Qamar Wahid and Pham Hong Nhung

"Love is patient, kind and never jealous"

Love all, trust a few and do wrong to none - William Shakespeare.

  • Communication
  • Honesty
  • Trust
  • Understanding
  • Respect
  • Love

"It was them that I have the best day of my life"

  1. Privacy is important to us, some of our pictures and videos are not should be posted in this website due to its privacy content and respect our privacy. I develop this site to share all my memory with her.
  2. There are more album pictures and videos for 2014 and 2015 however all those memories was on my laptop and it cannot be taken because the motherboard is broken. Now that laptop was send to the shop but then we haven’t heard any news from it. We been cheated and that shop was not being responsible for the lost as they didn’t alert us.