Psychology and Special Education, and former Chairperson of the Department of Education at the American University of Beirut (AUB). Convener of the Graduate Program of School Guidance and Counseling since 2012. Ph.D. and MPhil in Psychology of Education (both focused on researching the clinical diagnosis and intervention for vulnerable twice-exceptional individuals) from the University of Cambridge, M.A (special education and school guidance and counseling), and B.A. (Psychology) from the University of Jordan. He was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Connecticut, the British Academ,y, to the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge, and to the School of Advanced Social Studies (SASS) in Slovenia. Le led several projects sponsored by UNICEF, UNRWA, UNESCO, the British Academy, USAID, World Bank, Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI), Welfare Association, and European Union. He is the abroad editor member for several scholarly journals, associate editor of Frontiers in Psychology, and a topic editor on the same journal on “Serving Vulnerable and Marginalized Populations in Social and Educational Contexts):. He is the co-founder and advisor of the Middle East Professional Learning Initiative (MEPLI) at Harvard University's Graduate School of Education, and member of the expert team responsible for drafting the Lebanese national policy on inclusive education for children with special needs. Additionally, he assumed a leading position in formulating a policy specifically addressing inclusive education for gifted and talented learners in Lebanon.

Email: aa111@aub.edu.lb 

Dyah Ratna Permatasari (Master) 
Mrs. Dyah Ratna Permatasari is a science communicator in Indonesia. She got her bachelor degree in Chemistry from University of Indonesia in 1988. She also got two master degrees, first degree is in Management from PPM Institute and the second one is in Urban Arts from The Jakarta Arts Institute. As the Managing Director of DoctoRabbit Science Inc., Mrs. Dyah Ratna Permatasari has taken part in many Science programs mentoring such as the Cross Mentoring Research Activity (CMRA), APEC Mentoring Center for the Gifted in Science (AMGS), and the Associate Director for Indonesia, Odyssey of the Mind Creative Competition.Mrs. Dyah Ratna Permatasari has been presenting in some conferences such as Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Conferences in Seoul, Malmo, New Delhi, Florence, Istanbul, Dunedin, and Science Communication Leadership Workshop in Colombo, Srilanka; Personal email: dyah.ratna.p@gmail.com
Eliana Santos de Farias (PhD)
Prof. PhD Eliana Farias is a psychologist (UBC) and a doctor with a post-doctoral internship in psychological tests at the Psychological Assessment and Measurements Laboratory (LAMP), at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUC Campinas). Currently, she is a teacher and coordinator of the Psychology course at Centro Universitário Braz Cubas. She is the current president of the Brazilian Association of Creativity and Innovation (CRIABRASILIS) and an associate of the Brazilian Council for Giftedness (ConBraSD), Brazilian Institute of Psychological Assessment (IBAP) and full member of the International Society for the Study of Creativity and Innovation (ISSCI). She also sits on the editorial board of the Revista Ibero-Americana de Criatividade e Inovação (RECRIAI) and the Revista Brasileira de Altas Habilidades / Superdotação (ConBraSD), as well as being an ad hoc reviewer for several other journals. His bibliographic production mainly deals with psychological assessment in the educational field such as high skills and giftedness (or giftedness and talent), creativity, bullying and cyberbullying, learning styles, among others. She participated with a chapter in the work that received the Jabuti Award 2015, in the Education and Pedagogy category, "High Skills / Giftedness, intelligence and creativity", Ed. Papirus.E-mail: elianass@gmail.com 
Faisal Alamiri (PhD)
Associate Professor in Giftedness and Creativity at the Department of Special Education, University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He holds extended degrees in gifted education and innovation (Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D.). He was a teacher of gifted students in a primary school. He worked as the General Supervisor of the Administration of Attracting and Nurturing Talents at the University of Jeddah. He was a member of the Executive Committee of The Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness. In 2020, Alamiri was appointed as the General Director of the General Administration for Talents at the Ministry of Education in which he also worked as the Manager of the Initiative for Developing the Regulations and Policies for Gifted Students, as one of the initiatives for achieving the Saudi Vision 2030.  He developed the Participatory Model of Giftedness, which has been presented in many national and international conferences. He also developed the Creative Productivity Model for designing gifted education programs. Personal Email: faisalgift@hotmail.com
Finarya Legoh (PhD)
Finarya is a senior lecturer at Faculty of Engineering of University of Indonesia for building technology and sustainable architecture. Since 2019 Finarya has been working at Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI) as the Head of International Relation & Funding. During G20 Indonesia Presidency 2022, Finarya was the Secretary of Science20, and so up to now the S20 Indonesian Secretary. Her PhD in Applied Acoustics gained from the University of Salford, UK. She worked at the Agency for Assessment & Application of Technology (BPPT) in 1982-1999, in research & management positions, then 2012-2019 as Principal Engineer. In 2000-2012 she worked at the Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia, as leaders in research & S&T management. Finarya was appointed as Focal Points / Committees of various programs in ASEAN, ASEAN+3, APEC, in gifted in science for youths and educators. Science communication is used to communicate and assist the gifted youths. Since 2022, Finarya has been selected as the Chair of Special Committee in SHARE (Science, Health, Agriculture, Risk and Environment) Communication within AASSA (the Association of Academies & Societies of Sciences in Asia). Her membership is since 2018. She is also the member of working group of Southeast Asia Science Advice Network (SEA SAN) since 2020. Since 2022 she also the committee at program of Addressing Inaccurate and Misleading Information about Biological Threats through Scientific Collaboration and Communication, organized by NAS (National Academy of Sciences, USA). E-mail: finaryalegoh@gmail.com 
Inés Escalante Casaravilla

