Shared Inventory Database

What Is the Shared Invetory Database?

Want to take advantage of the tremendous pool of physical resources from across the theatre industry? Join the shared inventory database!

The Shared Database is the brainchild of the Philadelphia Theatre Community's Resource Sharing Committee (RSC) and administered through Philadelphia Scenic Works.

It is a single, shared, decentralized online inventory (using a software called StageStock) that multiple organizations and individual artists use to list some (or all ) of their inventory for others to borrow or rent. It contains props, costumes, lighting instruments, etc. Theatre-makers looking for items can search the entire inventory at once, and then connect with the item owners to arrange to borrow or rent the items.

The goal of this project is to activate the inventory that often sits lifeless for months or years in some companies' storage. This helps theatre-makers find local, cheap (or free!) resources instead of spending their limited resources on new items for only a few weeks worth of usage. This lets companies who have an inventory make a little money off it, helps other companies in the community, reduces purchases of new products, and keeps items from getting dumped at the end of a project.

Learn more and sign up here:

About/The Basics

Username: freeviewer

Password: givemestuff

How do I get Involved?

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