Current Committee

PinC’s committee includes both those who occupy committee positions and those who are links. Links are the volunteers in charge of PinC’s individual projects and therefore manage the volunteers working on their project and liaise with our contact within the institution.

If you would like to occupy a committee position or become a link then please contact us.

Emily Wright – President

Link for the Roundabout project

“I am a third-year Philosophy and History student. My job is to represent PinC and ensure our committee works well together. It was in my second year, volunteering at a charity for homeless young people, that I saw the real value of philosophy for those without an academic grounding in the subject.

Discussing philosophy develops confidence, critical thinking skills and empathy. Volunteering isn’t just about giving – by doing philosophy with those who have little or no experience of it, I am forced to explain the issues clearly and to make my own opinions understandable to a wider audience. These skills are hugely important for a good philosopher.”

Vice President and Outreach: Emily Neary

Link for the Mercia project

“I’m a second-year philosophy student. As vice president and outreach I organise new projects and take over the president’s roles of she is unavailable. I joined PinC as a volunteer and then became the project link for Mercia in my first year. It’s so fun and rewarding to see the students’ progress and enthusiasm for philosophy in the projects we run, and I think the work we do making philosophy more accessible for the wider community is so important as it teaches really useful skills.”

Secretary: Ethan Bourque

“I am a second-year Politics and Philosophy student. As secretary, I am responsible for booking committee meetings and for recording what is discussed in them. I remember hearing about PinC on a university open day in Sheffield and thinking what a brilliant project it would be to get involved in – not only did it involve talking about philosophy, but doing it with people who wouldn’t normally get the chance to do so!

In my first year, I got involved with PinC in primary schools, which I thoroughly enjoyed because of how engaging the children were to work with. I decided to join the committee in the second year to continue my work from the first year, and to help the disadvantaged in society too.”

Publicity and Social Secretary: Andreea Huidan

“I’m a second-year Politics & Philosophy student from Romania. I joined PinC in my first year, volunteering at Westbourne. I’ve discovered my passion for facilitating philosophical discussion amongst children and I’ve learnt so many things from them. My university experience would have been significantly different without PinC – aside from the educational aspect of volunteering, I believe PinC is also about creating a community of people who value the pragmatic aspect of philosophy and are willing to share it with others.

My role in the committee allows me to take care of the fun social bits and make sure that we’re all having a great time outside the philosophy sessions as well! I also manage our Facebook page and Pinky’s (our mascot) Instagram account.”

Volunteers Coordinator: Seline Uran

“I am a third year psychology student and I have been involved with PinC for two years. As volunteers secretary, my job is to ensure volunteers are allocated to their preferred projects and to offer them support. I have volunteered in PinC’s school projects, as well as facilitated discussion in our pub-centred ‘Think n Drink’ sessions.

As a non-philosophy student, I feel that volunteering with PinC has boosted my critical thinking skills and argumentation on a wide variety of ethical and philosophical conundrums. For this reason, I would encourage students from any course to get involved!”

Treasurer and Transport: Francine Else

Link for Westbourne Primary School

“Hi I’m Francine, I’m a third year philosophy student and joined PinC in my first year. I have volunteered at Westbourne primary school for the last two years and love seeing how passionate the students are about the sessions we run. As treasurer and transport, I am responsible for the taxis needed to get volunteers to the different projects and also ensuring we stick within our budget.”