(2) International journals

SJR Q1 Journals

[Castillo et al., 2023]
Castillo, J. R., Flores, M. J., and Leray, P. (2023). Predicting spotify audio features from last.fm tags. Multimedia Tools and Applications, pages ?-? [ DOI | http link]

[Ferhat et al., 2021]
Ferhat, M., Ritou, M., Leray, P., and Le Du, N. (2021). Incremental discovery of new defects: application to screwing process monitoring. CIRP Annals. [ DOI | http ]

[Mouchabac et al., 2021]
Mouchabac, S., Leray, P., Adrien, V., Gollier-Briant, F., and Bonnot, O. (2021). Beyond big data in behavioral psychiatry, the place of bayesian network. / example from a preclinical trial of an innovative smartphone application to prevent suicide relapse. Journal of Medical Internet Research, In Press:?-?.  [ DOI | http ]

[Asvatourian et al., 2020]
Asvatourian, V., Leray, P., Michiels, S., and Lanoy, E. (2020). Integrating expert’s knowledge constraint of time dependent exposures in structure learning for bayesian networks. Artificial Intelligence in Medecine, 107:101874. [ DOI | http ]

[Ben Ishak et al., 2016]
Ben Ishak, M., Leray, P., and Ben Amor, N. (2016). Probabilistic relational model benchmark generation: Principle and application. Intelligent Data Analysis, 20(3):615-635. [ DOI | http ]

[Ben Messaoud et al., 2015]
Ben Messaoud, M., Leray, P., and Ben Amor, N. (2015). Semcado: A serendipitous strategy for causal discovery and ontology evolution. Knowledge-Based Systems, 76:79-95. [ DOI | http ]

[Jarraya et al., 2014b]
Jarraya, A., Leray, P., and Masmoudi, A. (2014b). Implicit parameter estimation for conditional gaussian bayesian networks. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 7, Supplement 1 'Computational Intelligence in Decision Making':6-17. [ DOI | http ]

[Jarraya et al., 2014a]
Jarraya, A., Leray, P., and Masmoudi, A. (2014a). Discrete exponential bayesian networks : definition, learning and application for density estimation. Neurocomputing, 137(0):142 - 149. [ DOI | http ]

[Mourad et al., 2013]
Mourad, R., Sinoquet, C., Zhang, N., Liu, T., and Leray, P. (2013). A survey on latent tree models and applications. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 47:157-203. [DOI | http ]

[Mourad et al., 2012]
Mourad, R., Sinoquet, C., and Leray, P. (2012). Probabilistic graphical models for genetic association studies. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 13(1):20-33. [ DOI | http ]

[Mourad et al., 2011a]
Mourad, R., Sinoquet, C., Dina, C., and Leray, P. (2011a). Visualization of pairwise and multilocus linkage disequilibrium structure using latent forests. PLoS ONE, 6(12):e27320. [ DOI | http ]

[Mourad et al., 2011b]
Mourad, R., Sinoquet, C., and Leray, P. (2011b). A hierarchical bayesian network approach for linkage disequilibrium modeling and data-dimensionality reduction prior to genome-wide association studies. BMC Bioinformatics, 12(1):16. [ DOI | http ]

[Tabia and Leray, 2011]
Tabia, K. and Leray, P. (2011). Alert correlation: Severe attack prediction and controlling false alarm rate tradeoffs. Intelligent Data Analysis Journal, 15(6):955-978. [ DOI | http ]

[Donat et al., 2010]
Donat, R., Leray, P., Bouillaut, L., and Aknin, P. (2010). A dynamic bayesian network to represent discrete duration models. Neurocomputing), 4-6(73):570-577. [ DOI | http ]

[Zaarour et al., 2004]
Zaarour, I., Heutte, L., Leray, P., Labiche, J., Eter, B., and Mellier, D. (2004). Clustering and bayesian network approaches for discovering handwriting strategies of primary school children. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 18(7):1233-1251. [ DOI ]

Former publications about neural networks and feature selection

[Leray and Gallinari, 1999]
Leray, P. and Gallinari, P. (1999). Feature selection with neural networks. Behaviormetrika (special issue on Analysis of Knowledge Representation in Neural Network Models), 26(1):145-166. [ http ]