
Privacy Policy



Last updated 06/01/2024

Games4Vidiots (“we” or “us” or “our”) respects the privacy of our users (“user” or “you”). This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you visit our mobile application (the “Application”).   Please read this Privacy Policy carefully.  IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY, PLEASE DO NOT ACCESS THE APPLICATION. 

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time and for any reason.  We will alert you about any changes by updating the “Last updated” date of this Privacy Policy.  You are encouraged to periodically review this Privacy Policy to stay informed of updates. You will be deemed to have been made aware of, will be subject to, and will be deemed to have accepted the changes in any revised Privacy Policy by your continued use of the Application after the date such revised Privacy Policy is posted.  

This Privacy Policy does not apply to the third-party online/mobile store from which you install the Application or make payments, including any in-game virtual items, which may also collect and use data about you.  We are not responsible for any of the data collected by any such third party. 


We may collect information about you in a variety of ways.  The information we may collect via the Application depends on the content and materials you use, and includes:  

Personal Data 

Demographic and other personally identifiable information (such as your name and email address) that you voluntarily give to us when choosing to participate in various activities related to the Application, such as chat, posting messages in comment sections or in our forums, liking posts, sending feedback, and responding to surveys.  If you choose to share data about yourself via your profile, online chat, or other interactive areas of the Application, please be advised that all data you disclose in these areas is public and your data will be accessible to anyone who accesses the Application.

Derivative Data  

Information our servers automatically collect when you access the Application, such as your native actions that are integral to the Application, including liking, re-blogging, or replying to a post, as well as other interactions with the Application and other users via server log files.  

Financial Data 

Financial information, such as data related to your payment method (e.g. valid credit card number, card brand, expiration date) that we may collect when you purchase, order, return, exchange, or request information about our services from the Application. [We store only very limited, if any, financial information that we collect. Otherwise, all financial information is stored by our payment processor, Google Checkout, and you are encouraged to review their privacy policy and contact them directly for responses to your questions.

Facebook Permissions  

The Application may by default access your Facebook basic account information, including your name, email, gender, birthday, current city, and profile picture URL, as well as other information that you choose to make public. We may also request access to other permissions related to your account, such as friends, checkins, and likes, and you may choose to grant or deny us access to each individual permission. For more information regarding Facebook permissions, refer to the Permissions Reference page.

Data from Social Networks  

User information from social networking sites, such as Facebook, Google+ Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, including your name, your social network username, location, gender, birth date, email address, profile picture, and public data for contacts, if you connect your account to such social networks. This information may also include the contact information of anyone you invite to use and/or join the Application.

Geo-Location Information 

We may request access or permission to and track location-based information from your mobile device, either continuously or while you are using the Application, to provide location-based services. If you wish to change our access or permissions, you may do so in your device’s settings.

Mobile Device Access 

We may request access or permission to certain features from your mobile device, including your mobile camera, contacts, microphone, reminders, sensors, SMS messages, social media accounts, storage and other features. If you wish to change our access or permissions, you may do so in your device’s settings.

Mobile Device Data 

Device information such as your mobile device ID number, model, and manufacturer, version of your operating system, phone number, country, location, and any other data you choose to provide.

Push Notifications 

We may request to send you push notifications regarding your account or the Application. If you wish to opt-out from receiving these types of communications, you may turn them off in your device’s settings.

Third-Party Data 

Information from third parties, such as personal information or network friends, if you connect your account to the third party and grant the Application permission to access this information.

Data From Contests, Giveaways, and Surveys 

Personal and other information you may provide when entering contests or giveaways and/or responding to surveys.


The mobile game "Phazed" does not collect any user information. Nor does it store any user information to the local device. 


"Phazed" does not collect or distribute any user information for any purposes. 


Cookies and Web Beacons

We don't collect or use cookies or Web Beacons.

Internet-Based Advertising

No advertising of any sort is used in Phazed.

Website Analytics 

Phazed does not work with any 3rd parties to collect information for analytics. This includes Unity or Google Analytics.


There are no links to 3rd party websites within the application.


No information is collected by the application.


We do not knowingly solicit information from children under the age of 13. If you become aware of any data we have collected from children under age 13, please contact us using the contact information provided below.  The application is appropriate for all ages. 


Most web browsers and some mobile operating systems include a Do-Not-Track (“DNT”) feature or setting you can activate to signal your privacy preference not to have data about your online browsing activities monitored and collected.  No uniform technology standard for recognizing and implementing DNT signals has been finalized. As such, we do not currently respond to DNT browser signals or any other mechanism that automatically communicates your choice not to be tracked online.  If a standard for online tracking is adopted that we must follow in the future, we will inform you about that practice in a revised version of this Privacy Policy.  


California Civil Code Section 1798.83, also known as the “Shine The Light” law, permits our users who are California residents to request and obtain from us, once a year and free of charge, information about categories of personal information (if any) we disclosed to third parties for direct marketing purposes and the names and addresses of all third parties with which we shared personal information in the immediately preceding calendar year. If you are a California resident and would like to make such a request, please submit your request in writing to us using the contact information provided below.

If you are under 18 years of age, reside in California, and have a registered account with the Application, you have the right to request removal of unwanted data that you publicly post on the Application. To request removal of such data, please contact us using the contact information provided below, and include the email address associated with your account and a statement that you reside in California.  We will make sure the data is not publicly displayed on the Application, but please be aware that the data may not be completely or comprehensively removed from our systems.


If you have questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:



You can download a copy of this policy below: