Potrero Hill Community Garden

Next Event

The Fall 2022 workday has not been scheduled yet.

If you would like to join us and help with some weeding and annual projects, please check back here on the next workday and come by and introduce yourself on that day.

Established in the early 1970's, the Potrero Hill Community Garden is one of many gardens operating under the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department. Membership is open to any resident of the city.

Located on a once-vacant lot above the slopes where the "Goat Lady" of Potrero Hill used to graze her herd, the garden now consists of dozens of plots and common areas maintained by SF residents using organic methods.

The garden boasts of panoramic views of the Mission, Twin Peaks, and on a clear day even the Golden Gate Bridge. Its sunny, Mediterranean climate permits cultivation of fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals, including dahlias: the official flower of San Francisco.

We invite you to visit!