Jane Farias Chagas Ferreira (PhD)
Graduated in Pedagogy, Music, and Theology. She is a psychopedagogue and a specialist in Distance Education, a master in psychology, and a Ph.D. in Human Development and Health Processes from the University of Brasília. She did postdoctoral studies at the University of Connecticut, at the Renzulli Center for Creativity, Gifted Education, and Talent Development. She is a founding partner of the Brazilian Giftedness Council - CONBRASD, Delegate of Brazil to the World Gifted and Talented Child Council (2017-2023), member of the Brazilian Association of Developmental Psychology - ABPD and the School Psychology Working Group of the National Research Association, and Graduate Studies in Psychology - ANPEPP. She is currently an associate professor in the Department of School and Developmental Psychology and advisor of the Graduate Program in School and Developmental Psychology at the Institute of Psychology at the University of Brasília. She has acted and carried out research with the following emphases: talent development/ giftedness, creativity, curriculum enrichment, teacher training, teaching, assessment and learning processes, distance education, and cyberculture.Email: janefcha@gmail.com 
Jasmine Feng (Ms)
Jiamin Feng (Jasmine) has a master's degree in Guidance and Counselling from the University of Hong Kong and is currently a research assistant from the Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong. Her research interests are in talent development especially in musical aspects, anger management, development of social intelligence and whole person development.E-mail: jiaminf@connect.hku.hk 
Jiang Huifei (Master student)
Jiang Huifei has a master degree in Education at the University of Glasgow. She was an experienced educational advisor for supporting students with learning difficulties. Huifei is currently a Master student at the Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong, specializing in gifted education and talent development. Her main research interest include gifted students with social-emotional needs, Dweck' s theory of mindsets, students’ learning related outcomes and well-being.E-mail: jhfei@connect.hku.hk 
Jiyoung Ryu, Ed.D 
Director,  KAIST Gifted Policy Center

Dr. Jiyoung Ryu is currently the Director of the Gifted Education Policy Center at GIFTED(Global Institute For Talented Education), KAIST(KOREA Advanced Institute of Science and Technology). Dr. Ryu earned a doctoral degree in Gifted Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. She has developed and operated educational programs for underprivileged gifted students, as well as has been carried out various policy reports and research for science gifted students. She has presented numerous papers at both domestic and international conferences on gifted education and has authored several publications. Her research interests primarily concern the psychological and emotional adaptation of gifted individuals, as well as education for gifted children from underprivileged backgrounds. . Currently, Dr. Ryu serves as the chair of scientific committee of the KOREA Society of Gifted, and the Korean representative at the Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness.

