Social Studies

Working on a Social Studies assignment?
Start your research by exploring these sources:

Look for this NCWiseOwl icon in your WakeID Portal.
NCWiseOwl guides you to many helpful learning resources.

Ask your teacher or Ms. Ziller for the NCWiseOwl password to access Britannica School.
Ask your teacher or Ms. Ziller for the NCWiseOwl password to access Britannica School.

Ask your teacher or Ms. Ziller for the NCWiseOwl password to access Britannica School.
Ask your teacher or Ms. Ziller for the NCWiseOwl password to access explora.

Ask your teacher or Ms. Ziller for the NCWiseOwl password to access Britannica School.

Look for the Follett icon in your WakeID Portal to search for books for checkout in the Follett Destiny Library catalog.

eBook and Audiobook Search

Search for ebooks and audiobooks to help you learn more about your topic.

7th Grade Social Studies - Industrial Revolution Project
NCWiseOwl Best Practices Screencast

NCWiseOwl Industrial Revolution Screencast.webm

7th Grade Social Studies - Industrial Revolution Project
Google Research Strategies

Using Google - Industrial Revolution Project.webm