Useful Links for PhDs and PostDocs

Opportunities at Viadrina

The Viadrina Center for Graduate Studies (VCGS) is where

  • PhD researchers

  • postdocs

  • and Master’s degree students interested in doing a PhD

can obtain advice on general issues relating to doctoral and postdoctoral studies. Are you already doing research at the Viadrina and seeking advice or information on our funding opportunities? Or are you interested in doing your PhD at the Viadrina or pursuing postdoctoral research at our university?

Find out more about the offers from VCGS! Feel free to contact then any time at

The Viadrina International Affairs offers the Viadrina International Program – for Graduates (VIP) that is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the European University Viadrina. The VIP offers PhD students and Postdocs of the European University Viadrina and also international PhD Students the opportunity of developing an international research and career profile.

Located in the Department for Equal Opportunities (Abteilung fĂĽr Chancengleichheit), the Viadrina Mentoring offers guidelines for female students, doctoral candidates and postdocs. The aim of the program is to increase the proportion of women in leading positions in the long term, both in science and non-academic fields, through workshops, networking opportunities and exchange with experienced mentors.

On this page you can find academic jobs at different chairs of the University.

The PhD students of European University Viadrina can enrol in the regular language courses of the university in case they are matriculated and have the matriculation number. The A1 and A2 level courses for all languages except Polish (+ middle levels for English) are subject to a fee of 190€ and the rest of the courses are FREE. However, please take into account that currently, until 2022, the amount of fee for beginner courses will be fully returned if the student will attend at least 75% of the course.

External Opportunities

Useful Translation and Word Processing Tools


  1. Google Translate - Translating words and phrases. It has a lot of languages from all around the world, as well as the possibility to hear the pronunciation. Drawback: low-quality translation.

  2. Deepl Translator - Translating words and phrases, similar to Google Translation but with better quality. Drawbacks - only for a limited amount of languages and does not have the function to swap the already selected languages.

  3. Thesaurus - Very good source for finding synonyms or finding a word that you are trying to remember by its synonyms.

  4. - One of the best websites for translating to and from German language. It has many functions, including the pronunciation, and more importantly, a lot of alternative translation results.


  1. Grammarly - Very useful tool for checking the accuracy and consistency of your writing. You can copy the text into the Grammarly website, or add it as a browser extension, so it also checks your emails and other web activity.

Social Networks for Academics

The purpose of the academic social networks are to find literature for your topic, to publish your papers and to connect with other academics.

  1. Google Scholar

  2. Academia edu

  3. Research Gate

  4. SSRN

Courses and Seminars

Writing in the Sciences (Stanford University-Online)

This course teaches scientists to become more effective writers, using practical examples and exercises. Topics include: principles of good writing, tricks for writing faster and with less anxiety, the format of a scientific manuscript, peer review, grant writing, ethical issues in scientific publication, and writing for general audiences

Project Management Platforms

  1. Trello - very good project management platform, especially for large team projects. It is based on the Kanban Board management system.

  2. Miro - An Online Visual Collaboration Platform for Teamwork.

Statistical Analysis Software

A good statistical analysis software is necessary for extracting valid results as regards field research. Although some, such as SPSS, require a fair investment of time to handle, the following are worth considering:

  1. SPSS Statistics

  2. RStudio

  3. JMP

  4. Stata

  5. GNU Octave

  6. Minitab 18

  7. EViews 12

  8. Scilab

Language Learning Sources

It is often the case that career opportunities or some tasks concerning our PhD/PostDoc studies (such as field research) come with the demand of a specific language. To help you gain more opportunities or extract the best possible results from your projects by learning and/or keeping in touch with a language, we recommend the following sources:

Improve your English


1001 Words You Need To Know and Use: An A-Z of Effective Vocabulary



Online Sources



Online Sources


conference databases

the rest is up to you!

Suggest us useful sources enhancing our abilities, pertinent seminars and workshops you know are useful for others, share valuable information with us so that we also share it with others. Share the knowledge to help researchers like you make the necessary impact for societal progression.