Phantom® Wallet Extension for Chrome, Firefox 🦊

The Phantom Wallet Extension isn't just a place to store your crypto; it's your launchpad into the dynamic world of Web3. Forget juggling separate apps for different blockchains and NFTs – Phantom offers a streamlined experience that lets you manage everything with ease.

Phantom Wallet Extension is a popular tool for navigating the exciting world of Web3, specifically the Solana (SOL) blockchain ecosystem. It functions as a secure and user-friendly crypto wallet that goes beyond just storing digital assets.

Here's what makes Phantom the go-to extension for Web3 explorers:

Top Features of Phantom Wallet Extension

Break Free from Blockchain Silos: Unlike single-chain wallets, Phantom embraces the multi-chain future. Manage your assets seamlessly across Solana, Ethereum, and Polygon, the leading Web3 ecosystems.

    NFT Gallery at Your Fingertips: No more hunting for your prized NFTs! Phantom provides a dedicated gallery within the wallet, allowing you to showcase your collection and manage individual NFTs with ease.

    DeFi on Autopilot: Ready to dive into decentralized finance? Phantom empowers you to swap tokens directly within the wallet, eliminating the need for complex exchange interfaces. Buy, sell, and trade – all within the familiar Phantom environment.

    You Are in Control: Phantom prioritizes user empowerment. You hold the private keys to your crypto assets, ensuring they remain secure on your device. No third-party ever has access to your funds.

    Security Fortified: Phantom takes security seriously. Built-in scam detection helps identify suspicious transactions before you confirm them. Additionally, Phantom integrates with Ledger hardware wallets, providing an extra layer of protection for your most valuable digital assets.

Downloading Phantom Wallet Extension

Getting started with Phantom is as simple as unlocking the door to Web3. Head over to the official website ( and choose the download option for your preferred browser (Chrome, Firefox, Brave, or Edge). Alternatively, you can find Phantom directly within your browser's extension store.

Using the Phantom Wallet Website:

Head over to the official Phantom website:

Scroll down to the "Download" section.

You'll see icons for Chrome, Firefox, Brave (similar to Chrome), and Edge. Click the icon for your preferred browser.

Alternatively, Phantom Wallet Extension Downloading Through Your Browser Store:

Open your desired browser (Chrome, Firefox, or Edge).

Access your browser's extension store. Here's how to find it for each browser:

Chrome: Click the three dots in the top right corner, then select "More tools" -> "Extensions."

Firefox: Click the three horizontal lines in the top right corner, then select "Add-ons and Themes."

Edge: Click the three dots in the top right corner, then select "Extensions."

In the search bar of the extension store, type "Phantom Wallet."

Look for the official "Phantom Wallet" extension and click "Add to [Chrome/Firefox/Edge]" (depending on your browser).

Getting Started with Phantom Wallet Extension

Setting Up Your Phantom Wallet Extension (Step-by-Step):

    Once downloaded, locate the new Phantom Wallet Extension icon in your browser's extension bar (usually top right corner). Click on it to launch the setup process.

    Choose "Create a new wallet."

    Crucial Step: Create a strong password for your wallet. Remember, this password is only used for accessing the wallet on your current device and browser profile.

    You'll be presented with a 12-word recovery phrase. Write down this phrase carefully on a piece of paper and store it securely in a safe location. This phrase is essential for recovering your wallet if you lose access to your device. Never share your recovery phrase with anyone!

    Confirm your recovery phrase by entering the words in the correct order.

    Congratulations! You've successfully set up your Phantom Wallet Extension and are ready to explore Web3.

follow the on-screen instructions to create a new wallet. Remember, this is a self-custodial wallet, so be sure to write down your recovery phrase securely. This phrase is crucial for regaining access to your wallet in case of any issues.

Connect Hardware Wallets to phantom wallet extension

Both the extension and app allow you to connect your Ledger hardware wallet for an extra layer of protection. Here's a general guideline (consult specific instructions for your Ledger device):

Just ensure your hardware wallet (Ledger Nano S, Nano X) is updated to the latest firmware. 

Make sure the relevant app for the blockchain you want to use (e.g., Solana, Ethereum) is installed on your hardware wallet. 

Connecting Your Hardware Wallet

Open Phantom Wallet Extension:

Locate the Phantom icon in your browser's extension bar (usually top right corner) and click on it to launch the extension.

Settings: Click on the gear icon on the right top or the menu button within Phantom Wallet to access the settings.

Find "Connect Hardware Wallet": Navigate the settings menu and look for the option "Connect Hardware Wallet" or similar wording (might be under "Security").

Select Blockchain: A new window might pop up prompting you to choose the blockchain you want to connect. Select the appropriate blockchain (e.g., Solana, Ethereum) based on the app installed on your hardware wallet.

Connect and Verify: Follow the on-screen instructions displayed in both Phantom and your hardware wallet device. This typically involves confirming the connection on your hardware wallet screen.


Phantom Wallet Extension isn't just another crypto wallet; it's a comprehensive gateway to the exciting world of Web3. With its focus on security, user control, and multi-chain functionality, Phantom empowers you to manage your digital assets, explore NFTs, and interact with dApps seamlessly.

This guide has equipped you with the knowledge to:

    Download Phantom Wallet Extension safely on various browsers.

    Set up your Phantom wallet (extension and app) with detailed step-by-step instructions.

    Securely connect your Ledger hardware wallet to the Phantom Extension for an extra layer of protection.

Remember, Phantom prioritizes user control. You hold the private keys to your assets, so be sure to manage your recovery phrase responsibly. With Phantom Wallet Extension.