Email: jryu01@kaist.ac.kr 

Joe Tsui (Doctoral student)
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Special Education and Counselling of the Education University of Hong Kong. He was an experienced teacher, school counsellor and school administrator in the secondary education sector before joining the university. He is currently a Doctor of Education candidate at the Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong, specialising in career counselling and development of gifted students. His areas of interest include career counselling, gifted education and talent development, school guidance and counselling, and socio-emotional learning.Email: joetsui@gmail.com  
Jyoti Sharma (PhD)
(Mathematics Education, Gifted and Creativity, Inclusion, Equity and Excellence for Gifted)

Professor of Mathematics Education at Cluster Innovation Centre (CIC), University of Delhi, India. She is also the Joint Director at CIC. She works with high-ability learners at the school and college levels, particularly in Mathematics and allied subjects. She led the national-level flagship project initiated by the Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India and was able to contribute to policy-level changes in education for gifted students. She has also set up the first Gifted Resource lab at CIC. She works with cognitively advanced learners starting from early childhood to university-level. She has been involved in cross-cultural research in creativity through communication and problem-solving with research partners from USA and Canada. Currently, she is working on creating an inclusive ecosystem for gifted learners.

Email: jyotisharmacic@gmail.com


Kalliopi  Evelthontos
Kalliopi Evelthontos is an Educator and a Specialist in Gifted Education in Cyprus. She earned the European Advanced Diploma in Educating the Gifted, Cum Laude, in 2004 from Radboud University, Nijmegen Netherlands, and she holds the position of National Correspondent at the European Council for High Ability (ECHA). She is the founder of the Association for Gifted Children Cyprus. She is using the identification model “ENTER,” by Albert Ziegler & Heidrun Stöger, to identify the children and to counsel their parents and teachers as to how to support them. She planned and run the Specialized Educational Program for Gifted and Talented Children at a Private School in Cyprus. She also worked as special educator for the Gifted in public schools in Kanton Zurich, Switzerland. She received her first diploma from the University of Zurich as a teacher for German language and Mathematics. She started her teaching career as a German teacher at the Japanese-German Association in Osaka, Japan, and she is currently teaching German in public schools in Cyprus. She is fluent in Greek, German, English, and Japanese. Email:popievelthontos@gmail.com 
Karen Bendelman (Ms)
Karen Bendelman has a master's degree in educational psychology, specializing in learning differences and giftedness (AH/SD) education.  Karen is Uruguayan and has lived in Israel and the United States.  Karen has served as a board member of the California Association for the Gifted and on scientific and academic committees at international and national conferences on AH/SD.  Karen is the co-author of 3 books in gifted education field ​and wrote a chapter in the American Psychological Association's Handbook of Gifted and Talented.  In recent years, in California, Karen has led emotional intelligence programs at a school for students with AH/SD through the six seconds curriculum. 
Email: karenbendelman@gmail.com 
Katia Sandoval-Rodríguez (PhD)


Laura Ceretta Moreira (PhD)



Degree in Special Education and Pedagogy. Specialist in Neuroscience, Master, Doctor and Post-Doctor in Education. Full Professor at the Federal University of Paraná, she works in the Graduate Program in Education. Member of the Brazilian Council for Giftedness (ConBraSD).Chaired the ConBraSD Scientific Committee (20182022). She coordinates LAPEAHS (Laboratory of Policies, Research and Educational Practices in High Abilities/Giftedness). Leader of the Research Group: Inclusive Education/Special Education: Policies, Practices and Processes of Human Development. Main research themes: Giftedness, inclusive policies and practices, autism and accessibility.

https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4569-7369 http://lattes.cnpq.br/6955080467665137 Email: lauracmoreira@gmail.com 

Leticia Arbelo Marrero (MsC)



Leticia is a Primary Education Teacher, with a Master´s degree in Education with emphasis in Direction and Management of Educational Centers.She’s also a Specialist in Inclusive Education focusing on High Abilities/Giftedness, and a Specialist in Science Teaching, Mathematics and Educational Quality aswell.She’s a member of the Research Group in High Abilities/Giftedness Educational Sciences School of Universidad de la Empresa.Leticia is a Master´s degree student in Clinical Neuropsychology and Neuroeducation.Her research focuses on children and teenagers with High Abilities/Giftedness as well as the education they need to receive for their proper development.
Email: leticiaarbelomarrero@gmail.com 

Lianne Hoogeveen (PhD)



Professor by special appointment on the topic ‘Identification, Support and Counseling of Talent’. She is Program Director of the Radboud International Training of High Ability (RITHA), a post-academic training at the Radboud Center of Social Sciences, qualified by the European Council for High Ability (ECHA). She coordinates the master specialization ‘Gifted Education’ at Radboud University. As a mental health psychologist, she examines and counsels adolescents and adults with high abilities at CBO Talent Development in Nijmegen. As part of the research group RATiO of the Radboud University, Lianne Hoogeveen is involved in research on giftedness and education (Specialty: ‘Identification, Support and Counseling of Talent’), cooperating with colleagues of Dutch and international universities. She is a guest lecturer in several European and non-European universities. Since September 2020, she is the President of the European Council for High Ability (ECHA).

