Day 4

Thursday, July 16, 2020

What is literacy and how might this be expanded?

9:00 - 9:10

Welcome and Housekeeping

9:10 - 9:20

Reviewing Yesterday's Reflections

  • We will adapt the text rendering protocol to read and reflect on yesterday's reflections.

      • Make your own copy of the document to annotate.

      • This time, identify either one sentence, one phrase, or one word.

      • Read what you identified aloud in today's virtual circle.

9:20 - 9:40

Writing Into the Day: "The Importance of the Act of Reading"

  • "The Importance of the Act of Reading" by Freire (1983) has continued to be read in the PhilWP ISI. Why do you think it resonates so much over the years?

9:40 - 9:55

What is Literacy? Literacies? Racial Literacy?

9:55 - 10:20

Telling Our Stories: Writing "I Am" Poems

10:20 - 10:30


10:30 - 10:50

Sharing Our "I Am" Poems

  • In home groups, read your poems, line by line, in your triad with each person reading one line at a time.

      • How did that feel?

      • What did you discover?

  • Emily Style (2014) wrote that using "selves and shelves" is a way to address “hot-button” issues (think: racial literacy). How does the “I Am” poem fit in with this?

10:50- 11:45

Introduction to Jefferson's Weather Record and Considerations for Selecting Primary Sources

11:45 - 11:50 + afternoon

Closing and Afternoon Activities

  1. On a shared slide, add one word to describe how you are feeling during day 4.

  2. Journal groups

  3. Reaction Sheet

  4. Asynchronous Activity: Check on and add to posts in the TPS Teachers Network

  5. Reading to Prepare for Day 5:

Teacher Facing-Day4 - PhilWP 2020 ISI Slideshow

Virtual circle

The importance of the act of reading

Promoting Racial Literacy in Schools

Blog post: Many ways to use “I am” poems!

Our reflections on "I am" poems

Considerations for Selecting Primary Resources

Our notes on considerations for selecting sources

Our found primary sources from Day 2

One word reflections