PhD. Research

Introducing my self

My name is Ali Nabeel Aliedani. I am a lecturer in Computer engineering department, Basra University, Iraq. I got B.Sc degree from Basra University and M.Tech (CSE) from GGS University, India. Currently, I am studying Ph.D. at La Trobe University.

The research area

I investigate car park coordination mechanism based on vehicle to vehicle communication with shrinking the car parking infrastructure role. The main challenge in this study is that vehicles have self-interest and competing to get a suitable parking space. In addition, vehicles strive with a shortage of knowledge about parking availability and the profile of competition vehicles. The vehicles have to trade off between the contention to get a parking space and cooperation to extend vehicles' knowledge.

I have studied the following scenarios:

  • Car park area with limitation in parking availability.
  • With vehicle's objective to park close to a destination, a large car parking area has investigated with increasing in parking availability distributed in different geographic locations and number of the searching vehicles.
  • The impact of selfish behaviour to find a better parking space, in case vehicles work individually and as a gang, on parking operation that depends on vehicle cooperation has studied.
  • Investigating the Dropping passengers off in a limited drop-off area as at the airport scenario with streaming vehicles at high speed.


Some executed scenarios by simulation tool have been recorded:

A- A grid car park network with size 1000*500m is implemented. The destination building is located on the middle left side of the car park area with three car entrance gate at the opposite side. The vehicles objective are to find a park close to the destination where few free slots available nearer to the target with an increase in the level toward the entrance gates.

The scenario has assessed three approaches:

  1. Vehicles intend to compete to park nearer to the destination without cooperation among them (record).
  2. Same as above, but vehicles cooperate via sharing the intention to determine the possibility to park before arriving at the parking slot based the park to the nearest vehicle (record).
  3. CoPark-WS (come from Cooperate car Parking concerning Walking and searching time) is evaluated (record). Also, in shows comparison between CoPark-WS and GD behaviour as in the first point.

B- Drop-off scenario is assessed with streaming vehicles from the highway road to the drop-off area. CDO (come from Cooperative Drop-Off) approach is presented here, that coordinate the rate of coming vehicles to drop-off area and forming platoon based on estimating leaving vehicles the area.


Although there are many simulation platforms have been introduced to evaluate the transportation system in various directions, few of them provide modelling of the individual vehicle with facilities to make an intelligent decision based on real-time observation. I have used simulation tool consist of SUMO and JADE, which meet my implementation requirement. SUMO model the mobility form of the vehicle, reflect the run-time information to JADE via ( TraCI and TraSMAPI interfaces) and alter the mobility pattern based on the collected decision from JADE. Besides the SUMO provide the physical domain, JADE present the cyber domain. It designs the vehicle strategies via simulating the software gent installing in the vehicle. It enables the vehicle to gather the information from SUMO, communicate with other agents and make decisions that executed by SUMO.

My work mainly in the JADE side to programming the vehicle behaviours. I implemented the vehicle strategies in CoPark-N-C-O (for limited car park area), CoPark-WS ( for large car park area with two accuracy levels of initial information), Deception Detection Mechanism (DDM) that accompany with CoPark-WS, and CDO approaches. I have upload the main source code in this link.

Published list

  1. A. Aliedani, S. W. Loke, A. Desia, and P. Desai, “Investigating vehicle-to-vehicle communication for cooperative car parking: the copark approach,” pp. 7–13, Proceeding of IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 2016.
  2. A. Aliedani, S. W. Loke, " Vehicular Cooperation to Overcome the Car Park Challenge", 14th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous ), 2017.
  3. S. W. Loke, A. Aliedani, "On cooperative autonomous vehicles in the urban environment: Issues and challenges for dropping-off and parking." World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), pp. 615-618, 2018.
  4. A. Aliedani, S. W. Loke. Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles: an Investigation of the Drop-Off Problem. IEEE Transactions on intelligent Vehicles. 2018.
  5. A. Aliedani, S. W. Loke. Decision-Theoretic Cooperative Parking for Connected Vehicles: An Investigation. 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV).
  6. A. Aliedani, S. W. Loke. "Cooperative Car Parking using Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication: an Agent-Based Analysis". Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 2018.