Who is Philip Moreb?

To the public, Philip Moreb is the renowned representative of the US based eco friendly hemp company Cartel Blue that is publicly traded on OTC markets under the ticker symbol CTRL. He is a star player on the team and the CEO of the company, but that is not all he is known for. His resume takes him to the heights of the marketing world as he has worked with numerous Fortune 500 Companies and tabloids have nicknamed him a "natural marketing talent." Many in the industry find it admirable because of his marketing skills that have helped many companies take off.

Now for the reality: whatever the above description entails is how Philip Moreb wishes he would be known in public. But that is definitely not an accurate description, on the contrary it is a complete fabrication because Moreb is just a dishonorable investment con artist posing as a reliable and inspiring CEO. He manipulates others' perceptions of him in order to gain their respect and admiration while, in reality, he should be publicly humiliated and degraded. Moreb has been luring investors into Cartel Blue and other bogus ventures forever and has a long list of victims. CEO Philip Moreb promises them enormous investment returns, but all they receive once the money is sent is loss, betrayal, and humiliation.

The public POV vs my encounters with Moreb: what is the truth?

Before you assume that all of this is just hearsay and propaganda spread by his rivals, it is not. It is what I personally experienced when I dealt with the charlatan Philip Moreb. He unexpectedly emailed me one day and identified himself as the CEO of Cartel Blue, which sounded fishy but I confirmed the fact with a confirmation call at Cartel Blue. Moving forward toward the actual deal once it was determined that he was not a pretend representative of Cartel Blue, ultimately proved to be the final straw in the loss of my financial independence. He assured me that the investment returns would be enormous because the company was only going to rise in the market, and this was a chance I did not want to pass up in any way.

The issue arose immediately after I transferred the investment—on Philip Moreb's rather peculiar request to his personal accounts. Like all of his victims, I believed that there was no need for concern because he was the one managing Cartel Blue and would handle the money transfer personally. That, however, was not the case like I found out when it was too late, because as soon as the transfer went through he turned into this whole new person. worried about his changed demeanor, I went looking for him at his office and got insulted and kicked out by the staff on his instructions. It wouldn't have taken a genius to realize that shit had hit the fan and I was in some serious financial trouble, because he had refused to acknowledge my existence, much less the fact that I had invested. I was now penniless.

Why does Philip Moreb need to be exposed?

In spite of all the fancy titles the public knows and refers to him by, Philip Moreb is nothing more than a deceitful con. He has spent his entire life robbing people and draining them of their resources, without a care in the world of how it impacts them and their finances. many of his victims have ended up on the verge of bankruptcy and robbed of their financial independence, but it doesn't matter to Moreb.

Philip Moreb has spent his entire life robbing people and draining them of their resources, without a care in the world of how it impacts them and their finances. Many of his victims have ended up on the verge of bankruptcy and robbed of their financial independence, but it doesn't matter to Moreb. This vulture may have forced me to lose all of my savings but this needs to stop at me. Learn from my errors and avoid engaging Moreb or entertaining his stories at all costs. Shame him and call out this con artist in public!