Phantom is a reputable wallet. You can use it as an extension, mobile app, they might even have a desktop app. You can use the phantom wallet extension on brave. Brave is based on chromium code (which chrome, edge, opera etc) use. So the extensions available on chrome web store will work in brave.

The link you share is for the old wallet. It says deprecated in the title itself, it was a Metamask fork. The networks that the article mentions are not different blockchains like Sol, Cardano, Aave, Xtz but cold wallets like ledger and trezor. They have nothing to do with Solona blockchain.

Phantom Wallet Extension Download

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But with help from another forum, and after a series of unsuccessful attempts to make Phantom work in an Android browser, I did get a stand-alone mobile wallet called Solflare working. It has its own built-in browser, so I can separate my ordinary browsing on Brave from any crypto transactions.

I just installed the Phantom wallet extension (I think/thought) in my Brave Browser. While downloading I read the reviews in the webstore. Below is the link. There are a bunch of reviews that say the wallet extension is a scam and they had multiple hot wallets cleaned out after installing. How can I remove what I downloaded? Is there any way to protect myself? Is this really a scam wallet that looks like Phantom wallet?

if you don't want to click the link, I google phantom wallet, first result was From there I installed the extension after the site brought me to the webstore. First result was not an "Ad" and looks legit. I am aware that people create scam links and put them up at the top of the search results to scam folks.

Guys I have been trying numerous times to perform swaps on Phantom, send coins from Phantom to another address, tried to recover my seed phrase (since I am accessing my wallet with password only) without success. I have tried to perform swaps and Bridge on many Solana dapps such as Jupiter, Marginfi again without success. Please have in mind that I have enough Sol and eth to perform these transactions.

Phantom is a renowned non-custodial virtual currency wallet and browser extension that provides a straightforward and simple way to interact with different blockchain networks in the Solana (SOL) world. The wallet offers a simple, accessible extension that permits users to receive and transact digital currencies and tokens, swap tokens, and collect NFTs within the wallet.

The decentralized Web3 wallet keeps its users' private keys on their devices, giving you full control of your crypto assets. Phantom Wallet Extension is compatible with many web browsers like Edge, Chrome, Brave, and Firefox.

You can use a Ledger hardware wallet to store and manage your SPL and Solana tokens securely. 

To start, you should plug your Ledger hardware device into your PC and unlock it. 

Then, launch the Phantom Wallet Extension Extension or mobile app. 

Next, hit the Hamburger icon to launch the Account Switcher menu. 

Tap on the + icon and choose the Connect Hardware Wallet option.

After this, a new tab will appear, and your wallet will detect the Ledger hardware device.

Unlock the world of digital assets and NFTs with Phantom, one of the most popular and user-friendly crypto wallets available. We will take you on a journey of setting up your very own Phantom wallet, a Solana-based wallet that empowers you to buy, sell, and securely store your valuable NFTs.

Whether you're new to the crypto space or a seasoned enthusiast, this brief guide will walk you through the process of creating a Phantom wallet, enabling you to effortlessly manage your digital assets and embark on exciting transactions with cryptocurrencies and collectible NFTs. Get ready to dive into the world of Phantom and unleash the full potential of your crypto journey!

Look for the Phantom icon in your browser's toolbar (usually at the top right-hand side). If you can't find it, look for a "puzzle piece" icon and click on it to access a list of installed extensions. Locate Phantom and click on the "pin icon" to make it easier to find in the future.

If you are a new user, select "Create a new wallet" and enable device authentication (the process may vary depending on your device type) to protect your wallet from unauthorized access. If you already have a wallet, select "I already have a wallet" and enter your seed phrase to restore your wallets.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up your Phantom wallet. Remember to keep your Secret Recovery Phrase secure and never share it with anyone. With Phantom, you can now conveniently manage your NFT's.

i'm currently building a react-native webapp. My phantom wallet extension network is changed to, but the app seems to not be able to detect the phantom wallet itself. Would appreciate any help I can get. Here's some screenshots:

Ensure that you store your recovery phrase somewhere safe where it cannot be lost or compromised. Your recovery phrase is the master key to your wallet; loss or compromise of your seed phrase may result in permanent loss of your SOL.

