REV Method

How it works:

Loop for all elements 2:numElements

Attenuate all element except element i and element 1 (which is why its 2:numelements)

With element 1 and i enabled, loop for all 32 phase shifts of element i (11.25 deg steps (5 bit phase shifter))

Record the sum of the signal emitted from the array (this is a complex signal)

Convert the collected complex signal into a power measurement and record the angle related to that power measurement

Update the maxPower variable every shift if the power recorded is greater than the previous maxPower and log the angle in phaseShiftsMaxPow

maxPower is needed because this will indicate when element i and element 1 are in phase

Update the minPower variable every shift if the power recorded is less than the previous minPower and log the angle in phaseShiftsMinPow

minPower is needed because this will indicate when element i and element 1 are out of phase

Return these two matrices: phaseShiftsMaxPow, phaseShiftsMinPow

Add 180 deg to minPower, then mod 360 to limit the shift to [0,360) domain

Average phaseShiftsMaxPow and phaseShiftsMinPow (even though they should be the same values, with noise sometimes they will be a bit off and averaging accounts for that)

Shift the tapers of the test array accordingly using phaseShift function. This only calibrates phase. The accuracy will be half the phase shift step value