Email: lianne.hoogeveen@ru.nl 

Mantak Yuen (PhD)
Associate professor and director of the Laboratory and Program in Creativity and Talent Development at the Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong. He is a registered counseling and educational psychologist. His professional interests are in school counseling, gifted education, and life career development. He coordinates the Master of Education specialism in Gifted Education and Talent Development. He is a Hong Kong China delegate to the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children and the Vice-President of the Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness. 
https://web.edu.hku.hk/faculty-academics/mtyuen Email:  mtyuen@hku.hk 
María Caridad García-Cepero (PhD)
María Caridad García-Cepero is a Colombian educator. She graduated as psychology from the Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia) with a minor in musical studies, she began her career as a school teacher in the 1990s. She has a Master's Degree in Curriculum and instruction - G&T education, from the University of Houston (USA). And a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology with an emphasis in talent development from the University of Connecticut (USA). From 2009 to 2010 she was deputy director of Research at the DeLTA-UCN Center for the Development of Academic Talents at the Universidad Católica del Norte in Antofagasta - Chile.In 2015 and 2017 was in charge of the development of National Guidelines for gifted and talent education in Colombia. She has been a university professor since 2001 and Currently she works as a consultant, in Colombia and other Latin-American countries.Email: maria.caridad.garcia@gmail.com 
María Leonor Conejeros (PhD)

Psychologist, Doctor in Education from the University of Concepción, Chile, and Postdoctorate at Gifted Education, University of New South Wales, through the award of an Endeavour Research Fellowship from the Australian Government, Department of Education and Training. She currently works as a Professor at the School of Pedagogy, Special Education Undergraduate Program, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV). For six years she served as Director of the Educational Program BETA for Academic Talents at the same University, an area in which she has developed teaching and research for the last 16 years. She was Head of the Program in Special Education and Director of the Master's program in Education, Mention Educational Assessment. She is a national and international reference on High Ability and Twice Exceptionality, with the permanent publication of articles and book chapters, research, dissemination, and development of the subject.

Email: leonor.conejeros@pucv.cl 

María Paz Gómez Arizaga (PhD)
Maria P. Gomez-Arizaga is a psychologist, Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of Arizona. Currently, she is an associate professor at the School of Psychology, Universidad de Santiago de Chile and the Director of a Diploma in Gifted Education. Her main research interests and publications are related to traditionally underserved gifted students -particularly gifted girls and women- and their academic trajectories, as well as their perceptions and experiences as learners. She currently serves as the director of Outreach at the School of Psychology, USACH. 

Email: Maria.gomez.ar@usach.cl

María Pereira da Costa (PhD)

Maria Pereira Da Costa is Professor of Differential Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, University Paris Cité. Her teaching and research concerns giftedness, intelligence theories, cognitive psychology, psychometric questionnaires, and cognitive styles. She has been member of the International Organizing Committee of the 12th Conference of the European Council for High Ability (ECHA), Paris, 2010. She has been appointed Director of a large Bachelor in psychology program and vice-dean of the Institute of Psychology (2009-2012). She has been elected as vice-president of University Paris Descartes (2013-2019), and appointed as vice-president of University Paris Cité (2019-2022). She is member of the Laboratoire de Psychologie et Ergonomie Appliquée (LaPEA).

Email: maria.pereira@u-paris.fr   

Mariana Carignani Casanova (Ms.)


Master in Education with emphasis on Learning Disabilities and High Abilities/Giftedness and specialist in Learning Disabilities. She is Secondary Education teacher specializing in Chemistry. She is currently a professor of Educational Psychology at the Psychology Department of the Consejo de Formación en Educación de Uruguay and professor of the Mastership in Education and a member of the Research Group in High Abilities/Giftedness at the Education Sciences school of Universidad de la Empresa. She is also an Educational Psychologyst in private practice and  member of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children.


 E-mail: marianacarignani@gmail.com

Marina Marques Porto Ribeiro (PhD)
Marina Porto is a psychologist, with a Master's degree in Human Development and Health Processes and is currently pursuing her PhD in Psychology at the Autonomous University of Madrid. She is a professor at the Catholic University of Uruguay and the University of Business in Uruguay. Her research focuses on creativity, multiculturalism, and gender, and she has published articles on these topics.Email: marinaportopsi@gmail.com 
Maruška Željeznov Seničar (Ms.)

M.Sc. Maruška Željeznov Seničar is a teacher of preschool children, a graduate teacher, a professor of geography and has a master's degree in pedagogical sciences. He is currently completing her doctoral studies in the field of talent development at the Faculty of Education of the University of Primorska, Slovenia and is in the process of habilitation as an assistant for social and educational sciences at the same faculty. She is the author and implementer of the educational program for kindergarten teachers entitled Development of Children's Potentials in and a consultant to the Institute of Education of the Republic of Slovenia in the preparation of the Concept of Discovering and Working with Potentially Talented Children in Kindergarten. Since 2008, she has been the program and organizational manager of the international conference in the field of talent development (www.talenteducation.si), and from 2014 to 2022 she was the national coordinator for ECHA (European Council for High ability) and program manager of TalentTalk. She is also the president of the Association of School Counselors of Slovenia, which connects more than 400 counselors from kindergartens and schools, who act as coordinators of work with the gifted and talented in kindergartens and schools. 

Email: maruska.zeljeznov@mib.si 

Mojca Kukanja Gabrijelčič (PhD)

Associate professor at the Faculty of Education of the University of Primorska, Slovenia. She is also the holder of the subject Development of talents and giftedness and she is head of CUN, the Center for Creativity and Talents, UP PEF and country Director, country representative in the World Organization of Higher Education Teaching and Learning.

Email: mojcakgabrijelcic@gmail.com

Mojmir Mykiska (Student)



Psychology student at Charles University in Prague, where he was also born. He is an ex-member of non-profit organisation Lata and co-founder of a student society called Psyna. Gifted problematic is his main interest for the last 5 years, as he wrote his high-school graduation thesis on gifted development and now is writing theses and conducting research on gifted adults and their perception of stress. 

Email: mykiskam@gmail.com

Nikolopoulou Vasiliki (PhD)



 School Psychologist (MSc, PhD) and a member of Laboratory Teaching Staff at the Psychology Department of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) coordinating the internship of MSc students in School Psychology Program. She has great experience working for many years in state schools of Secondary education and she has been specialized in Systemic interventions at school systems. Her main interests include systemic psychosocial interventions at school, educational leadership, well-being and socio-psychological characteristics of children/ adolescents with high abilities. She has published several psychology papers and participated in several Greek and international congresses.


E-mail: viknikolop@psych.uoa.gr 

Paula Irueste (PhD)
Degree in Psychology, MP 5808, Faculty of Psychology, UNC, Argentina, PhD in Health Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences, UNC, Argentina. University Expert in the diagnosis and treatment of students with high abilities, UNED, Spain. Director of the Neuropsychology Service, Children's Area, Faculty of Psychology, UNC, Argentina. Chair Professor, Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, UNC, Argentina. Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology and Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapies, Faculty of Psychology, UNC. IIPSI research professor, CONICET-UNC, Argentina. Collaborating Professor, Open University of Catalonia, UOC, Spain. Member of the Academic Committee, Specialty in Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, UNC, Argentina. Representative of Argentina in the European Talent Support Network (ETSN).Delegate of Argentina in the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, WCGTC).Member of the Scientific Committee of CIVIT (Virtual International Summit of Intelligence and Talent).https://snpinfantil.wixsite.com/snpinfantil E-mail: paula.irueste@unc.edu.ar 
Pedro Sánchez Escobedo (PhD)

Former Fulbright scholar. Currently, he is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Yucatan, in the College of Education, where he is a full professor and researcher.  Dr. Sánchez belongs to the prestigious Mexican National Research System (SNI-II) since 1996 and he has contributed significantly to both educational and psychological fields in Mexico. He oversaw the Standardization processes and norm development of the three major intelligence scales widely used in Mexico in clinical and educational settings.  The Mexican Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, Third Edition (M-WPPSI-III) in 2011. The Mexican Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fourth Edition (M-WISC-IV) in 2007 The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Third Edition (M-WAIS-III) was adapted for use in Mexico. In 2003. Hitherto he has published 18 books, more than 120 original research manuscripts and he has been a visiting lecturer in many universities around the world. His current research interest is in assessment and evaluation, gifted education and curriculum development. 