The Phantom Wallet is created for Ethereum and Solana and comes as a wallet as well as a browser extension that can be used to manage digital assets and access decentralized applications. The wallet works by managing and creating private keys on behalf of its users, allowing them to store funds and sign transactions.

Furthermore, the Phantom Wallet extension inserts a Solana object into the Javascript context of every web application the user visits. The application can then interact with the wallet to complete actions such as asking for permission to perform a transaction. Additionally, the wallet offers an NFT feature and enables users to swap tokens directly on its interface.

As browser wallet extensions, such as Metamask, Phantom, and Brave, use an input field that is not designated as a password field, when a user enters their recovery phrase, it is saved on the disk in plain text form.

An attacker, or malware, with access to the computer, could then steal the seed and import the wallet on their own devices. This attack would require physically stealing the computer, having remote access, or compromising it with a remote access trojan, which is not uncommon in highly-targeted and persistent attacks.

As Halborn explains, once the seed is stored in the disk, no matter if the system is restarted or the wallet browser extension is uninstalled, the recovery phrase will remain accessible to malicious actors.

The Phantom Add-on for Firefox went missing from the Firefox Add-ons marketplace. But we're unsure whether this was a deliberate removal by Firefox or the result of a broken link. One of Moonly's developers reported the problem this morning while trying to install the Firefox Add-on for his wallet.

As of writing, you can still install the Phantom wallet actively for other browsers and platforms besides Firefox. The Phantom wallet has over 1.8 million user base, with many users syncing extensions cross-browser. Such an activity might get people doubting their wallet security, considering Phantom's history of wallet breaches.

Hence, if you use Phantom via Mozilla, you might want to transfer your funds to another wallet, as it's still uncertain why Firefox removed it from its Add-on store. While many people trust Phantom's security, you should stay safe.

In this step-by-step guide, we will learn how to stake your Solana via the Lido staking widget. This guide shows the testnet for demonstration purposes. However, the process remains the same for mainnet. You can use one of the following wallets to connect to Lido. The facility to use the hardware wallet Ledger is also provided. This guarantees an extra layer of security for the user.

If you do not have a wallet you yet, you should create a new wallet and note down the seed phrase and store it in a safe place. Follow the onscreen instructions and make sure to fund your wallet with some SOL tokens before interacting with Lido

If you have set a password to open the wallet, you might get prompted to unlock your wallet. You will, then, have to allow Lido to connect to your wallet and fetch its balance. Once connected you would be able to see your balance on the Lido widget.

To stake your SOL with lido enter the amount you wanter to stake. Once you submit you might get redirected to your wallet. On the lido widget will see a pop-up showing the state of your transaction. The Lido widget waits for you to approve this transaction through your wallet.

Note that the option to view deactivating stake accounts is visible only in Phantom and Solflare wallets. On Solong you will not be able to see these stake accounts. This is not a cause for concern as you can always migrate from Solong to either Phantom or Solflare for free

To do this, download Phantom Wallet on your mobile device or PC. Set up a new wallet or import your existing SPL (Solana Program Library) wallet, and finally, click the CONNECT WALLET button from the top right corner.

For Chrome, simply click on ADD TO CHROME to start the installation. Once the download is complete, select Phantom wallet extension from the extension menu in the top navigation bar of your browser to begin setting up.

If you are a new user, you will need to create a new wallet. You can do this by clicking the "Create New Wallet" button. You will need to create a password and a secret recovery phrase. The secret recovery phrase is a 12-word phrase that you can use to recover your wallet if you lose your password.

Once you have created a new wallet, you can deposit funds into your wallet. Phantom supports a variety of cryptocurrencies, including SOL, ETH, and USDC. You can deposit funds into your wallet using a variety of methods, including bank transfer, debit card, and credit card.

To interact with dApps on the Solana blockchain, you will need to connect your Phantom wallet to the dApp. You can do this by clicking the "Connect Wallet" button on the dApp's website. Once you have connected your wallet, you will be able to use the dApp's features. e24fc04721

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