Welcome to Phoenix Granite!

At Phoenix, our goal is your happiness...It's as simple as that. We believe that everyone should have the kitchen or bath that they've always wanted. You've waited for what seems like a lifetime and have carefully planned it. It can be stressful making sure everything is just right. With that in mind, we will work with you to find the color AND material that work for you - functionally and aesthetically. We believe that you should understand how engineered stone and Natural Stones perform. We want you to have beauty that lasts and lasts...it's what you deserve! We take pride in what we do and there is nothing more rewarding than knowing what we create for you is lasting happiness. Give us a call, send us an e-mail, message us on Facebook or stop in to chat. We'll help you transform your kitchen or bath into a thing of beauty.

Phoenix Granite - Rising above the rest

At Phoenix Granite Fabrication, we offer Solera Sinks. To view some of the beautiful bathroom sink options available in Glass, Copper, Stone, Bronze, Bamboo and more, visit their website at: Solera Sinks.

Types of Natural Stone:

Natural stone can be classified into two general categories according to its composition: siliceous stone or calcareous stone. Knowing the difference is critical when selecting cleaning products. We will help you understand the differences and make sure you get the stone that's right for you!

Siliceous stone is composed mainly of silica or quartz-like particles. It tends to be very durable and relatively easy to clean with mild acidic cleaning solutions. Types of siliceous stone include: granite, slate, sandstone, quartzite, brownstone, and bluestone.

Calcareous stone is composed mainly of calcium carbonate. It is sensitive to acidic cleaning products and frequently requires different cleaning procedures than siliceous stone. Types of calcareous stone include: marble, travertine, limestone, and onyx. What may work on siliceous stone may not be suitable on calcareous surfaces.

A Complete Guide to the Care & Maintenance of Natural Stone can be found by following this link to the National Stone Institute.

source: Natural Stone Institute

Phoenix Granite Fabrication, Inc.

825 Evergreen Road

Leechburg, PA 15656

724-252-8995 phone

724-252-8996 fax

E-mail: phoenix.gfab@gmail.com