Email: psanchez@correo.uady.mx 

Petra Leinigen

Petra Leinigen is a counsellor for parents of gifted children in Germany for more than 20 years. Her focus is on the family’s wellbeing with gifted children. Petra gained her ECHA-Coach Diploma at ICBF of Muenster University and did the nationwide telephone counselling for Germany for several years. Petra holds speeches and does workshops to train the trainers. She also is a founder and for several years was on the board of an association for parents with gifted children in Lower Saxony, Germany. She still is a presenter at ECHA and WCGTC conferences.


Email: info@herausforderung-begabung.de 

Regina Pinho Gomig (Doctoral Student)
Regina Pinho Gomig – Psychologist CRP (Regional Psychology Council) 12/04579 Specialist in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT); Neuropsychologist; Master of Public Health; Been working as a Clinical Psychologist prioritizing mood disorders and anxiety treatment for more than 20 years. Author and co-author of 6 published books in the field of psychology. Researcher in the field of Education focusing on ADHD and High Ability/Giftedness. 
E-mail_ reginapinhogomig@gmail.com

Serene Chan (EdD)



 Lecturer in the Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong (HKU). She is one of the coordinators of the Master of Education Specialism in Gifted Education and Talent Development. She teaches courses in creativity, gifted education, and talent development. She also has extensive experience in the local school context, providing consultancy and school-based curriculum support to teachers in primary schools and kindergartens with a focus on helping multicultural students in language learning. Dr. Chan is the Programme Director (Research Development) of the Laboratory and Programme for Creativity and Talent Development, Centre for Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education (CAISE) at HKU. Through the Programme for Creativity and Talent Development, Dr. Chan has taught creative language arts courses to talented primary school students. Dr. Chan is currently serving as a Hong Kong Delegate of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC) and also the Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness (APFG). She has been on the editorial board of the APFG newsletter. Recently, she participated in the Chinese translation of the Global Principles for Professional Learning in Gifted Education. Dr. Chan’s research interests are in creativity enhancement, talent development, early career awareness, and teacher training.

Email: schan15@hku.hk 

Sheila Torma Rodrigues (Ms)

Master in Education from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM); Specialist in Specialized Educational Service from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC); Specialist in gifted and talented education by the Federal University of Lavras, Minas Gerais (UFLA); Specialist in Special Education - area of High Ability/Giftedness by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS); Portuguese Language degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. Retired gifted educator of the Municipal Education System of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; gifted educator of the municipal education system of Florianópolis, working in the identification and enrichment  of highly able/gifted students of an elementary school; former president of the Associação Gaúcha de Apoio às Altas Habilidades/Superdotação (AGAAHSD); founder and member of the Brazilian Council for Giftedness – CONBRASD. Professor at the School of Educational Sciences of the Universidad de la Empresa. Researcher at the Educação Inclusiva/Educação Especial: Políticas, Práticas e Processos de Desenvolvimento Humano (UFPR) - Gifted research line (Brazil) and the Grupo de Investigación en Altas Habilidades/Superdotación (GIAHSD), Uruguay.

E-mail: shetorma@gmail.com
Sheyla Blumen (PhD)

Sheyla Blumen, Ph.D. is the Chair of the Academic Department of Psychology, and former Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). She holds an M.A. on Psychological Assessment, the ECHA Diploma as Specialist in Gifted Education, and a Ph.D. from Radboud University, on the Identification and Attention of the highly able in Peru. She also holds a degree on the Education for sustainable development, and has been instrumental to include gifted education needs on the Peruvian Norms of Education. She currently coordinates the Creativity, Technology, and Talent Development Research Group, at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, as well as Future Minds Gifted Center, an Associated European Gifted Center. She is invited keynote at international conferences, and has been invited professor at universities in the Americas (Harvard U/School of Education, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Universidad de Campinas-Brasil, Universidade de Brasilia), Europe (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad de Murcia, Radboud University, Eotvos Lorand University),  and Asian countries (Hebrew University of Jerusalem). Her current research and development interests are related to assessment and enhancement of multiple forms of giftedness of students from underserved groups living in poverty or belonging to ethnic-linguistic diverse groups, or original towns.

