

Import Shocks and Gendered Labor Market Responses: Evidence from Mexico, Labour Economics, 2024, Vol.88. 

[Paper]     [Working Paper]

Abstract: This paper studies gender differences in labor market responses of workers in Mexico to tradeliberalization with China. To measure exposure to import competition, I exploit variation in theinitial industry structure of Mexican local labor markets. I show that aggregate outcomes maskheterogeneous responses based on gender. Both women and men experience lower growth inemployment shares but the change in the labor force participation rate is negatively affected for men and positively affected for women. Further analysis shows that women move into self-employment and that informal employment acts as a "buffer" to attenuate negative employmenteffects, especially for male workers.

Working Papers & Work in Progress

Workplace Breastfeeding and Maternal Employment (with Elisabeth Wurm)

 revised version coming soon!

Transmission of Gender Norms and Women's Labor Force Participation over Time

awarded with the NOeG Dissertation Fellowship 2021/22 & Theodor Körner Prize 2023

How is global commerce affecting the gender composition of employment? A firm-level analysis of the effects of exposure to gender norms via trade and FDI (with Carolina Lennon and Alyssa Schneebaum)

revise&resubmit at Labour Economics