Email: sblumen@pucp.edu.pe  

Simone Miranda Sviercoski (Doctoral student)


Sutanun Niemelã
Counselor for Gifted Program students (2010-2019) Provided guidelines to them to be ready for University admission. Responsibility was to counsel and cooperate with each college’s directors, teachers, and student’s parents about the educational syllabus of the programmed to ensure their education to success. Work Experience: Counselor for Gifted educational, a special program for children of Grade 7 - 12 who have remarkable records especially in Mathematics and Science,for Assumption College School Chain in Thailand. Responsible for creating training suitable to trendy subjects, finding the appropriate coach for each subject, counsel management of the training course coordinating with my team. Currently offer online coaching for business entrepreneurs to extend their sells opportunities. Email: wiseeducationcenter@gmail.com 
Tina Refning 

I have been involved in different initiatives concerning gifted children since 2002 and have A LOT of practical experience both with the children but also with their parents. From the various positions I have had over the years - Gifted Children Coordinator for Mensa, founded our national association, Gifted Children, being first at teacher and after the school leader for three years in a school for the gifted I have seen many gifted adults who were not very much in touch with themselves. Over the years I have tried hard to move things along concerning the gifted children in Denmark. I 2015 I got the WCGTC's conference to our country and was conference manager, but the timing was off. Now things are opening up here - there is an interest in gifted children and many new "players" and initiatives in the field, but still not so much concerning the adults. I had just enrolled in a Masters in Clinical Psychology with the London Metropolitan University, when I was introduced to the Phoenix Research Project, and I am looking forward to combining the two, since I dont have a lot of formal research experience. Besides working with the gifted, I am a RYT-500 yoga teacher and have been teaching adults to relax both their body and mind since 2012. Email: tina@yintelligence.dk 
Tyler Clark
Tyler Clark, Ed.D., is the Assistant Director of Operations at The Center for Gifted Studies and the Executive Administrator at the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children. Dr. Clark currently serves on the Leadership Development Committee for the National Association for Gifted Children (USA). Dr. Clark is also active in the Kentucky Association for Gifted Education, providing volunteer support including in the headquarters and during conferences and workshops. His research interests include topics in higher education, specifically related to honors education; leadership; gifted education and talent development specifically policy, creativity, social-emotional aspects, and underrepresentation issues; and mathematics education. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with Gertrude, a French Bulldog he adopted during the pandemic.
Trevor J. Tebbs (PhD)

Veteran educator with more than half a century of experience in regular, special, art, and post-secondary teaching and learning environments. Trevor’s fascinating journey has included a watercolor exhibition at the International Monetary Fund (Washington, DC) and settling in Vermont. In the UK, with qualifications from the Universities of Bath and Bristol, he taught a wide range of young people. In the USA, an advanced Educational Psychology degree engendered interest in the special needs of highly able children. Trevor created a holistic assessment system known as Chandelier. With the Institute of Gifted Child and Ukrainian software engineer’s support, field-use of Chandelier furthered a deeper understanding of the g/t population Trevor shared as the assistant field editor of the WCGTC journal (GTI) and, presently as associate editor of the International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity (IJTDC), board member of the Junior Academy of Science of Ukraine, member of Editorial Board of Junior Science and member of Universal Scientific Education and Research Network (USERN). At the time of writing (January 2023) Trevor is engaged in a research project focused on the dynamic that may or may not exist between personality -type, giftedness and academic achievement. Email: trevor@tebbspsychology.com 
Vera Borges de Sá (PhD)

Doctor in History, master in Sociology, graduate in Social Sciences. Professor at the Catholic University of Pernambuco/Brazil (UNICAP) and coordinator of the Reserch Group High Abilities/Giftedness, Humanism and Citizenship (UNICAP). Cofounder of Institute Scientia of Pernambuco/Brazil, Member associate of the Brazilian Council for Giftedness (CONBRASD), and Brazilian Society of Science History (SBHC).  Research Development in Social History, History of Science, Sociology of Education and Giftedness.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5242-3492

CV: https://lattes.cnpq.br/3776943719534145 Email: verab63@gmail.com